The harmonious development of the younger generation | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №1 (105) январь-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 05.01.2016

Статья просмотрена: 45 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Нурдинова, Ф. Х. The harmonious development of the younger generation / Ф. Х. Нурдинова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 1 (105). — С. 742-743. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).


The President's of Uzbekistan report «Further deepening of reforms and formation of the civil society is one of the key factors to our bright future» made at the solemn meeting dedicated to the 21 st anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, minutely covers the nature and meaning of the goals and objectives of the society reformations. The last year which became a golden page in the book of creative history of the independence under the motto «The Year of welfare and prosperity» was a qualitative step in improving not only the material condition of the people, but also its moral, spiritual, and intellectual growth.

In our country and in our Namangan, where statehood origins have a long tradition, attitude towards history has radically changed during the years of independence. Recognition of the historical experience of the past as an important basis for not only the present day, but also for the future, determined its major significance. The main thing is that objective attitude towards history, respect for the people's historical memory, study and promotion of the ancestors' rich heritage become a decisive factor in elimination of ideological cliches and one-sided attitude towards history. In the past year, the magazine published a variety of articles, research findings on the monuments of material cultural, objects, intangible heritage, ancestral traditions and customs of the people, and this, even a small contribution to the revival of the national historical and cultural memory gives a sense of satisfaction to the creative editorial staff.

In declaration of a 2 year ago was «The Year of a healthy child» one can see an efficient development of priority government programs started in the early years of independence that make up a common system of practical measures for the harmonious development of the younger generation. Along with this, in the context of declaration of various years a serious attention was paid to a family and mahalla institution as an important link of the society. In fact, it is in this environment the culture of historical memory of each people is formed. Declaring of the «Year of a healthy child» the Head of the State stressed the importance of family and mahalla as a school of education and stressed that it is in this environment the best qualities of a person were generated.

Indeed, if we pay attention to the biographies of our great ancestors, who by the achievements and inventions had made the invaluable contribution to the development of science, literature, art, architecture and other fields, and whose names would forever remain in the memory of peoples of the world, it became clear that since the childhood their bright future had been formed in the atmosphere reigned in the family and mahalla. Undoubtedly, peace and harmony in society determine an attitude to the past and a historical memory of a person. In this aspect, it is difficult to overestimate the positive impact of the independence on science, spirituality and enlightenment, literature and art. Over the years of independence, the government has adopted a series of decrees and regulations in order to develop and promote these areas on a global scale and in the source of execution of these documents a large-scale work has been done. Only a complex of work on remediation and accomplishment of places of worship to the great ancestors, like a drop in the ocean, displays the scale of the attention paid to foster the culture of historical memory of the people.

This is just one, but a fundamental facet of public policy aiming at revival of national consciousness. None of the nations of the world developed in isolation from its roots. In this sense, the historical memory revived identity of our people and the cultural memory gave determining impetus to stability of the society. We realize with pride that enrichment of our consciousness and hearts with the life-giving light of the past served for us in the globalizing world as a vector for gaining our own place in the world community. Exactly the experience of the past is an important factor in the harmonious development of our children and strengthens confidence in the future.

A legend says: Once a rich man asked: «How high minaret I should build in order to see Namangan from it?" A sage said with a smile: «To see Namangan you are not to build a minaret and climb it.

It would be enough to read the books written by Namangan scholars and ulamas(religious scholars), and the city will appear before your eyes».

In truth, these words consist of both a moral teaching and historical wisdom. This is evidenced by full of wonder eyes of foreign tourists who now come to our country to get acquainted with the rich history of our country.

This is a recognition and appreciation of our ancient history, spirituality and culture.

In his speech the President stressed that guarantee of healthy children is complex attention to the motherhood. With good reason the spring is identified with motherhood and woman. And it takes the deeper meaning in the «Year of a healthy child». Constant care and respect for women serves as a practical manifestation of stability of our ancient values.

From of old our people has the saying «Paradise is lays at the mothers' feet». Declaration of the «Year of a healthy child» indicates the stability of the ancestral values of the people and continuity of the historical experience.




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