Ensuring hack wireless networks | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Информационные технологии

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №2 (106) январь-2 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 13.01.2016

Статья просмотрена: 20 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Тожахмедова, И. Г. Ensuring hack wireless networks / И. Г. Тожахмедова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 2 (106). — С. 110-113. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/106/25088/ (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).


This paper deals with methods and motivations of hacking the wireless network, the most pressing at the moment.


One of the most urgent tasks today is the protection of information in wireless networks. Most wireless networks only protect the resources of the router. He is the initial stage of the security measures, separating the local network from the global. One of the simplest ways to protect wireless network invisible and put a password. But with all this, it can not guarantee complete security when connecting to the network. However, you can take certain measures that will make for an intruder to access the data more difficult.

In order to effectively protect the wireless network, you need to find out how we can crack it.

Let us examine what the motivation may serve to hack your network.

  1.              Free Internet. Despite the fact that now the ISPs offer enough affordable rates, available in almost all the attacker may want to keep in reserve a spare channel around the clock in case your internet is suddenly not available.
  2.              Listening to the interception of traffic and the subsequent break-mail accounts, social networks, and other illegal actions. Having the password for Wi-Fi attacker has the ability to decode all transmitted «over the air» traffic, including the authentication session on different sites, cookies and so on.
  3.              Industrial espionage. Currently, the office Wi-Fi, a quick set up by incompetent administrators is for an attacker to «open the door» in the corporate LAN. As a result, you can gain access to confidential information as a company as well as to personal data of employees.
  4.              Pentesting (from Eng. Penetration testing — penetration testing). Pentestery — is essentially the same hackers, but acting on the request and with the consent of the owner of the network. Their task is to check the network security and resistance to penetration from the outside (or violation of its work from the inside). Among the owners of large and medium-sized businesses, IT-baffled security structures of their businesses, the demand for such services is very high.
  5.              Curiosity. It is a fairly common reason for breaking the network. This cause is particularly prevalent among the younger generation, being a kind of method of expression and giving a reason for pride.

Let us consider several methods of hacking the wireless network.

MAC Sniffing & Spoofing — an attack of this kind are possible because the transmission of packets even when the WEP, MAC-address is sent over the network in clear text. As a result, MAC-address can be caught. Further inquiries are formed attacker access point using forged MAC.

WEP Attacks — pure data integrity tested and issued checksum (integrity check value, ICV). In 802.11 it uses CRC-32. ICV is appended to the data. Generates 24-bit initialization vector (IV) and to it «attaches» the secret key. The resulting value is the source for the generation of pseudo-random numbers. The generator produces a key sequence. Data XOR-yatsya this key sequence. The initialization vector is added to the end of all of it is transferred to the air.

Access Point Spoofing — This type of attack involves the use of fake access point, luring customers themselves. As a consequence, passwords and all data are at the attacker. The only condition for the successful implementation of this attack — burglar alarm access point must be commensurate stronger legal AP.

Plain text-attack. Enabled by the attacker knows the original message and has a copy of the encrypted response. All that is necessary in this case — the key. To obtain an attacker sends a network of some of the data and receives a response. On the basis of the response is 24-bit initialization vector used to generate a key.

Attack KoreK — in 2004 was offered a hacker calling himself KoreK. Its peculiarity is that the attack does not require weak initialization vector. To break is necessary to intercept the hundreds of thousands of staff. In the analysis using only the initialization vectors.

Attack Thews-Weinmann-Pyshkina — it was proposed in 2007 by Erik Thews (Erik Tews), Ralf-Phillip Weinmann (Ralf-Philipp Weinmann) and Andrei Pyshkina. It uses the opportunity injection ARPzaprosov the wireless network. At the moment this is the most effective attack to hack requires only a few tens of thousands of staff. The analysis uses the entire frame.

Attack Fluhrer-Mantin-Shamir. Employees Cisco Scott Fluhrer, Itsik Mantin, and Adi Shamir of Israel Research Institute have discovered a critical vulnerability in the algorithm Key Scheduling Algorithm (KSA), which stands at the heart of RC4. With it you can get a 24-bit WEP, and even a 128-bit key WEP 2. The result of the research — two programs: Air snort and WEPCrack, in certain circles, is particularly popular. To carry out the attack need at least half a million packages. After updating the protocol the attack failed.

Denial of service (DDoS) attacks — the goal of any denial of service attack is to limit access to legitimate user to network resources, which is provided by sending a huge number of malformed packets, flooding the legitimate traffic and causing freeze and / or system reboot.

Low Hanging Fruit — this type of attack is designed for extraction of resources from the vulnerable unprotected networks. Most wireless networks are absolutely unprotected, they do not require authorization, and do not even use WEP, because a person with a wireless network card and a scanner can easily connect to the Access Point-have and use all the resources available to them. Hence the name — low-hanging fruit that frustrate there is no difficulty.

Rapid development of wireless technology in our country make the problem of searching for methods and means of protection against unauthorized access to the network is sufficiently urgent for both large companies and corporations that use their offices wireless networks and home users who want to ensure the safety of their information resources. To date, access to the Internet through wireless technologies provide such ISPs like TPS, EVO, SOHO, and others. In this regard, we can say, the number of attacks on wireless networks, which entails the need for additional security measures.




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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): WEP, ICV, MAC, THE, AMONG, ANVAROV, CHINA, CREATION, EDUCATION, EVO.

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В этой статье рассматриваются методы и мотивы взлома беспроводной сети, Наиболее актуальным на данный момент., This paper deals with methods and motivations of hacking the wireless network, the most pressing at the moment

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