The real purpose of implementation of distance learning | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №2 (106) январь-2 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 13.01.2016

Статья просмотрена: 24 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Азимова, Д. М. The real purpose of implementation of distance learning / Д. М. Азимова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 2 (106). — С. 763-765. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).


Organization of any project begins with a clear understanding of the purpose of development and definition of tasks, which ensures the achievement of goals. So in our case — distance learning can not in itself be an end in itself. Actual implementation of the target remote components in the educational process should be formulated in the first place. Let us try to formulate on the basis of the experience of some of them, including their objective, independent from the point of view of the administration of a single institution.

  1.              Customization training. Ultimately, this objective is to improve the potential for the quality of education by taking into account the individual characteristics of students with respect to the mean. And as a means of individualization are the components of remote technologies. The peculiarities of trainees include: the level of initial training, the speed of perception, the preferred form of presentation of information, the scope and depth of the material, motivation to learn, the subject area, the tendency to group work and several others.
  2.              Personalize the learning process. The most commonly encountered in practice target. Essence — the training is not within the study group, where the learning process anyway synchronized between the students, and training of students on an individual schedule. Moreover, this schedule can be changed quickly according to the current employment rate of the student and his perception.
  3.              The intensification or change in the nature of the teaching resource. Today in Uzbekistan, most likely, this is the most real motive of implementation of distance learning. And, indeed, no longer a secret to the average age of teachers in higher education, is constantly decreasing qualification, increasing hourly load. As teachers save time? How to attract professors from other universities, providing them with favorable conditions of work? In this formulation, distance learning is perhaps the only way out of the situation, unfortunately, coming upon the natural conservatism of both administrative and teaching staff.
  4.              Increasing the quality of education. The first thing that comes to mind when you say those words — the new learning technology. Perhaps this purpose — the most vague and controversial. A lot of emotional arguments — for and a lot of concrete — against. And the main argument against — the historical experience of a countless series of conferences for decades, the whole «army» of professors, associate professors and programmers who believe that their technology is best suited for this purpose. But, nevertheless, the use of new principles, methods and techniques, which include and access to non-traditional learning materials via CD, Internet and so on. As a manifestation of technological progress, should be, in the end, if used properly, bring fruit.
  5.              The capture new segments of the education market (for example, in remote areas). This goal is perhaps the most pragmatic of all. Indeed, if we consider education as a type of business (paid training), then it should be put business goals. In this case, distance learning, as a means, do not recognize borders, while saving all parties and, therefore, brings certainly more money in the treasury of the educational process, is of particular importance. For example, the provision of educational services in those market segments where previously access to a segment of the demand has been hampered by the remoteness, value, or unacceptable mode of service delivery.
  6.              Saving and printing of teaching experience and knowledge of teaching methods. Indeed, the unique author's training courses, which are native teachers fade with time going nowhere because not recorded or archived. Is not it can serve the purpose? Maybe it should.
  7.              Reduction component of the educational process. One of the most pragmatic possible targets. Can be achieved, for example, by electronic rather than printed publications teaching materials. Economically it is justified. Printing often can not be implemented for financial reasons, which, in turn, is defined as the direct costs and the relatively small runs and short time of «life» of such materials. This goal is in the presence of existing services such as email is quite easy and can be carried out.
  8.              The mobilization of administrative resources. In our conditions, this goal can be formulated differently — creating proper administrative resource. Often, historically developed administrative system is cumbersome, inconvenient or inappropriate to today's requirements. Creating a computer-based alternative to it, you are stimulating further improving the efficiency of the old administration, placing it before the inevitable competition with new technologies.

Problems in contrast objectives are addressed as their introduction. Priority is determined by solving problems in order to implement existing infrastructure, equipment and budget. Let us briefly consider them.

Compliance with the traditional forms of education accepted in school, in other words, to what extent the changes will affect the existing organization of the educational process and the work of teachers. Distance learning systems, for example, can not be regarded as an independent alternative system of education, but as a complement traditional to optimize the learning process in terms of the burden of the teacher. In this case, these essential components of the educational process as part of the curriculum or the dean's office, will be secondary to the information resources, means of communication and system testing.

If the system of distance learning is regarded as a new element, an alternative to traditional education, then surely in the requirements for the created the system must include electronic dean's office, a synchronization between courses, the collection of statistics on the educational process and other traditional functions of the dean's office.

Organization of delivery of educational material trained. As well, efficiently and inexpensively organize students receive textbooks required for study materials, tests, and so on. P. In a distance pupils by the teacher and possibly by the institution? To a large extent this task is related to a variety of information delivery technology and related storage media — Internet, intranet, CD-ROM, case-technology mailings of printed products, and so on. And aspects of their use. At first glance, the choice of means is not so great (if you do not take the exotic solutions are usually very expensive), but on the other hand, even the traditional Internet has become increasingly integrates different sub teсhnology, consideration of which is essential for the correct choice of solutions. Solving the problem of delivering training materials, you must pay attention to what type of information prevails — text, images, or other, as well as the amount of information required to adequately ensure the educational process.




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