Different mistakes of web design | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №3 (107) февраль-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 25.01.2016

Статья просмотрена: 9 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кадирова, Ш. С. Different mistakes of web design / Ш. С. Кадирова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 3 (107). — С. 852-854. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/107/25584/ (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).


On the Internet there are several lists with errors of web design. Most of them, however, is entitled such as «most common» or «Top 10" mistakes. Every time bumping into these lists, I thought to myself, «Oh, there should be more than 10 mistakes»... So I decided to write about all the errors encountered in web design that I come to mind, and for half an hour I wrote already about thirty. Then I dug a little in my network and a list of up to fourty errors.

The user must understand that you have for the site in a few seconds: attention is the most valuable currency in the Internet. If the visitor will not understand that you have for the site and what it is for a few seconds, he will probably go somewhere else. Your website should tell, why should I spend time on it, and quickly!

Make the content convenient for a quick look: is the Internet, not a book, so forget large blocks of text. Perhaps I'll come to your site while working on different material, so make sure that I can easily scan the entire contents Peer entirely. Do not forget about the lists, titles, subtitles... about everything that will help readers to filter the material exactly what they are looking for.

Do not use fancy fonts that are unreadable: sure there are some fonts that would draw attention to your site. However well they read? If your main goal — is to place the message and get the visitors who will read it, you should make the process comfortable for them.

Do not use tiny fonts: considerations of the preceding paragraph also apply here, you must make sure that the visitors will be comfortable to read your content. My Fireworks has the function to increase, but if I have to apply it on your site, it will probably be the last time I'll go to him.

Do not open new browser windows: I did so on my first website. The logic is simple — if I open new browser windows for external links the user will never leave my site. But this is a mistake! Better to let the user control where he wants to open the links. This is the reason why the browser has a great «back» button. Do not worry, when to send the user to another site if he wants, he'll be back (in recent times have become even porn sites stick to this principle...).

Do not resize the browser window the user: The user must control your browser. If you resize the browser window, you can create chaos and confusion on the side of the user, and, even worse, losing his confidence.

Does not require registration, if this is not necessary when I travel on the internet, I want to get the information directly, rather than look for some workarounds. Do not force me to register and to ensure that leave your e-mail address and other information, unless it is absolutely necessary (for example, if you offer me something so tempting that I come to terms with the need to register).

Never sign a visitor for anything without their consent: do not automatically subscribe to visitors when they register on your site. Sending unsolicited Email is not the best way to get friends.

Do not abuse flush: not to mention the increase in the load time of your website, excessive use of flash can irritate users. Use it only to implement some features that are not supported by the usual static pages.

Do not play music: in the early years of the Internet, Web developers often tried to create a successful integration of music into a website. Guess why they did not work? In general, do not use music.

If you need to play any sound file, have the user launches it: in some situations, the audio files are needed. Maybe you need to say some words to the user or to review your present audio component. This, of course, wonderful. But make sure that it will monitor the user, give it a click «play» button instead of having to run the music as soon as he will go to the site.

Do not clutter your website icons: firstly, badges of networks and communities make your site looking unprofessional. Even if you have a premium and distinctive icons marking them on a page «about us».

Do not make the front page: the smaller the number of steps the user will need to access the content, the better.

Make sure that you have on the site contains contact information: In principle, there is nothing wrong if the site is not listed contacts, but there is nothing wrong for people, not for you. You may lose important feedback that way.

Do not turn off the «back»: This is a very important principle of usability. Do not turn off the tap minimize «back» in any way. Opening a new browser window, for example, disrupting the button, also some links via JavaScript can it be broken.

Do not use blinking text: unless users have come to your site directly from the 1996...

Avoid complex structure URL: simple, based on keywords, URL structure will not only improve your site ranking in search engines, but also make it easier for your users to identify the content of the page before switching to it.

Use CSS instead of HTML-tables: HTML-table originally used in the imposition pages. With the advent of CSS, however, there is no reason to stick to this method. CSS is faster, more reliable and offers much more possibilities.

Make sure your site is search the entire site: there is a reason why search engines revolutionized the Internet. You probably can guess about it — because they have done a very easy search of information that we are seeking. Do not neglect this on your site.

Avoid «drop down» menus: the user should be able to see all the options of navigating directly. Use the drop-down menu can confuse and hide from the user the information he seeks.

Use text navigation: text navigation is not only faster but also more reliable. Some users, for example, travel the Internet with disabled pictures.

If you give a link to the pdf-file, select it: just click on the link, you can see how your browser is braked until run Acrobat Reader to open the (unsolicited) pdf-file? This is very annoying, so make sure that the link is clearly indicates that this pdf-file, so that users can handle it appropriately.

Do not confuse the user multiple versions: avoid confusing the user multiple versions of your website. What speed do I prefer? 56 Kbit / s? 128 Kbit / s? Flash or html? Man, just give me the content!

Do not place advertising inside the content: the mixing of ads, such as Ad sense blocks, content, can increase the CTR on short time. But in the long term, however, this will reduce the number of your readers. Irritable user — the user is lost.

Use a simple navigation structure: sometimes less is more. This rule usually applies to people and choices. Make sure your website has a single, simple navigation structure. The last thing you need — is to confuse the user as to where he should go to find the information he needs.

Avoid «Introduction»: do not force the user to wait or to read anything before it can get access to this content. This is, without doubt, annoying, and it will be only in the case if what you offer is really unique.

Do not use FrontPage: this item refers to other low-quality html-editors. Although they appeared to make web design easier, as a result, they give a bad tangled code, incompatible with different browsers and containing various bugs.

Make sure your site is compatible with different browsers: not all browsers are created equally, not all interpret CSS and other languages ​​in the same way. Whether you like it or not, you will have to make your site compatible with most popular browsers, otherwise you will lose Prospects readers.

Make sure that you include the appropriate text in the anchor text of links: I confess that I committed the error to a certain time. Simply write to people «click here». But it is inefficient. Make sure that you insert the appropriate text in your links. This ensures that your readers know where they are going, by clicking on the link, in addition, it also provides SEO-effect for pages and sites where the link points.

Do not hide links not to mention the fact that some point to an empty text in ANCOR links, the user should be able to see where the link is in the status bar of the browser. If you hide your link (because it's affiliate, for example, or for other reasons) your site will lose confidence.

Make links visible: the user should be able to easily identify what can be clicked, and that — no. Make sure that the links have a contrasting color (the standard blue color is optimal in most cases). If possible, also makes them accentuated.

Do not emphasize not paint your normal text: do not emphasize plain text, unless it is absolutely necessary. Similarly, users must easily identify links, they should not come up with an idea that can be clicked on to something what is actually impossible to click.

Let the already pressed links change color: this point is very important for the usability of your website. Click on the link that has changed color, help the user to easily navigate your site, ensuring that he will not leave without a visit to some of the pages unintentionally.

Do not use animated gifs: unless the advertising banners that require animation, avoid animated hyphae. They make the site looking unprofessional and distracting attention from the main content.

Make sure you have registered and ALT attributes TITLE to images not to mention the fact that they provide effect, these attributes play an important role for visually impaired users.

Do not use irritating colors: if the user begins to get a headache after a 10-minute stay at vaeshm site, you should probably choose the best color scheme. Create a color palette to achieve their goals (ie. E. To create a mood, focus on user content, and so on. N.)

Do not use pop-ups (popups): this item refers to the pop-AAPP any kind. Even user requested pop ups are a bad idea, resulting in an increased number of pop-ups blockers.

Avoid links through javascript: these references are performed little dzhavaskripte when the user clicks on them. Avoid them because they often create problems for users.

Put the functional links in the footer (basement): people squander down to the basement site, if they do not find specific information. At a minimum, it is necessary to put a link to the home, and possibly a link to the page «contacts».

Avoid long pages: think about why, if the user is forced all the time to scroll down the page, reading the content, it will probably just skip it entirely. If this case applies to your site, make the page shorter and improve the navigation.

No horizontal scrolling: if as a vertical scrolling tolerated, can not be said about horizontal scrolling. Make sure your site is placed in the width of 1024 pixels.

There are no spelling and grammatical errors: of course, it is not the fault of web design, but it is one of the most important factors affecting the overall assessment of your site. Make sure your text and links do not contain grammatical and spelling errors.

If you use Capture make sure the characters in it are readable: several sites use Capture to reduce comment spam and registration forms. There is only one problem with them: in most cases, the user is forced to call for help all his family to make out the characters in displayed in a Capture.




  2.              Agzamov A., Anvarov A., Shakirov K. Economic reform and investment priorities in the Republic of Uzbekistan //Comparative Economic Studies. — 1995. — Т. 37. — №. 3. — С. 27–38.
  3.              Anvarov A. Learning Resources and Professional Development at Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute //YoungScientistUSA. — 2015. — Т. 3. — №. ISBN 978–1-329–40658–2. — С. 54–56.
  4.              Anvarov, Alisher. «Methods for Effective education». Scientific Journal Yan Kochanovski University, Poland 3.4 (2015): 4.
  5.              Анваров, Aлишер. «Staff development aspects of Namangan engineering pedagogical institute». «Молодой ученый» 12.№ 12 (92) / 2015 ISSN 2072–0297 (2015): 705–707.
  6.              Anvarov A. System of Assessment in Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute //YOUNG SCIENTIST USA. — 2015. — С. 51.
  7.              Anvarov A. Recommendations on self-cognition and self development for ensuring spiritual development of students University //Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 January-February. — 2015. — Т. 1. — №. 1–2. — С. 74–75.
  8.              Anvarov A. Role of the international cooperation in high education development //Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. — 2015. — Т. 1. — №. № 1–2 2015. — С. 72–74
  9.              Anvarov A. Learning Resources and Professional Development at Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute //YoungScientistUSA. — 2015. — Т. 3. — №. ISBN 978–1-329–40658–2. — С. 54–56.
  10.         Agzamov, A., Anvarov, A., & Shakirov, K. (1995). Economic reform and investment priorities in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Comparative Economic Studies, 37(3), 27–38.
  11.         Anvarov, Alisher. «The Education System of Uzbekistan (focus on Uzbekistan´s educational system)». JCLL Guest Colloquium — Fall 2012, Jacobs University Bremen. Vol. 11. No. 5. Jacobs University Bremen, JCLL Guest Colloquium, 2012.
  12.         Anvarov A. “Role of the DAAD Project in International Collaboration” //AMERICAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE for POLICY DEVELOPMENT Journal of Education and Human Development. — 2015. — Т. 4. — №. 4. — С. 12–14.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CSS, ISBN, JCLL, THE, URL, ALISHER, ALT, AMERICAN, AMONG, ANCOR.

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