Learning the image system | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №3 (107) февраль-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 25.01.2016

Статья просмотрена: 10 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Досбаева, Н. Т. Learning the image system / Н. Т. Досбаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 3 (107). — С. 812-814. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/107/25585/ (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).


It is understandable and explainable people's desire to clarify for itself the meaning has become popular in recent years specialty «public relations». The most common explanation of the most common to hear something like this: public relations — creating and maintaining the image of corporate or individual clients. However, this is not true, as is likely, PR is a process of normalization and development of bilateral relations between the subject company and its target audience. Bilateral relations involve the presence of feedback, and the ability to influence as a subject in the target audience, and audiences on the subject. However, the most common is the following error in the determination — the identification of «public relations» with the image-making.

Most likely, such a misinterpretation of its roots in the notion of PR as a science, formation and maintenance of images. However Image Making (or image building as it sounds in the Western version) is an independent, well-respected and interesting profession, does not substitute the activities of public relations.

External and internal policy of the state, election campaigns, «Star Factory», physiology popularity, effective work with the media, the secrets of the formation of public opinion, Image Making, commercial and socio-political advertising — and this is not the whole range of Public Relations — a kind of formula popularity.

No one knows the full amount of the funds that are spent to create the image of a particular public campaign, the person or company. But these costs clearly justified by the negative effect of the spontaneous formation of image. Purposeful, deliberate way of creating leads, on the contrary, a positive result, because the image has to «work» to perform certain functions.

It is possible to consider the example of election campaigns, when the objective is the empowerment of the candidate image makers such features that would inspire voters. Election campaigns in the West, thanks to television have turned from fighting candidates fighting image. The winner is the candidate who better «packaged» image makers. American experts emphasize the importance of the image of the impression remaining after talking with voters with the candidate. «The candidate — wrote it — should be an attractive, dynamic, should look like a winner, to cause sympathy. It should radiate confidence, firmness, because important people, not his words. We have a property to judge people by their style and appearance. Our memory of the words fade long before we forget the external appearance of the person. " As an example, consider the following scenario. Just three days the television image of the Prime Minister has been changed beyond recognition.

Today, the market is not lacking in volume of translated literature on Public Relations and, in particular, the formation of image. However, according to our experts, verbatim copies from these publications require processing and adaptation to the peculiarities of perception and stereotypes of Uzbek society. For these reasons, in this paper used mainly materials Uzbek publications.

An image of the needs created by artistic means. Now we are able to identify the important features of the image almost:

Its original done with a focus on any goal. No-no target image, which is why we intuitively agree with the sentence: The aim should be pragmatic, self-interested — we would add — is very important. We can not feel greed Oak or who is behind it, so something to us and funny when talking about the image of Dubai. Hence, by the way, immediately follows the first rule to strengthen the effectiveness of the image: if the target audience does not recognize the self-interest imposed in her actions, visual images, messages, she is inclined to attribute them to the artistic images and ceases to treat them cautiously, monitor their effect on himself.

The image is built on the artistic vision of the world, and artistic image is inseparable from it. Presents the main features of the artistic image of PR-specialist is also very necessary — to make an informed selection of artistic images and the organization of their creation — why turn to a specialist in the theory of aesthetics and philosophy of culture: «In the history of aesthetic thought the concept of» image «has been used since the end of XVIII century to refer to the essence of art as a reflection of life in images, or thinking in images.

The image is born in the imagination of the artist, it matures, nurtured and, thanks to an embodiment in works of art is transferred to the imagination of the viewer, reader, listener. The general structure of the artistic image:

                   How viable artistic image — projective;

                   What is the level of generalization — Synthesis;

                   how it is expressive — the visual;

                   whether he is able to «talk» with the audience — dialogic.

These are the four components of the artistic image, but do not show whether these features of the fundamental properties of the image? Taking the overall visibility of the structure of the artistic image, we can describe the image of himself now.

  1.              A fundamental property of the image is its feasibility. The image have something success or failure in itself. The image is successfully, it is appropriate to ensure progress toward the goal. Pessimistic top officials, saying that it was useless for the message you have created here, PR-expert dispels the counter-question: «And what is it prevents the achievement of our goals?"
  2.              Projective image.

                   The economic feasibility of the image (glued to his every newspaper report a scattering of diamonds in any newspaper nationwide exclusively for the image — it's hard to imagine it is suitable for such a PR-action).

                   Planned, organized, guided, controlled — a matching image of the criteria of practical management.

                   The reliability of the image — shows, whether he will fulfill his destiny with your preferred risk.

                   Socio-cultural appropriateness of the image — if it does not contradict the deep traditions of the society.

                   Recognition of the image — whether your every message with your organization in the minds of the public.

  1.              Reflecting the needs of the public image. Does the image expresses the general explicit and implicit needs of the target audience in a single artistic creation, artistic image.
  2.              Confidence in the image. Does he sincerity, so attractive to the public, whether it can invent any part or all of the image directive itself speaks for itself, and it becomes apparent manipulativeness.

In the domestic literature «image» is generally understood as an artificially generated image of something — firm, politicians, entrepreneurs, product. To some extent, the image near the notion of «social stereotype» true stereotype often formed spontaneously. The viability of the image is kept on even noted by Heraclitus effect of perception: «The main thing — not what is, but rather how we understand it». The image can be defined as a relatively stable picture of any object. Most of our knowledge of the world — is the knowledge level of the images. For example, most of us have never had a TV company «Sony», but we are prepared to confirm that this is the highest quality television, for that is the image of the firm. The image of the safest cars in the world — at the «Volvo», the best vodka — from vodka «Smirnoff».

In the western literature we often encounter image of a person or company's image — the image of the company in the eyes of individuals and society as a whole. Often the image — the concept is very stable and slow-moving. This is good because, once earning a positive image in the eyes of others, you use it for a long time.

On the other hand, this is bad: poorly developed because of the series of embarrassing blunders (and sometimes not so important, but well-known) can permanently erase the image of the road to a brighter tomorrow. In general, a good image is expensive. Especially today, when the «revolutionary» impulses in technology instantly picked up by all producers making a similar product of hundreds of firms are virtually indistinguishable in quality. And costs, however, it differs serious, sometimes several times. This difference is the value of the image.

Japanese television can be no better than the Chinese, in fact, they can be assembled from the same components, but the image of Japanese products at higher today, and consequently, the price is higher. By the way, the image of goods from China is very low-grade consumer goods hurt the flow of which mounted shelves of dozens of countries. The oblique lines on the jeans and jackets of varying length sleeves become a byword. From China came the nasty and muddy stream quality goods with forged trademark. As a result, consumers began to refuse and from the very good-quality Chinese goods, preferring to pay for a thing of the same quality, but without the negative image. It hurts the prestige and economy of China.

As a result, there began a big campaign against the sources of bad image, which cost the lives of many are not too scrupulous Chinese businessmen. For counterfeiting of trademarks and production of low-quality products people were shot. Such barbaric method of struggle for the image of the product (the company, the country of manufacture) underlines its importance to the good economic situation of the company and even the whole country.

It is hard to imagine a place for something to which patiently lined millionaires, but it turns out this is a very real picture of, for example, when buying a new expensive «Mercedes». It is not uncommon when the future owner of waiting for it for months. And this is also part of the company image. A person who buys a «old Moskvich» for the daily drive to work and has no car, and will not wait for the day. He just will buy anything else.

Behind the image of paid everywhere. Vouchers for small travel agencies are often less expensive than large ones. The cost of developing the corporate identity may be different in different agencies tenfold. The funny thing is that there are cases where one and the same artist is the author of signs in both cases. It should immediately be noted that whenever a consumer is paying for the various components of the image. When buying a ticket from a major tour operator, he wants to insure themselves against unpleasant surprises during the holiday. Thus, the amount of overpayments — a kind of insurance premium. But when consumers are overcharged by buying a German car, instead of the Korean in the same class, are usually already taken into account the elements of prestige, that is the consumer of its purchase pays tribute to the image of the manufacturer and its product, thereby making contribution to the creation of their own image.

From the above it is clear that work to create a positive image — not one or more individual events, and the whole system of the company. Ultimately, the image is determined by the quality, price, availability of goods, the reliability of its after-sales service, the company's history and, of course, advertising. And this is the sphere of activity of the advertisement. Of course, it can not affect the quality of products, their pricing, even he can not speak for the weightiness of hundred-year tradition in the company, which was formed last summer. Nevertheless, the problem of the image of the company and its products is very much dependent on the competent work of an advertising agency, as advertisement originally created to represent the company and its products to the people.




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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): JCLL, THE, AMERICAN, AMONG, ANVAROV, CHINA, CREATION, DAAD, DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION.

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