Using modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (Moodle) in NEPI | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №3 (107) февраль-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 25.01.2016

Статья просмотрена: 52 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Ботирова, П. Х. Using modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (Moodle) in NEPI / П. Х. Ботирова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 3 (107). — С. 796-798. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).


The main application of e-learning in Western countries — is the provision of education services to various categories of the adult population. There are many educational institutions, specializes in e-learning. For example, in the United States was one of these «online university» include: WGU, Capella, Walden, University of Phoenix, Grand Canyon University, Kaplan. Most of them there are more than 20 years, having started as a classical establishment of the remote (distance) education, gradually transferring most of their educational process on the Internet.

Foreign experience shows that comprehensive e-learning programs, — a good tool for the realization of the idea of lifelong learning, ie learning throughout life, allows professionals to constantly maintain a professional tone, improve their qualifications or retraining where necessary.

In Europe, where the university e-learning projects in most cases, actively supported by public funding, their global mission declared as ensuring the availability of education, providing the opportunity to engage in the educational process in any category of adults, regardless of their life circumstances.

The introduction of e-learning can be a good source of income for the university in the implementation of training courses, training courses or students in specific subjects for individual training. In these programs, students learn the material on their own with the help of e-learning courses have been laid out on the site have the ability to remotely receive advice of teachers and only passing the final tests and examinations to come directly to the university.

Additional professional education, realized through e-learning, is popular for many social groups. They include specialists who need more skills, seeking to find or change the profession, as well as people with disabilities, which means e-learning allows to get higher education without leaving home. With comprehensive e-learning programs are not lost, and to develop their skills or acquire new skills may be young mothers on maternity leave, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses that do not have time and money for expensive full-time business school, industrial workers employed in shift work mode servicemen — contractors, etc.

For these categories of students are the most important e-learning opportunities inherent flexibility to organize the training process. This is primarily asynchronous educational process, evening classes, flexible scheduling, continuous set of trainees, students — oriented education, electronic library, computer simulation.

However, e-learning is most effective only when the media objects are essential components of electronic lectures, when the interactive part of the seminars is transferred, it is possible interim control of students' knowledge by means of a remote computer-based testing, implemented virtual laboratories and workshops to consolidate the theoretical material.

The purpose and audience of the project of e-learning depends on what part of the interactive materials studied by students in the free mode, and the percentage of online courses is conducted in accordance with a strict sequence of the trajectory of learning.

Independent work of students is given a greater role in Modern learning a foreign language. State standards provide at least 50 % of the total number of hours of hours allocated for independent work of students.

Today, rapidly developing the so-called cloud computing. They have already successfully used in the training of many teachers, as well as for the organization of independent work of students. One such cloud is a virtual learning environment Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment). This system is used to create online courses and web sites oriented to the teacher and the teacher and student interaction. But especially among Moodle organizing independent work of students as the auditorium, so and extracurricular.

The author first encountered the Moodle system when working with students of the Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute (NEPI). The result has been some very interesting student work — live boards on various subjects (history of the Internet, types of computers, storage devices).

When working with the system Moodle can be noted both advantages disadvantages. Easy user interface, the ability to upload images and documents from your computer to apply the benefits of the system. To move around the board very easily.

Some difficulties in the operation of the system is needed to bridge the invitation to work together and to register. However, it is possible to enter the Real time Board.

In order to study a foreign language, this system is convenient, as you can cover all aspects of one topic. For example, the teacher creates a vocabulary of job training on a particular topic, and the student sends an invitation email. The student joins, perform the task, the teacher sees a student work in real time, corrects the work, or if you need to check the work, if it is completed.

Also, in the study of vocabulary in a foreign language can help the system stickers. Let's say on a sticker on the picture portrayed by the subject, but his definition of another sticker. The task is to choose (relate) the right word and the image. In fact, the teacher creates a visual aid for students.

At the bottom of the whiteboard tools are, they change when you press the number keys 1 to 9. Hold the spacebar, you can move around the board with the mouse and adjust the scale board scrolling the mouse wheel. Create a job can be saved on your computer in the form of images or pdf-file here.

The list of features — elements of the course is wide enough — chat, survey, forum, glossary, workbooks, lesson, test, profile, Storm, Survey, Wiki, seminar resource. All this organizes the work of students, as pays attention to the individual elements of the content submitted, allows you to assign content, informs the student about the complexities of the proposed material, oversees the academic content.

Tests, assignments and exercises accompany the training material, which makes it easier to assimilate and dilute the monotonous presentation of material action. All this helps the consolidation of the material.

For foreign language teaching classroom and independent work of students particularly well, according to the author, the following modules can be used elements:

The module test teacher provides the basis of tests with questions that are measured automatically, and may have different time for answers. At the choice of the teacher, students can be tested multiple times or just one. Tests may also show the correct answers and comments, or not show. The questions may contain images, audio and video files. Tests can be like in the classroom as a foreign language, and during extracurricular time (as an independent work of the student). The teacher can create a database of questions based on the themes of the semester and in the development of the curriculum of the course. The system supports different types of questions to create tests — from issues with one embodiment of the answer to questions such as multiple choice. It is also possible to type your answer.

Interactive vocabulary, enabling the student to learn de Finizio words (definitions of words) — a module Glossary. Especially this element is useful in the study of a foreign language..

The module Setting the teacher determines the deadline jobs, developing a system of assessment and response format, leaving his notes under the assignment for each student.

The module is used to poll a vote for something, or to get answers (comments) from each student. The teacher sees the poll results as a table.

The SCORM module is possible to add different types of jobs, such as crossword puzzles, quests with multimedia applications that have been created in other systems.

Workbook module can serve as a summary of the student and his test papers and abstracts. Students can amend and supplement their workbook.

Thus, the use of mobile learning system Moodle for the organization of independent work of students provides a number of advantages over traditional methods and forms of learning, namely the ability to implement the principle of individualization of activities; the presence of fast feedback; unlimited possibilities of visual material; various types of independent work. This training system allows you to activate the independent activity of students the desire to learn something new, to add new information to the one that was proposed in the class, increase the interest in learning. All this contributes to better results in teaching students foreign language in comparison with the traditional system of education.

Perhaps in the future, all training will be interactive and virtual, and mobile technology will completely replace the training under the guidance of the teacher. Today we use the mobile forms of learning together with traditional methods.




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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): JCLL, THE, AMERICAN, AMONG, ANVAROV, CHINA, CREATION, DAAD, DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION.

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