Classification of programs for learning English | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Анваров, A. А. Classification of programs for learning English / A. А. Анваров, С. Я. Саттаров, К. К. Хужаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 3 (107). — С. 771-773. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).


To date, a large number of computer programs for learning English. Inexperienced users suggests that all these programs are designed for high-quality and high-grade learning English in a short time, but it is not. Among these programs, English has a successful, but the majority, nevertheless, useless, and do not give any advantage from the use of software tools.

English Language Programs reflect the experience of developers, acquired by them in the course of its development. A successful learning experience creates a successful program of English, based on an effective approach, while a bad experience turns into a threat that kill your time and most importantly, the desire to learn English.

Below I will try to carry out a conditional division of English language programs in line with the experience of developers, they have acquired in the process of learning foreign languages. This will help you create the right expectations for the English learning programs available on the Internet and on store shelves.

Let's start with the amateurs. That developers are not engaged in serious study of the English language. They usually provide futile English language programs with complex navigation, unnecessary features and multimedia excessive decorations that very quickly get bored and begin to irritate. Most often, these programs are exclusively English to make money. Their goal — to stand out from competitive products and to please the customer. The whole emphasis is on presentable, while on the contents of the product greatly save. As a result, to achieve any height with the help of such a program of learning English is impossible. These developers are not aware of the fact that the learning process is long and requires a large amount of high-quality materials, and that every extra mouse click, every sound or splash screen that appear when you open the program, chapter, or the performance of any function, turned into an ordeal for the user who wants to learn English, but not in the n-th time to view the scenery and listen to boring, bored and wander around the maze of the interface.

Now consider the developers who are addicted to the study of English, but has not achieved the desired result. They usually pour their failure in the code, encouraging users to repeat their mistakes, and experience the same frustration that they are. Most often, they do it not out of malice, but in an attempt to break through, yet not taken a gap in height, by automating the process and the first users become victims of their creations. So not having achieved significant results in learning English with the help of their wonderful programs they are trying to spread their offspring in search of fame and maybe some monetary rewards to compensate for the effort. It is, basically, many English language programs devoted to memorizing lists of words one way or another. It would seem that may be easier to learn the 2–5 thousand words, and the English language in your pocket. However, the uncompromising practice relentlessly smashes the hopes and delusions into small pieces.

The next group of developers — developers is working for the educational system. They are focused, first and foremost, to make it possible to measure the level of knowledge of the user interface and for the development of student interaction with the teacher. Unfortunately, the content of such programs, learning English and their effectiveness as a learning product sidelined. These English language programs usually are not self-sufficient, they are merely a tool of the teacher, who must provide direct the process of learning English. These include numerous tests, computerized exercises, language games, the interaction of students with teachers across the network. Without such an intelligent teacher English programs give you many not.

Finally, developers who have successful experience of learning English. If it was an experience of self-study of English, these developers create completely self-contained English program, offering the possibility of a complete and high-quality English language learning. English These programs are easy to learn the language interface and intelligent navigation that does not overburden the user with unnecessary actions. These English language programs focus directly on the user's perception of the process of new information, rather than on the procedures for management of the program. As the content of the English programs are typically used vivid interesting texts linked to an audio. In the domestic market, the first such program to learn English was «English Gold», which was later developed, and today is published and distributed by 1C Series Platinum DeLuxe. On the foreign market such a program for learning English was designed by Transparent Language.

All programs for learning English have a common drawback. The number of materials, invested in them is limited, and despite the fact that the rate of learning English can be called complete, and the program itself can be a very successful and effective, anyway, the amount invested in the program does not allow the material to reach the level of proficiency in the English language.

The creation of English language programs designed to achieve the level of fluency, prevents the limited resources available to developers. It is about time that is ultimately measured by money. For such a program to learn English need to prepare a large number of high-quality materials, the development of which requires a large amount of time and, therefore, money. Generally, the situation is developing as described below.

If a program for learning English developed enthusiast without pay, sooner or later, he realizes that he has spent on the development of the program too much valuable time, and it's time to do something for the money, in order to ensure their vital needs. People often do not want to pay for something that used to get for free, and enthusiast forced to stop its development and reallocate their time to paid employment. As a result, the amount invested in a program of English teaching materials is determined by the initial enthusiasm for the potential of this developer.

In the case of custom-made for the educational system, or any commercial project, the developers initially receive a limited budget, which determines the amount of training materials developed by the program to learn English. Additional funding for the further development of training materials for the program, as a rule, does not stand out because the educational system is not inclined to fund the creation of something new, trying to save money by using what is, and commercial projects do not see the point of further development of the training program, as This does not affect the volume of sales (a high return in this case bring marketing activities rather than improving the quality of the product).

As a way out of this situation it was created spetsialny project to learn English through the Internet. The project is based on a highly efficient program for learning the English language through the Internet, which has a fairly simple and easy to use interface and very easy navigation of educational materials. This English language program was originally designed to work with an expanding collection of teaching materials. Funding for the development of new materials for this project is provided by cash flows from new users, ie, Each new member pays a one-time right of access to an expanding collection of teaching materials of the project and it becomes a regular user. With this approach, the project is the only software product that allows the user to reach a level of fluency in the English language with the help of teaching materials offered to him.

Speaking on the achievement level of fluency in the English language, it is important to understand that it can not be achieved without a long self-study. It is unlikely that someone will sit on you until then, until you finally «begin to see clearly». It takes too much time, and therefore too expensive either for you or for the person who is sitting on you. Schools in which the teaching is a living person, understand it, and do not claim to bring you up to such a high level. Education in schools built, more often, in three stages, and if you think that the last «advanced» level corresponds to a higher level, compared with vacant possession, forced to disappoint you. Staying close to you and help you as long as you do not feel completely at ease in the language you studied, can only be the one whose time does not require payment. Personally, I comes to mind only a computer program with an extensive collection of interesting texts, which can instantly issue value and the sound of any unknown words or phrases to you in response to touching them.




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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): JCLL, THE, AMERICAN, AMONG, ANVAROV, CHINA, CREATION, DAAD, DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION.

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