The Responsibility of a Teacher for Increasing the Probability of Advancing Student Achievement | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Спецвыпуск

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №3 (107) февраль-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 10.02.2016

Статья просмотрена: 4 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Каримова, В. В. The Responsibility of a Teacher for Increasing the Probability of Advancing Student Achievement / В. В. Каримова, Д. А. Юлдашева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 3 (107). — С. Т.1. 41. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).


Our institute trains teachers. The profession of teacher is very appreciable profession in our society. Ideal teacher must have all good qualities. During the lesson teacher must always be attentive to any kind of mistakes making by students. And these mistakes should be corrected by the teacher. There is a very practical implication for language teachers here. It means that the way we correct mistakes is going to be very important. Teachers can inadvertently contribute to the undermining and inhibiting process. For example, in language classes you will often see teachers correcting every single mistake of pronunciation and grammar. By demanding correction or repetition of a word that has just been said, they break into the student's attempt to construct a whole meaning.

They are a normal part of learning to do something. After all, nearly everything they do takes many attempts and takes a long time and even then is frequently still not quite right. Unfortunately, one of the things the students soon begin to pick up at school is the idea that mistakes are in some way 'bad'. They begin to be embarrassed and upset when they have difficulty. They sometimes hide this embarrassment by laughing when others get something wrong. Then they start to protect themselves from disappointment and the scorn of others in turn by avoiding situations where they themselves might get things wrong. This shows in various ways. For example, a child does not attempt answers or gives up very easily. Or sometimes we have students in our classes who want to check very single stage of their work with the teacher. This is, of course, an oversimplified description of a complex process.

Another, but more modest form of real language use is provided by teaching other subject topics and lessons in the target language. Meanwhile, however, it is also possible to create real language use in more typical language lessons, using a typical textbook.

The modern system of training represents an information infrastructure which includes various technologies (the equipment, the software, remote terminal units and communication with the Internet) and the people possessing knowledge and practical experience whom they exchange with each other. Efficiency of formation always depended on level of preparation of pedagogical shots. Today the teacher remains a critical link of process of training, however the interrelation of information technology and formation promotes formation of a new role of the teacher.

In the psychological theory of training training is called as interactive. Based on psychology of human mutual relations. Those interactive training are considered as ways of mastering formations of skills in the course of mutual relations of the teacher and as subjects of educational activity.

Surprisingly, most explicit learning revolves around task prediction. When we say students have «learned» something, we might say that they can: identify or predict the relevant associations among variables in the learning situation; predict and express accurately the appropriate concepts or actions; store, retrieve, and apply that prediction in context next time. If the learner can't do all three of these things, we might say the material has either been learned partially or not at all. Better learners can accurately and quickly identify relevant properties in the material to be learned, then can predict and master favorable outcomes repeatedly.

This is not to deny the value of correction. It is, however, arguing that constant correction is undermining. There will, of course, be times in lessons when the teacher is concentrating on accuracy. However, there will also be other times in lessons when you will be trying to encourage fluency. Correction is vital in the first and potentially destructive in die second. If one of our priorities is to get students to have confidence we have to know this and to distinguish these occasions accordingly. This will also help us to deal with a practical problem. If we are expected to correct everything the students say, then pair work with twenty students in the room becomes laughingly impossible. If, on the other hand, we know that there are certain activities in which we actually wish to allow for mistakes, then suddenly pair work becomes much more manageable. We will still want to move round the class to check that most of the students are getting it reasonably right We will also want to help individual students or to offer occasional correction. Correction is not forbidden!

Again this constant, over careful, over detailed correction happens with the best of intentions. Teachers want students to get things right But if we have to get everything perfect we will never try anything. If we listen carefully to native speakers, we find that they say some very odd and ungrammatical things. But that doesn't seem to stop us understanding and communicating.

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