The military-political associations: the management system, socio-economic and ethnocultural relations in Central Asia (mil. avvalgi IX-VI centuries) | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Собиров, К. С. The military-political associations: the management system, socio-economic and ethnocultural relations in Central Asia (mil. avvalgi IX-VI centuries) / К. С. Собиров, Хаким Саидов, С. Р. Исмаилов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 5 (109). — С. 559-561. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).

Former imperial IX-VI centuries BC in the works of the researchers noted in the first period. In fact, the historical period and its historical and political events that took place at different stages of social and economic opportunities and the development of etnomadaniy However, tribes, tribal and ethnic groups, which determined the fate of the ethnic groups. In this context, during the first railroad after the historical-political processes in terms of the content and meaning of the Bronze Age had completely different historical events.

It should be noted that the first period of development of society depends on the source of Bronze Age. The first separation of the railway company features class-caste society, economic and legal aspects of a person's tribe has increased, the formation of a military-political associations and establishing urban culture. Centralization of the population in the first period, the volume of small and large towns and cities to be built, the construction of irrigation facilities, development of new territories as a result of farming oasis, characterized by the formation of.

Centralization of the population in the first period, the volume of small and large towns and cities to be built, the construction of irrigation facilities, development of new territories as a result of farming, like the formation characteristic. The first railway in the direction of the agricultural population, crafts, ethnogenesis and ethnic history, traditions, society and the historical stories written sources and centers of population, which summarized the results of archaeological research carried out in the lighting plays an important role. Central Asian oldest ongoing socio-economic, historical and geographical terms, the first written source, «Avesta» the book said [1, p.26–27].

Socio-economic relations of «Avesta» four stages, the opisbring parents- family, nmana- the opisbring parents seed-vis the union of tribes and tribal Zantu of dahyu. At the same time, «Avesta», «Mitra green» the fourth chapter on the fourth part, «Xayrizao», «Xvarizam», «Aryanam Vayjax» names toponymic terms. As well as the porus, pier, Mourning, Gava Sugden historical and geographical concepts can be explained as political associations. The Greek historian Hecataeus of Miletus 522–519 Darius I in accordance with the command-orchestrated Kareyalik trip Skilak carried out on the basis of the report wrote, «the image of the Earth» was «Asian» in «Xvarizam» historical province and its capital, «Xorasmiya» remarkable sightseeng. Herodotus Hecataeus based on the work of Miletus noted in his «History», «Brakes» (Amu Darya) Exclusive use of the river a few times xorasmians [2, p. 6–7].

Avesta, Hecataeus, Herodotus works «Xorasmiya», «Xorasmians» taking into account the information on the European historians on «Khorezm» military-political union history brought out. According to the German scientist I. Markvart ahamoniylargacha Central Asia Zarafshan part of the state of Khorezm oasis, Khorasan, Margiana, Arey borders. Ahomoniylar state of the XVI Central Asian region hisoblangan.4 Akhamenides sources noted the history of geographic terms. Persians state administrative management system, were divided into regional satrap [3, p. 111–117].


12 countries— Bactia, Margiana, Sughd

15 countries— Saks, People of Caspian, Ariya

16 countries— Parphia, Хvarisam [4, p. 1938].

Central Asia's most ancient roots of the society management system dates back to the last stone.

The last seed teams during the governance system of the wise leadership of the mother, and this process B. C the middle of the III millennium. B. C the third millennium, the first railroad in the middle of the period, played an important role in the socio-economic and cultural development of the soothsayer [5, p. 36].

The first order of society during the:

Stay in the home the development of the productive forces: Ziroatkorlar. Community management system that will lead the country caused by the following factors: production and the social division of labor; group formed customs and practices; Distribution of the group of social and practical tasks; international protection against military attacks.

Designed to handle system management functions:and economic objectives in order to carry out the following tasks.

 Working production, land and water distribution, irrigation constructions, agriculture and animal husbandry, to control the production of handicraft products, their distribution, regulation and control.

 social functions; direct order and control of the relationship between the tribes and the tribes, the peaceful solution to the problems arising from internal and external relations and legal direction.

 military-political tasks: protection against outside attack, the army will always try to establish and strengthen the protection of the country, the conduct of relations between the two regions.

Develop all sectors of society as a result of the implementation of these tasks, the military-political, economic and military aspects of a strong rise to the level of the state.

The administrative procedure that large families (home team) leaders or important role in home owners. Social status of rural communities and urban population centers came into existence during the Bronze leading positions, a further improvement during the first railroad. Production organization, division of labor, the right to development, the establishment of networks irrigattsion, to ensure cooperation between the tribes, the military system of governance to protect the world a single person, that is, to produce a military captain function, which, in turn, the military and political forming the government in office.

Thus, the first period of their prestige started to notice a distinct individual, expanded its mission of managing the society. Of course, the person gathering the hands of the management of his «wisdom», the characteristics of the moral and practical knowledge of the historical nature of the situation sinks in, and distinguished members of the tribe.

The political system of governance of the association of regional development tasks. At the same time, took the life of the historical and cultural centers to establish partnership relations between the population and how it is carried out in the country to control and manage them. By the end of the first period, the tribal unions and management style is explained by a single person with authority.

In this process, the relations between the members of the leadership team to further improve the promotion of human rights, which in turn is governed by the legal framework of the political associations of various tasks and the government formalized the legal side.

The content of the above-mentioned historical data to come to the following conclusion.

IX-VI centuries B. C, built by the rising urban population came into existence as a military and political union. The ethnic composition of the population, decapitated, Saks (Sakata-xaumavarka saka- tigra-xauda saka- tiiyay-container-rin), the aria.

Khorezm oasis of ethnic processes tend to apasiaks Massaget Amirabad, reflecting deepians.


  1. Сагдуллаев А. С. Қадимги Ўзбекистон ёзма манбалари. Ташкент, 1996. 26–27.
  2. Пьянков И. В. Хорасмий Гекатея Милетского. М. «Наука», 1972. С. 6–7.
  3. Геродат. Тарих. IX 111–117.
  4. Markwrt t Wenos uud Arang Vntersuch ungen zur mythischen ubd geschichtichen Londes-Kines Von Ostiran Lerden/ 1938 g.
  5. Сагдуллаев А. С. Ў. Мавланов. Ўзбекистонда давлат бошқаруви тарихи. Ташкент «Академия» 2006 й 36 б.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): IX-VI, III, ташкент.

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