Foreign experience in the development of ecotourism in Uzbekistan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №5 (109) март-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 16.02.2016

Статья просмотрена: 382 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Ёкубжанова, Х. Ё. Foreign experience in the development of ecotourism in Uzbekistan / Х. Ё. Ёкубжанова, А. М. Сохадалиев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 5 (109). — С. 858-861. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

International development and economic context of their share of the gross domestic product of the country the same day we receive a significant part of its role, especially in tourism, natural or ecological tourism plays an important role today. Currently, the network of eco-tourism industry development of ecological tourism, the tourism industry has been growing 2–3 times the growth rate. For example, in Canada the same day, «the open nature travel» tourism makes up 25 percent of total income from domestic tourism.

There are all opportunities for the development of eco-tourism in the country, not only in Central Asia but in the whole country in the world to be one of the centers of tourism resources, tourism is ranked 15 in the world. [1]

At the same time, foreign tourists visiting the tourist or the other direction by almost 3 to 2 part of the environmental aspects of our interests. Their interests, and encourages further attention to eco-tourism, which is a new direction.

Today's era of globalization, all the environmental problems facing humanity, the environment and nature protection and preservation and polished to care for future generations is one of the most important issues facing the world community.

It should be noted that the specific nature of their native lands and deserts and rich reserves of animals and plants, with very tasty fruits and vegetables. Thus, taking into consideration the country become one of the central places in the promising tourism sector around the world will note that. A beautiful view of the important ecological areas of great natural, ecologically clean area, and mineral water springs. As we look at the experience of developed countries in the development of ecological tourism in the country, got their team;

For example, the Malaysian tourism industry is one of the strategic objectives of sustainable development of tourism in the country. For this policy to increase foreign exchange earnings in the tourism sector of the country to promote the economic development of the population, provide sustainable employment opportunities, and support economic and social development. As well as the government seeks to use tourism as a tool for the sustainable development of rural areas. The international tourism industry in the country to attract investments in the continuous improvement of tourism infrastructure in the field of economic growth and visa simplification of the processes associated with positive results. [2]

Notably, which attracts large number of tourists in this country geographic convenient location, the attractiveness of local landscapes, the richness of flora and fauna in the region, favorable environmental conditions, located in the picturesque seaside resort areas, the availability of historical and cultural monuments of architecture and, most importantly, ethnic Malaysia the existence of advantages, such as the diversity of content.

Asia — Pacific region, according to the program of action for the sustainable development of tourism in the Malaysian state carries out a range of measures. In particular, we will be able to use them, and can be implemented in practice, as follows;

 implementation of social-economic development of the role of the tourism industry:

 tourists transport, improving transport and other infrastructure related to tourism development;

 taking into account the social, cultural and environmental factors of tourism development:

 crisis situations in the field of risk management and regulation of tourism:

 in the field of human resources development of tourism.

Important thing today is that new trends in tourism in order to attract foreign tourists to Malaysia, pays great attention to the eco-tourism and medical tourism and horticulture. Eco-tourism have enough information about Gardening If we dwell on this aspect of tourism as a new direction in this area, tourism is the leading countries in the implementation of it. The center of the tourist resort is located in the center of the garden. Imagine our tourist spots pomegranate or apple garden’s in the middle of a vineyard. This man gives aesthetic pleasure. Beautiful, beautiful meat also have a positive effect on human health, in terms of medical accuracy. In particular, of Yangikurgan’s clean air, the atlas can not think how to attract the attention of foreign tourists each copy. Although the introduction of this special concept has been developed, for example, if traveling more than 883 million tourists last year to the current year 2015, 25 million of them to travel to the country of Malaysia. [3]

According to us, the last figure in more than 70 countries, the number of tourists increased by 2.5 million. With regard to medical tourism, the Government of Malaysia for medical treatment abroad for the development of tourism arrivals to the reconstruction of clinics and medical facilities open and simplifies access and some of the problems encountered in the development of the country. In this respect, as well as the main competitor to India and Thailand, which is the price of medical services significantly reduced. [4]

Notably, this industry in Malaysia through the flow is regarded as the second most important source of foreign currency. Special committee for the development of tourism activities. This Committee was founded in 1989 and currently works in the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. The main objective of the ministry Malaysia into a world center of tourism in Asia. Established for this purpose performs the following important functions:

 inputs hotels built during the first five years of business activity are exempt from all types of taxes;

 hospitality excellent well established;

 tourism staff working in the field are required to have special knowledge in this area:

Taking into account international experience and national mentality, a number of important factors can cause the development of eco-tourism in the country. Our peaceful, economically sustainable, climate-colored... foreign tourists have always peaceful and beautiful nature, landscapes stressed natural. Thus, taking into account the development of tourism infrastructure, increase attractiveness, all in the service of tourism in general need to improve the process and tools. Based on the above, it is advisable to focus our attention;

the formation of a sufficient level of ecological culture of the population "

 ecotourism specialists:

 ecotourism comprehensive assessment of the objects;

 ecotourism on special subjects to establish the status of legal entity;

 ecotourism experience of foreign countries in the selection and implementation of the device:

 tourism sector to attract foreign investments and accelerating.

Tourism ongoing efforts in the field of socio-economic development of the country and welfare of the population is increasing and new jobs were created.


  1. Organization Worldometers — convened statistic check.
  2. Malaysia tourist information service.
  3. World Tourizm Organization UNWTO.
  4. Reports of the conference package of the international tourism industry and modern aspects of the specific features of the development of tourism in Uzbekistan, 2014.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): UNWTO.

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