Interactive teaching methods in teacher training | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Шайхеслямова, К. О. Interactive teaching methods in teacher training / К. О. Шайхеслямова, А. Е. Туякова, С. Е. Абдугалина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 6 (110). — С. 841-843. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).

В статье рассматриваются интерактивные методы обучения формирующим установкам в профессиональной деятельности. Они насыщены обратной связью, способствуют большей вовлеченности студентов, провоцируют включение рефлексивных процессов, представляют возможность интерпретации, осмысливания полученных результатов и т. п. Дополнительным положительным эффектом использования интерактивных методов обучения является формирование у специалистов корпоративной культуры, самостоятельности и критичности мышления, гуманистической направленности и мотивации профессиональной деятельности.

«Our young people need to learn, acquire new knowledge, to acquire the latest skills, skill, and effective use of knowledge and technology in everyday life. We have to create all of this possible, to provide the most favorable conditions» — [1, 8] in the words of the head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev challenge of modern education — teach learn. Therefore, in recent years have increasingly used by high school teachers of interactive learning methods, since the information is absorbed and stored in the case of hearing — 10 %, optic — 50 %, if the student receives information on hearing and visual — 60 %, when acting on its own, adapting theory in practice — 90 %. In this interactive forms and methods, students' independent work ensure the effectiveness of the learning process. The task of the teacher -to organize and direct the work, that it is high quality and effective. Introduction of interactive forms of education — one of the most important ways to improve the training of students in the modern university. Major methodological innovations associated with the use of today is interactive teaching methods. The concept of «interactive» comes from the English «interact» («inter» — «взаимный», «act» — «действовать»). Online training — is a special form of organization of cognitive activity. It implies a very specific and predictable end. One of these goals is to create a comfortable learning environment in which a student or a student feels his success, his intellectual consistency, which makes the learning process productive [2, 55].

Very widely used when working with students in the classroom in the pedagogical university method moderation, gaming technology, creative problem-solving method, the method of case studies and real life situations.

Moderation method works well when considering the educational material, in which lies the problem of the nature of the discussion. The concept of moderation as a process of establishing rules and monitoring their performance when working with the audience, the way of the meeting, which quickly leads to the results and that gives you an opportunity to take common decisions as their own. To moderate the whole process of discussing the problem and the decision is divided into more or less small parts, which are subject to different methods of moderation. Past include: filling in the card on a specific topic of each participant, sorting, selection of such responses, group cards, discussion and evaluation of the ideas expressed in the plenary, cataloging events, etc.

Training sessions conducted by the technique of moderation given vivid interactive. This provides a quick and efficient data collection (opinions) in the audience, organize existing data, problem analysis, forecasting (group!) further stages of work or development problems, optimize decision-making. Phase studies using moderation include welcome step, to clearly define the problem or topic classes, processing threads (individual and subgroup), focus on results (make directory weighted problems, job definition to individuals or subgroups of liabilities) and end... moderated the event. A striking example of moderation may be the theme of «Requirements for Russian lessons in modern school» discipline «Methodology of the Russian language», or th^me of the seminar «Development of a training program for pre-school children», etc.

Activates the analytical, creative, critical, practice-oriented thinking method cases. This method contributes to the development of alternative thinking of students, the development of skills of analysis and recognition ambiguity of practical problems in the field of psychological and educational work, identify gaps in knowledge and the support of social competencies (through group work).

Cases — is an educational material that is verbally, in writing or educational technology put the personal, social, psychological, educational, economic, etc. problems. Cases contain basically the problem or conflict, to be addressed by students. Thus, the case — is a method of exercise and decision. The essential distinguishing feature here is the fact that there is no one correct solution, and the different options that show the «for» and «against».

Case study method, along with a message of special knowledge has set the target to form the students' skills with which they can overcome their own later life situations. Analyzing the factors, collecting and evaluating information, students learn to develop strategies in order to have more options as possible solutions of its objectives for each specific case. It works together with colleagues (classmates), discusses and justifies the proposal to address in a small group and the presentation. The case study (case) enables students to learn strategies to deal with, while applying existing knowledge, to supplement the existing problems in knowledge [3, 55].

The method of creative problem solving forms such important skills of students, future professionals, as understanding and study of the problem (analysis of the situation and immediate needs), the definition of the objectives and expected results, generating ideas and agreement-making, action planning and the development of criteria for successful achievement, reflexive analysis performed operation. This method is often used in the preparation of the students lessons on a given topic in class on the subject «Methodology of the Russian language». Students will create several designs lesson on the same subject using different methods, additional materials. Work is going is group and individually.

Gaming technology — a method that activates the learning activity in situations designed to recreate and mastering of professional experience, which develops self behavior. The objectives are more in line with the practical needs of students. Game releases tension between the abstract nature of the subject and the real «nature of the professional activity, the» systemic nature of «knowledge and use «of' their belonging to different disciplines.

The game allows you to connect a wide coverage of professional problems of students of teaching specialties and depth of comprehension, in addition, play a form consistent with the logic of activity, including the time of social interaction, forms of professional communication skills necessary for students at the introduction to the path.

On group work written much. Didactic method as it involves the creation of conditions for the development of students, new experience, going through them directly during the training process, the organization of communication activities between students, the transition from the role of the teacher in the position of a holder is a partner-assistant. The value of collaboration is to encourage participants to be active, self-reliance and responsibility, improves digestion, storage and application of new knowledge, provide a comprehensive picture of the educational process, which facilitates the application of knowledge in real situations, improves cognitive motivation and keeps working group members. Group work includes introductory, training and final stage of the procedure, it is clearly spelled out conditions for successful operation of small groups, as well as functions of the group members and the rules of communication in the group.

Thus, interactive teaching methods form a set of professional activities, they are full of feedback, contribute to greater involvement of students, provoke inclusion of reflective processes that represent the possible interpretation, comprehension of the results, etc. An additional positive effect of the use of interactive teaching method is to form a professional corporate culture, independence and critical thinking, humanistic orientation and motivation of professional activities.


  1. Message from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan — the Leader of the Nation, N. A. Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan «Strategy» Kazakhstan-2050 "- a new policy established state» II Kazakhstan Pravda, 2012. — № 437–438. — P. 1,2–8.
  2. Bordovskaya N.. Rean A. Pedagogy. Textbook / N. Bordovskaya, A. Ream — St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg, 2008. — P. 304.
  3. Shabaeva, M. F. History of pedagogy: Uch.posobie for station-ing-ing F. Shabaeva -M.: Education. 1981.-P. 95.
  4. Pedagogy. Pedagogical theories, systems, technologies I Ed. S. A. Smir-nova.-M., 2001.-P. 55.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): интерактивный метод обучения, профессиональная деятельность.

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