Types of listening activities and adapting them to the course books | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №6 (110) март-2 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 20.03.2016

Статья просмотрена: 689 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Нурматова, М. Р. Types of listening activities and adapting them to the course books / М. Р. Нурматова, Манзура Ибрагимова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 6 (110). — С. 913-914. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/110/27196/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Это статья посвящена видам слуховой тренировки и их приспособлениям к учебникам. В статье указаны примеры видов слуховых тренировок, имеющиеся в школьных учебниках, а также приведены дополнительные предложения.

Ключевые слова: краткий ответ, правда или неправда, расширенный ответ, слуховая тренировка, вопрос и ответ.

Learning methods of all skills are very effectively and useful while studying. These methods help to students to learn easily and more interesting.

There are given one of the types of listening activities and adapting them to the course books. Listening activities are one of the most important skill among English learners. It helps to understand very clearly or the main idea of the speaker. There are given types of listening activities:

  1. No overt response. The learners don’t have to do anything in response to the listening. They can be stories: tell a joke or real life anecdote, retell a well-known story and can be songs, you can sing a song yourself, but, however that is no response is required learners may simply enjoy entertainment.
  2. Short response. In this type of listening learners should perform actions or draw shapes or pictures in response to instructions. There are given some instructions of terms:
    1. Ticking of items: text is provided: listeners mark or tick off words or components as they hear.
    2. True or false: the listening passage consists of a number of statements and some of which are true or false. The learner should write right or wrong statements.
    3. Detecting mistakes: the teacher tells a story or describes something the group knows, but with a number of deliberate mistakes. Listeners raise their hands when they hear something wrong.
    4. Guessing definitions: the teacher provides brief oral definitions of a person, place, action, or whatever, learners write down what they think it is.
    5. Cloze: the listening passage has brief gaps, represented by silence or some kind of buzz. The learners write down what they think might be the missing word.
    6. Skimming and scanning: no longer listening text is given, learners are asked to identify some general topic or information (skimming), or certain limited information (scanning) and note the answers.
  3. Longer response. In this type of listening tracks learners should do:
    1. Answering questions: one or more questions are given in advance to which the listening text provides the answers.
    2. Note taking: learners take brief notes from a short talk or lecture.
    3. Paraphrasing and translating: learners should rewrite the listening passage in different words: either in the same language (paraphrase) or in another (translator).
    4. Summarizing: learners should write down a brief summary of maintenance of the listening text.
    5. Long gap-filling: along gap is left, at the beginning, middle or end theof a text: learners guess and write down or say what they think might be missing.

The last type of listening activities is extended responses.Here the listening is only a «jump-off point» for extended reading, writing or speaking in other words, these are combined skills activities.

We have looked through the first grade of the book of Kid’s English. There are given activities according to develop listening skill. In order to improve skill of listening activities are chosen good for kids but from the first grade pupils who just start to study English, will have difficulty while studying. In this course book was used activities «Listen and match», «Listen and put number», «listen and sing», «Listen and repeat» like these. If pupils don’t know words they will not be able to sing or match words. That’s why, at first, we suggest that use simple visible words, then they will start to memorize words in their mind. If pupils see words they will know how to write and pronounce given words according to the text.

In order to improve listening skill among pupils of secondary school we have looked through the seventh grade book of Fly High English. The authors of the book are Ludmila Tsoy, Mahprat Abdullayeva and Hayothon Tuhtarova, Tashkent-2013.

Types of listening activities are defined «Listen and answer question», «Listen and find the right word», «Listen and say», «Listen and check», «Listen and repeat». In this book is used more the activities of «Listen andrepeat» and «Listen and answer questions». This is good, but it is not suitable for them. And there is not used the other type of listening activities. For example, summarizing, long gap-filling, extended response and cloze. We think, it will be suggestible if pupils try to summarize from listening tracks and they can write their own opinion and support their ideas, why it is true. Because pupils of seventh grade should write and speak their own ideas and should share with others. Besides that the type of paraphrasing is very useful and helpful to develop all skills and it helps to improve our vocabulary and make our speech more clearly and fascinating.


  1. «Fly High English», Ludmila Tsoy, Mahprat Abdullayeva and Hayothon Tuhtarova, Toshkent-2013.
  2. Audiovisual and listening Method in teaching. Dale, Edgar. New York, 1946.
  3. Hornby A. S. the teaching of structural words and patterns, Oxford University, 1956.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): слуховая тренировка.

Ключевые слова

Короткий ответ, правда или ложь, Расширенный ответ, Прослушивание, отвечая на вопросы., short response, true or false, extended response, listening activities, answering questions

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