Communication and culture | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Феофилактова, Е. А. Communication and culture / Е. А. Феофилактова, П. А. Балкова, С. И. Унда. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 7 (111). — С. Т.5. 93-94. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Like a single person who can not exist in isolation from other people so any culture can not able to fully function isolating from the cultural achievements of other people.

Throughout his life they have to constantly refer to the past or to experience other cultures. Nowadays are not culture communities that absolutely isolation from the world, except for small native tribes lost in the most secluded corners of the globe. Today is normal situation when any nation ‘open’ to the perception of other people’s cultural experience and and at the same time they are ready to share their own cultural knowledge with other people. This appeal to culture of other people’s culture get name “the interaction of cultures” or “intercultural communication”.Once it became apparent that in the world are not good skills of communication between representatives of different cultures and it is not let purposefully to establish and maintain dialogue between cultures. On this basis build relationships - from passive rejection of other cultures to the resistance of their distribution and approval. In the results we are witnesses of a lot of different ethnic conflicts, extremist activities, strengthening of nationalist sentiment, activation fundamentalist movements.The birth of intercultural communication as science taken to identify with appearance of the book E.Hall and W.Trager «Culture as Communication» (1954) where firstly proposed the term “intercultural communication”.

Cross-cultural communications is very essential for effective communication and understanding in the modern world. It is not important who you are: the exchange student, the businessman or the simple tourist. Each country has the features. For example, if in the countries with hot climate someone asks: "Do you like my outfit?" they answer:”Yes!” even if they do not think so. Just in tropical countries it is considered impolite to hurt the feelings of the other person. In countries with cold climates usually given accurate information, answering the question. So on this question they would answer "yes" if they really thought so. But if they do not like the outfit, they express their truthful opinions but as it is possible more politely. If students living abroad, do not know these subtleties, they can be caught in an awkward situation. So we see that people need to know all aspects of cross-cultural communication.

If you want to make your communication better you should accept some rules. Firstly, you should speak briefly and clearly. Do not use difficult sentences and words. Confidence – is important! If people do not trust or believe you they will not listen to you. Without understanding there can not be trust. Always be honest and truthful. Try to keep your communication with someone was to the maximum two-way. Acquisition of another language suggest balanced complex of knowledge: language and culture of our partners in the global workplace who help to the specialists in the intercultural communication ensure effective and efficient communication, to reveal features of the mentality of other peoples, to understand and accept their culture.In the history of human society we can find many examples of positive and negative cultural interaction. Culture of Spain located at the junction of the Christian and Muslim worlds combine European and Moorish elements, manifested themselves in music and architecture. Enrichment of European culture has been especially noticeable in the Age of Discovery when people imported from overseas countries crops and skills of their use (potatoes, corn, tobacco, tea, cocoa, soybeans, etc.) The increasing complexity of the cultural life of the East (India, China, Arab countries) occurred during the period of expansion of European culture in the XIX century enrich the local elements of culture of scientific knowledge and technological innovations.

In modern conditions, the development of cultural relations going in various spheres of human life – tourism, sport, personal connections, etc. Besides, last political, cultural, social, economic developments have led to large-scale migration of peoples. In the results of this processes more people overcome the cultural barriers that had previously separated them. They have to meet with other’s culture and accept it. That’s why true interaction of culturals carried by contacts between different people. People assign meaning to a message according to cultural context: physical cues, environmental stimuli, and implicit understanding that convey meaning between two members of the same culture.


  4. Библиографическое описание: Хохлова И. Н. Межкультурная коммуникация. Понятие, уровни, стратегии [Текст] // Актуальные проблемы филологии: материалы междунар. науч. конф. (г. Пермь, октябрь 2012 г.). — Пермь: Меркурий, 2012. — С. 98-101.

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