About research of some historical-cultural problems of ancient Ganja on the basis of local sources | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: История

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №8 (112) апрель-2 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 08.04.2016

Статья просмотрена: 30 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Мустафаева, С. Н. About research of some historical-cultural problems of ancient Ganja on the basis of local sources / С. Н. Мустафаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 8 (112). — С. 825-826. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/112/28236/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Key words: Azerbaijan, Ganja, historical research, city.

It was reduced that Ganja is as an ancient city, situated at the foot of the Valley of Ganja River. Along the river to the north direction of the city it turned into a high development city in this area. The epicenter 400 BC is in the current 25 KL from the city of Ganja. After the terrible earthquake which the city at all was destroyed, in spite of the changing of the location the castle is is still called Qalaby by the inhabitants. The local building materials built in this area, the magnificent the city walls, the ruins of the castle situated in the forest and the port equipments came up to our nowadays. The wars between Persian king Khey Khosrov and Afrasiyab took place around Ganja castle. The prominent geography Strabon lived in 1 BC wrote about natural geographical feature the following: “ the soil planted one time can give twice or trice harvest, to plow the soil all plains will be full of the rivers and waters. it is well irrigated and in the result of this the meadow will be full of grass.

Besides that the air is also fresh. Comparing Ganja with the culture in Egypt and and Babylon dating to the 5 century Strabon noticed that it’s the best. Since its foundation and changing its location five times Ganja became one of the most favourable cities and that’s why foreign in vaders always wanted to occupy it.

Many times the victims of the terrible earthquake Ganja, as well as the Persians, Georgian, Kharazm, monqol, floods, catastrophic ruins of the Arabs and the Russians were subjected to military. Into the arena of war and destruction caused by repeated blows to the Ganja him shaken, and the development of genetically improved with Turkish roots force rose to the level of the great cities. To the ancient Turkish tribes name taken from the name of the city Ganja.

At different stages of the history of the capital city of Ganja status while maintaining the traditions of the ancient statehood and independence was of great importance. The city is in the province of the Caliphate of the seventh century, the X century and Shaddadis capital of Arran, in the eleventh century Seljuk, was the twelfth and thirteenth centuries residence in Atabaylar state. Nizami and orientalist Bertels outstanding scientific-researches in 1139 Ganja was destroyed in the terrible earthquake of 300 thousand people. This fact has made the city's power and greatness again. For comparison, it should be noted that most major European city, Paris XIII century 100 thousand, 40–50 thousand people lived in London.

Excavations carried out on the left side of the valley with the ethnic German Hummel Ganjachay brothers found evidence is 30 thousand monuments protected Ganja State Museum of Ethnography. In the middle of the seventh century, Ganja, schools, madrasa, operated private and public libraries, «Wisdom Homes» and «healing centers» have been established. Historical sources in Ganja, led by renowned scientists Abulfazl al-Nakhchevani «Dar al-kutub» is reflected in the so-called great in the library. Sheikh Nizami, in his opinion, and it becomes clear that the names by the works, libraries, and the millennium Ganja based on a rich scientific and cultural environment existed. Should not forget that the great Nizami Gancavi, Abul-Ula Ganjavi, Mehseti Ganjavi, after Siti, Omar, Abu Bakr, Abu Hafs Ganjavi, as Mirza Shafi could not provide grounds famous people.

Their ancient traditions for the formation of with the historical, socio-economic and cultural environment was needed. Existence of such an environment in the city of Ganja and 4 thousand years of history has been identified. Because of any of the city became a center for science and culture from ancient traditions and a long-term cultural development is required.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): XIX-XX.

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