Problems of improving the functioning of the archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Юриспруденция

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №9 (113) май-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 05.05.2016

Статья просмотрена: 29 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Абдурахимов, М. Д. Problems of improving the functioning of the archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan / М. Д. Абдурахимов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 9 (113). — С. 791-793. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Key words: The Foundation for the National Archives, the archives of the society, state, and national values and institutions.

Before studying the archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as archives and the archives of the National Archive Fund (hereinafter referred to as MAF) terminology appropriate to stop. Archives — archival documents, accounting, storage and organization of activities. Carrying out activities such institution is known as an archive. The main task of the archives MAF to consider the collection of documents and the organization of storage and use. MAF documents reflecting the people's material and spiritual life of the historical, scientific, social, economic, political, cultural and historically significant archival documents said to be filled, and always complex. He does not belong to the state and parts. National Archival Fund of the structure of the relevant part of the state, regardless of who owned turganligidan permanent (perpetual), which should be kept in the state-owned archival documents. Do not belong to the state, which should be stored in a part of the permanent, non-state enterprises, institutions and organizations created as a result of archival documents, as well as individuals in the private archives of documents.

Archive for the national legislation to the word of archival documents, registration, storage and use of the body to use as described below. Is the archival documents because of the importance of civil society and the state, which should be kept in the text, handwritten in the car and read documents, sound recordings, videos, manu- scripts, photographs, photography, films, drawings, diagrams, maps, and other material that the body consists of records. The importance of archival documents that the national statehood and the rich past of the people, showing historical documents, archival documents. The President points out, «In the history you do not know, at night do not forget the future of the nation. This fact has proved many times in the history. " At the same time, «the National People's values, objectives, and at the same time, the development of human development achievements, try to increase the spiritual world, and in this regard special attention to the issue of historical memory. That is, the restoration of the full sense of the historical memory of the people were in the way of his success and victories, losses and victims, joy and suffering, impartial and objective study if the true history. "

Archives are a rich source for the study of history. The words of President Islam Karimov «Unique preserving and restoring historical monuments, works of art and national wealth created by the Uzbek people to seek their return to Uzbekistan spirituality is an important part of our program. This national wealth inherited from our fathers. Therefore, we cherish the apple of her eye, and you need to leave a legacy to our children. "

In addition, the need for the information society and the whole world has been growing so quickly documentary information, as well as due to the need to increase the number of activities related to the creation of the possibility of a different approach to the development of demand. After the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan in all spheres and also in the field of archives of the reforms carried out. But in this area now need to carry out more effective. After all, in this regard before the national archive documents, first of all organizations and citizens formed the timeliness and quality of the receiving state storage, improper storage of documents and for the wider use of a number of important issues need to be addressed.

Reflecting the people's material and spiritual life of the historical, scientific, social, economic, political and cultural importance of archival documents Historically filled and always set the next generation to ensure the safety of all bus, to achieve a full and rational use of the actual task.

The International Council of Archives (International Council on Archives) Archives and documents approved by the legislative principles (Principles for Archives and Record Legislation) arxiv- accounts with a certain amount of this document and is rated as a permanent storage facility. The government archives, officially recorded as responsible for the financing. The government archives, each in its historical methods of management, the purpose of the legislation Anand managed to come out. Adopted in 2011 by the International Council of Archives «Universal Declaration on Archives» at the archival documents is a product of human activity, and he reported about the evolution of the nation, culture and society, should help in the development of effective Business Intelligence said.

The structure of foreign scientific articles archive documents in the archive, search the database, and how the content of the documents on the issues of funding and resources, they are the basic types of business, reflected in the documents about the elektronlashtirish problems. Our master theme archives of economic and financial problems of their research activity. Especially in foreign countries, precisely because of the lack of archives XHShTX kind of scientific articles in the field of archives.

 The topic within the scientific literature and analysis of the ongoing reforms in the archives of the republic;

 Under the Cabinet of Ministers «Uzarkhiv» agency and the archives of the system of governance;

 The archives of the analysis of economic indicators;

 Archives system administration, including the archives of the study and analysis of the experience in developed countries of the world;

 Archives management system to optimize the scientific and practical proposals.

The Republic of Uzbekistan in the sphere of archival conduct any scientific research. According to the foreign countries in the sphere of the documents kept in the archives of documents electron base and improve catalog documents value of the archive, and carried out research on issues such as the need for them to work. Our research archives operation factors of economic development and other issues to prevent problems that can arise in the future.


  1. Каримов. И. А. Юксак маънавият енгилмас куч. -Т.: Маънавият.2008. 5-бет.
  2. Каримов. И. А. Юксак маънавият енгилмас куч. -Т.: Маънавият.2008. 70-бет.
  3. Каримов И. А. Ватан саждагох каби муқаддасдир.-Т.: Ўзбекистон. 1996. 25 бет
  4. Ўзбекистон Республикасининг “Архив иши тўғрисида”ги Қонуни № 252. 15.06.2010 й. 3-модда
  5. for Archives and Record Legislation
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): MAF.

Ключевые слова

Фонд для Национальных Архивов, Архивы общества, государство, И национальные ценности и институты., The Foundation for the National Archives, the archives of the society, state, and national values and institutions

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