The role of small business and private entrepreneurship in the economic activities | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №9 (113) май-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 05.05.2016

Статья просмотрена: 152 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Олимова, Н. Х. The role of small business and private entrepreneurship in the economic activities / Н. Х. Олимова, Д. Т. Юлдашев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 9 (113). — С. 682-683. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Key words:entrepreneurship,business, private businesses,activities, market, related.

Uzbekistan gained independence and the beginning of the process of transition to a market economy as soon as the meaning of human activity, significant changes began to occur. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to strengthen the development of the country and about the achievements made in improving the welfare of the people: «In recent years, the development of the national economy and last year the results of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, ADB and other international financial institutions by the high estimates, «he said words to study the market, the establishment of small businesses and private entrepreneurship, are directly related to its efforts to encourage staff. In particular, the employment of the population in the area of small business and private entrepreneurship plays an important role in the future.

Small business and private entrepreneurship as an economic activity is not expensive in conditions of scarcity of capital resources, provides high turnover, economic reconstruction, economic instability and the formation of the consumer market in the context of limited resources and fill it fast and efficient way to solve the problem. Small businesses quickly adapt to changes in consumer demand and in this way to ensure the necessary balance in the consumer market. The creation of new jobs in the small business plays an important role in solving the problem of unemployment.

During the years of independence, the development of small business and private entrepreneurship in the economic and legal framework should be created. As a result, small businesses and private entrepreneurship, socio-economic status improved significantly. However, in spite of the scale of the work carried out in this area are still waiting for a solution to the problems.

The country, including in the areas of small business and private entrepreneurship development process, a set of characteristics and trends of development, economic efficiency, economic development strategies will need to develop a scientific and practical basis.

The modernization of the economy, small business and private entrepreneurship in the economic activity and development, as well as areas appropriate to take into account the following: Small business and small business and private entrepreneurship, there are all necessary conditions for the effective development, the republic's geographical location, labor, production of natural and other resources to deal with the broader economic activities. All sectors of the economy, institutional and structural reforms, deepening market reforms and to provide the foundation for sustainable economic growth.

The competitive environment in the transition to a market economy, the formation of long-term and complex process, which is influenced by many factors. In particular, the improvement of the relations of ownership of the economy, which leads to the increase of efficiency of denationalization and privatization of a leading role in the development of competitive environment.

Full support for small business and to increase the economic efficiency of small business and private entrepreneurship is necessary to achieve a high quality and modern technical base.

The analysis shows that the future of the region to implement the proposed structural changes to the first use of internal resources and opportunities, and the creation of favorable conditions for attracting foreign investments optimistically. The incentives to attract foreign investment in the formation of a new legal base; effective use of existing benefits; the development of partnerships between public and private investment; The investment is based on the choice of design and financing to give companies more freedom; foreign partners are required to give more information about the investment potential of the country.

Republican and the further development of small business and private entrepreneurship in the region play an important role in the development of leredit institutions, taking into account the small business environment protection, support and encouragement of the increase depends on the level of its structural reforms. At the same time, some of the network or a business, not a single regional businesses will be developed.

The competitive environment in the transition to a market economy, the formation of long-term and complex process, which is influenced by many factors. In particular, the improvement of the relations of ownership of the economy, which leads to the increase of efficiency of property State and privatization a leading role in the development of competitive environment.

The market reform on small business and private entrepreneurship, improvement of the system of state support for the following appropriate measures.

And economic forces to prevent centralized, the freedom of small business and private entrepreneurship;

The reduction of the taxation of small businesses optimal market, and on this basis, to reduce the risk;

Financing activities of small business and private entrepreneurship in the development of various off-budget funds and credit unions;

Greater involvements of small businesses work to fulfill the orders of the state, to provide benefits to them in this area.

In a word, small business and entrepreneurship, the importance of socio-economic development of the economy. The decrease in the number of unemployed to improve the living standards of the rural population, the region's national markets products and optimal all-round to ensure the full implementation of the support program is among the most important tasks.


  1. Маматов Б., Хўжамқулов Д. Лизинг — кичик ва ўрта бизнесни кредитлаш самарали воситаси. “Бозор, пул ва кредит” илмий — амалий ойлик журнали, № 8, 2002 йил. 48–49- бетлар.
  2. Маматов Б. Носиров Э. Кичик бизнес ва хусусий тадбиркорлик лойихаларини молиялаштириш. ТМИ — 2007. 150 б.
  3. Рубе В. А. Малый бизнес: история, теория, практика. — М.: «ТЕИС», 2000
  4. Рофиев Қ. Европа тикланиш ва тараққиёт банки — тадбиркорлик ривожида. /Банк ахборотномаси/, 2003. 9 апрель, 15–16 сон.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ADB.

Ключевые слова

рынок, бизнес, предпринимательство, Частный бизнес, виды деятельности, Связанный., market, business, entrepreneurship, private businesses, activities, related

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