Same Problems Of Administrative Systems Of Khiva Khanate | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: История

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №9 (113) май-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 27.04.2016

Статья просмотрена: 27 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кураязов, З. Р. Same Problems Of Administrative Systems Of Khiva Khanate / З. Р. Кураязов, Д. Х. Садуллаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 9 (113). — С. 927-928. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).

The Khanate of Khiva state administration on issues of Soviet historians are still available. For example, unlike the Khanate of Kokand Khanate of Khiva, Bukhara Emirate and the inn was the presence of the council. The Supreme Council Muhammad Rahimkhan 1 «to strengthen the power of his head and a volatile combination of patronage and the establishment of a seed instead of the council of elders». The Supreme Council variety of lawsuits and criminal cases and the right arrangements, to be precise, it was so she writes N. Muravyov.

Other witnesses, such as «the establishment of the council to the discretion of Khan and his protégé, and they decide, depending on the will of the Khan», he wrote, even if it is very limited powers of the council, like the advisory body, its members to the highest career rank officials. The session was attended by more than in any other official’s combination, Sheikh ul-Islam, Begi and yasavulboshi decisive vote. Board meetings, depending on the degree of importance of the issues by the khan. The Supreme Council of the elders, the career and the title of the owners, in particular, the inspectors, Sheikh ul-Islam, mutavalli Miro, the judge decrees, quartermaster, shig'ovul, tablecloths, the leader has to miroxo'r oqog'i, etc. Khan's relatives of the Supreme Council of the princes, assigned, united and biyes [1. p, 251].

N. Muravyov the following information about the activities of the Council: «The council on Friday each week ko'rinishxonada crowd. Khan's officials who are now before the beginning of negotiations on the tray table pulls. All food and advice after the wedding». Or of the aforementioned Supreme Council of the Khiva Khanate in a single court in civil and criminal cases. Described above, you can see whether or not there is justice, because there was a continuous strong laws, sometimes, depending on the discretion of the board, sometimes in favor of Khan [2. p, 65].

I. Ignatev this, saying: «This council, it seems, very difficult to go and work in diplomatic affairs is totally unacceptable and, moreover, officials mahram Council in emergency cases, mullahs and sheikhs to ' b» [3. p, 148].

N. N. Muravyov and N. Ignatev learning this opinion confirms the archival materials. This narrow range even though the state as an organization of the Board of his decision Khan's decision ko'rsatilsada, legislative, administrative and judicial practice. The Council states that a decision on the issues haama in the internal affairs of other countries and states that solving the problems of external relations. Coming to the nineteenth century, it confirms the memories of many foreign scouts from the left.

Khan's advice of elders. Sources indicated that the elders believe that the decision came after them Mehta Khan. The session was attended by well reappointment of independent decision. Although the council discussed a variety of internal and external affairs of the country can cook, but the issues we discussed, and the opinion of the Council, first, depends on the will of the Khan.

Typically, after the death of the khan «Crown» was elected as khan. «Khan», a candidate Mehta, qushbegi and played a major role in yasavulboshi. No doubt verily, the seeds of high-class officials and Khan agreed to advance the elections to be held in a narrow range, the eldest, was the appointment of an official ceremony. Khan was declared dead man was buried in the Khan, «The period of time so the Khan», he proclaimed heralds Solaro. The owner of the highest authority in the country not only with the Khan of Khiva fledged and officials, but also characterized by the appearance.

Khiva tour I. Ibrohimovs participated in the War of 1873, the «Khan and his family were resident goldenly stand and gold buttons, wear the robe. Khan and his relatives seeds boots topped with a piece of round leather wear pitched, it was a sign of belonging to the family of the khan» [4. p, 163].

Khan's palace, hashing, and some of the rituals involved in the war in 1873, the year round, a man explains: «Khan gray horse comes on the mystery of the red velvet saddle Khan's skirt of blue cloth robe. Khan's palace in a way became garment gown. Horse's neck tie diamonds horses studded tie, biggest hit in carretles idea reins too far processed. Khan Mehtar Khan's name was next to the four-fledged walking, Begi, and a group of mounted officers rode Khan stretched».

The nineteenth century, the Khanate of Khiva, the administrative structure and management procedures significantly reduced abridges. As noted Khan and the waves are concentrated around the fact that the government managed in accordance with the decisions made by the officials. If the debate is a very important issue for the country to obtain such a case that the «Big Board» was called. It was all the districts in office and princes commanded and the decision of the Board. Sometimes this board so much before has commanded and as a result, for state of the most important issues have been resolved. For example, during the Russian invasion, more than 300 the number of members of the Council called of age. Muhammad founded by Rahimxon the role of these councils.


  1. Йўлдошев М.Хива хонлигида феодал ер эгалиги ва давлат тузилиши. 251 б.
  2. Муравьёв Н. Н. Кўрсатилган асар — 65 б.
  3. Игнатьев Н.Миссия в Хиву и Бухару в 1858 г. СПБ, 1879. С. 148.
  4. Ибрагимов И. Некоторые заметки о Хивинских туркменах и киргизах. СПб., 1874 // ВС. 1874. — С. 9, 133, 163.

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