Increasing the range of traditional food to the development of tourism in the Khorezm region | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: История

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №9 (113) май-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 27.04.2016

Статья просмотрена: 77 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Жуманиязова, Мамлакат. Increasing the range of traditional food to the development of tourism in the Khorezm region / Мамлакат Жуманиязова, Б Сотимов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 9 (113). — С. 923-925. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

Increasing the range of traditional food to the development of tourism in the Khorezmregion

Jumaniyozova Mamlakat,

Khoresm region is rich in tourism potential.A number of historical monuments, located in its territory for centuries attracted the attention of researchers and tourists.But in recent times, historical monuments serious is being paid serious attention to work on reconstruction and the creation of modern forms is not universally shows.As a result, on March 20, 2013, President Islam Karimovsigned the declaration of «The development of tourism in Khorezm region in 2013–2015».This document is provided for the reconstruction and construction of tourism facilities, development of tourism infrastructure transport, tourist routes, new routes, the development of products and services.So part of the program the total amount of 86.76 billion US dollars in the region of 118 projects planned to be carried out.These funds based on tourism, exports, envisaged to increase the number of tourists and the location of hotels.

February 2, 2012 at the initiative of the Khorezm regional administration building of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the development of business tourism in the Khorezm region. Fund was established in 2012–2015 to increase the export potential of tourism services on the implementation of measures designed to address the software developed in the project [1, c. 2008–2015].According to him, the history of our region on the basis of various types ofarchaeological finds, national costumes, national musical instruments, National Cultural Landmarks of bread, rice, melons, water-melons and other areas, such as the picture gallery contains museums, restaurants and entertainment for tourists spa services. А national organization of exhibitions of handicraft products and their processes, the development ofeco-tourism in the region for a small camel caravansacross thedesert, which is the organization oftours, desert plants, sand dunes to watch the landscape was planned to attract tourists.Bogot district Kalazhik the only castle in Central Asia, «the Dead Sea» for treatment and rehabilitation into a tourist complex, «Xozaraspfortress» around the infrastructure (shops, cafeterias, gift headstones) and to attract tourists, Khiva, «wind park» «Chor gorges», khan garden areas, such as the effective implementation of the projects underway.

Business Fund projects in Khorezm bread, dishes and other food outlets covering the history of museums and traditional food and quality improvement.After all, the uniqueness of the region's ethnography.In Khorezm cuisine and regional consumer, culture is quite different from other regions of the republic.Visiting the oasis of foreign tourists and guests will visit various regions of the local oasis ate and resolve the issue.After all, the representative of the people of any nation other than the consumption of local food can cause considerable inconvenience.Of course, Khorezm improving the quality of the food to increase their range of traditional and modern designs through the development of tourism facilities. As for the tourist complexes around the organization of catering outlets.These services are now also available.However, a strong need to be reconstructed, the existing and new ones are needed to create a modern basis.

Currently, the region's traditional cuisine is available in the region has some of the traditional food (Barack eggs, rice, butter, Gomma) may find.The rest of the verandah or selling food filled with the invitation.Of course, such a situation cafeterias and a good opportunity for a great investment.However, you have full coverage from traditional Khorezm and traditional tourism, created a comprehensive view of the kitchen is important to attract the attention of tourists.We believe these kitchens that will be packed with tourists and the cultural level even higher level.What is the role of traditional dishes in the development of tourism in Khorezm?The question arises.

First of allfood outlets should be included in the complex of the famous historical monuments.Secondly,kitchens, construction or reconstruction of the traditional style.Third, youneed to make a list of traditional dishes and stuff.Because of Khorezm sharply continental climate of the winter cold, summer heat.So there is a kind of consumer culture were formed depending on the seasons.So, the kitchen staff in the winter, summer, spring and autumn dishes must distinguish between good.Otherwise, you can be a tourist or a local visitor's reactions.Resistance, which in turn undermines the potential of tourism.To avoid such negative consequences for employees of the catering outlets of traditional dishes of the history, the culture of consumption familiarization training manuals and the organization of training courses.So, the waiter guides, as well as in their national costumes.

Fourth, themain tourist attractions like the autumn and spring, taking into account the visit in the first months of the season, should draw attention to the food consumed in the same period. Create new designs of traditional dishes.

The interior of the rooms is thefifthnational equipment.(Local wooden tables, Khorezm traditional fabric quilt, local ceramics) tour travel season, hotel kitchens may not be useful to organize an exhibition of national dishes.Some cafeterias filled with the traditional dishes that reflect the history of the museum is better organized.

In a word Khorezm boundless sand dunes in a lasting beacon, a green oasis, and the hard place of progress.And knew the sacred nature of all things rational, creative people.The region in spite of the obstacles preventing civilization to connect with the natural cradle of its culture into a very attractive country.Endure the cold peaks reach hearts tremble, fearful abode of the brave heroes of the spirit.Today Khorezm more attractive thanks to a lot of hard work and visit the beautiful nature.After all, the development of tourism infrastructure in the region can become famous all over the world, and there is reason enough.That a professional army, unique accent, Khiva melons, high-quality rice.Karvåg apples, pomegranates, Khiva and Bogot popular today Khorezm nutrition fame plateau rises this planet.


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