The use of information and communication technologies in activity of bodies of statistics (by the example of Uzbekistan) | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Маткаримова, И. А. The use of information and communication technologies in activity of bodies of statistics (by the example of Uzbekistan) / И. А. Маткаримова, Б. К. Гойипназаров, А. Ш. Сапарбоев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 9.5 (113.5). — С. 54-57. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Summary: In the article it is told about a statistics role in development of the country and use of information and communication technologies in activity of bodies of statistics.

Keywords: statistics, globalization, information resource, introductions, developments, information technologies, GDP.

In article it is told about a statistics role in development of the country and use of information and communication technologies in activity of bodies of statistics.

In Uzbekistan the huge attention is paid to questions of introduction and development of information and communication technologies in all spheres of national economy and in activity of government bodies. As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has noted "we have to realize that without cardinal, I would tell, explosive advance on the way of widespread introduction to all spheres of economy, in our everyday life of modern information and communication systems it is difficult to see prospect" [1]. In recent years in the republic it is done considerable work on equipment of government bodies as the computer equipment, formation of local and corporate networks, creation of information resources and systems. The processes of a computerization and informatization observed in the country haven't avoided also bodies of the state statistics.

About importance and need of statistical supervision works the acts and resolutions adopted in the republic. The state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan statistically has been formed according to the decree of the President of December 24, 2002 "About reorganization of the Ministry of macroeconomic and statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan". Activity of State statistics committee (SSC) is regulated by the law "About the State Statistics" [2] and the Provision on the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan statistically approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of January 8, 2003. The resolution of the head of state of November 13, 2008 "About additional measures for increase programmatically – technical providing and level of professional qualification of shots of system of bodies of the state statistics", was an incitement to prompt development of information – communication technologies in SSC.

The state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan statistically is the state body which is carrying out the uniform policy in the field of statistics directed to creation and functioning of the complete progressive statistical information system which is based on the scientific methodology, the international standards and rules taking into account national peculiarities of development, satisfying needs of state governing bodies, economic entities, citizens and the organizations for official statistical information.

The state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan statistically provides the organization of statistical works on the basis of the following principles:

- reliability, objectivity, impartiality;

- relevance, comparability and stability;

- availability, transparency and openness;

- exceptions of any intervention in an order of collecting, processing and synthesis of statistical information.

The state committee on statistics, Managements of statistics of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and Tashkent, departments of statistics of areas and cities and the Center of statistical researches and retraining of personnel consist of uniform system. Managements of statistics of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and Tashkent city, departments of statistics of the areas and cities provide collecting primary statistical information, its processing, accumulation and storage for the purpose of generalization, the analysis and the publication of statistical information on the social and economic phenomena and processes.

The center of retraining of personnel and statistical researches of SSC of the Republic of Uzbekistan is created according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of January 8, 2003 №8 "About the organization of activity of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on statistics". A main objective of the Center statistical researches and retraining of personnel of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the organization of regular retraining and professional development of personnels and specialists of bodies of the state statistics and other organizations on a systematic basis, widespread introduction of information and communicative technologies in the course of training, conducting statistical researches in economic and social branches.

The main objectives of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan statistically are:

- development and implementation of uniform policy in the field of statistics, providing effective system of the organization of the statistics meeting the modern international requirements and standards;

- development and deployment of the evidence-based, qualified market economy of uniform statistical methodology and system of the indicators providing drawing up the national accounts and conforming to the international statistical standards;

- ensuring efficiency, reliability and objectivity of the statistical and reporting factors which are comprehensively characterizing the processes happening in economic and social life of society;

- providing government bodies and self-government institutions of citizens, legal entities, public institutions and international organizations and public statistical information in accordance with the established procedure.

Application of modern information and communication technologies in statistical production is directed on increase of efficiency of collecting and quality of statistical information, cut in expenditure to static supervision and providing users with full and objective statistical information.

In this regard, for further liberalization of economy and cardinal improvement of business climate in the republic on July 16, 2012 has signed the decree "About Measures for Cardinal Reduction of Statistical Tax, Financial Statements, the Licensed Kinds of Activity and Allowing Procedures" by the President Islam Karimov. In this document providing tasks until the end of 2014 of the stage-by-stage translation in full of all subjects of business on electronic system of delivery of statistical, tax and financial statements were set for state bodies.

As today in an electronic format over 100 percent of subjects of business hand over the tax and statistical reporting.

Interactive services of SSC are provided according to the resolution of the Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 23, 2007 "About measures for further improvement of interaction of bodies of the public and economic board, the government on places with legal entities and individuals using information – communication technologies". It should be noted that in the republic for this period a lot of work on transfer of the state services to an interactive form is already made. For example, to the legal entity to hand over the statistical reporting, it is necessary to visit the website

The website of SSC is realized in three language – Uzbek, Russian and English. two types of the menu are used for convenience of navigation on the website. In the left menu visitors can find the general information on bodies of statistics, the legal acts regulating activity of statistic bodies, and other reference information. The right menu of the website is devoted to the interactive services rendered by SSC.

All operating forms of the state statistical reporting (only 123 types) are available to delivery on the Internet. SSC renders 6 basic and 4 additional interactive state services. Besides, during creation of new firm it is possible to use the Trade names electronic reservation system.

The main destination of use ICT and bodies of statistics is an automation of processes of statistical production. This includes collecting, processing, accumulation, storage, generalization, the analysis and the publication of statistical information about socially – economic phenomena, processes and their results occurring in the republic enter. Automation of process of collecting statistical information is provided with system of collecting the state statistical reporting in electronic form e Stat 2.0.

Introduction of the automated information system of collecting the statistical reporting in the electronic form of e Stat 2.0 carries out the following tasks:

- to considerably reduce time for preparation and delivery of the statistical reporting;

- to increase efficiency of reception and its processing;

- and also quality of the transmitted data due to the arithmetic and logical control realized in system.

Thus, the statistics formed by bodies of the state statistics not only reflect the course of implementation of the target priority programs of development adopted by the government, but also allows users to estimate independently macroeconomic indicators or to carry out the analysis of the reasons their factor influencing an economic situation in the republic and regions and also to compare indicators of Uzbekistan with the relevant data of other countries.

Now remain insufficiently developed features of formation of qualitative statistical information on the basis of system of national accounts, statistical methods of the accounting of shadow economy and applied statistical tools, performance of adjustments on the unaccounted volume of the gross domestic product (GDP).

One of statistical methods and receptions is electronic statistics which promotes providing and improvement of quality of statistical macroeconomic information in the system of national accounts. The provision on the order of submission of the state statistical reporting in an electronic form, according to laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the state statistics", "About a digital signature, "About electronic document flow", defines the mechanism of submission of the state statistical reporting through the Internet in the form of the electronic document with use of a digital signature. It is possible to tell that the satellite navigation system carries out the major function the providing information basis of decision-making at development of macroeconomic policy.

In the conclusion, one may say, that the use of ICT in statistics brings notable results.


  1. Ўзбекистон Республикасини «Давлят Статистика тўғрисида» ги қонуни. December 12, 2002. №441- II // ЎзбекистонРеспубликасиқонунхужжатларитўплами, 2002, №24, 26-31 б.
  2. И.А.Каримов. Наша главная цель – решительно следовать по пути широкомасштабных реформ и модернизации страны. Народное слово. January 19, 2013.
  3. Каримов И. А. Об итогах социально - экономического развития Республики Узбекистан за 2015 год. // Хорезмская правда, 2015.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): SSC, GDP, ICT.

Ключевые слова

глобализация, статистика, GDP, Информационный ресурс, введения, события, информационные технологии, globalization, statistics, information resource, introductions, developments, information technologies

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