The role of Information technology in teaching English | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №12 (116) июнь-2 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 20.06.2016

Статья просмотрена: 1559 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Олимов, Х. Ю. The role of Information technology in teaching English / Х. Ю. Олимов, О. А. Насирдинов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 12 (116). — С. 904-905. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).

One of the basic functions of education is preparation of students for life. This function in 21st century may be participation in an information rich society, where knowledge is regarded as the main source for socio-cultural and politico-economical development of countries and nations. Information rich societies are developed and dominating and they are controlling the information throughout the world. Information encompasses and relies on the use of different channels of communication, presently called information and communication technologies and would be incorporating better pedagogical methods to cope with such emerging situations. Educating youth is educating our nation. The research work is dedicated to the widely studied branch of our educational system — learning foreign languages. On December 10, 2012 President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a decree «On measures to further improve foreign language learning system». It is noted that in the framework of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On education» and the National Program for Training Staffs in the country, a comprehensive foreign languages’ teaching system, aimed at creating harmoniously developed, highly educated, modern-thinking young generation, further integration of the country to the world community, has been created. However, analysis of the current system of organizing language learning shows that learning standards, curricula and textbooks do not fully meet the current requirements, particularly in the use of advanced information and media technologies. Education is mainly conducted in traditional methods. Further development of a continuum of foreign languages learning at all levels of education; improving skills of teachers and provision of modern teaching materials are required. According to the decree, starting from 2013/2014 school year foreign languages, mainly English, gradually throughout the country will be taught from the first year of schooling in the form of lesson-games and speaking games, continuing to learning the alphabet, reading and spelling in the second year (grade). Also it is envisaged that Institutes modules, especially in technical and international areas, will be offered in English and other foreign languages at higher education institutions. Thus, coming out from this Decree we also decided to dedicate our research to the learning English, but through information pedagogical technologies. The new era assigns new challenges and duties on the modern teacher. The tradition of English teaching has been drastically changed with the remarkable entry of technology. Technology provides so many options as making teaching interesting and also making teaching more productive in terms of improvements. Technology is one of the most significant drivers of both social and linguistic change. That technology lies at the heart of the globalization process; affecting education work and culture. The use of English language has increased rapidly after 1960. At presents the role and status of English is that it is the language of social context, political, socio-cultural, business, education, industries, media, library, communication across borders, and key subject in curriculum and language of imparting education. It is also a crucial determinant for university entrance and processing well paid jobs in the commercial sector. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD-1942 as of 26 March 2013, «OnMeasures on Further Improvement of Preparing of Personnel in the sphere Information and Communication Technologies», was the essence of the country's reforms in the field of foreign language learning.

According to the European Standards English Specific Purpose (ESP) teachers today cannot afford not to integrate technology into their courses, because technology plays an essential role in their learners’ everyday professional lives, in which they need digital and electronic literacy skills to communicate internationally across cultural borders using different media, and to become autonomous learners who can keep up with the fast-paced professional world. Teachers who like technology and feel comfortable using it, will keep up with the latest developments and often readily adopt and experiment with various technologies in their teaching, whether offline or online. Sometimes, they are criticized by more techno-critical educators for unnecessarily using technology without having a proof for their effectiveness in helping students learn better or faster. ESP teachers might be less prone to this because they generally focus more on their learners’ needs and are more aware of the limited time and busy schedules they have. Even if they were not, their students would most probably be reluctant to use technologies they would see as a waste of time or too difficult to use. Therefore, ESP teachers will mostly practice what they suggest: a critical, technologically-informed pragmatism. ‘In ESP, as we can see from the case studies, the reason for using technology is not only or always because it makes learning the language more effective or efficient, but also because it can offer tools that simulate real life work situations, while giving students the opportunity to acquire and practice essential 21st century professional skills. Using technology in learning a second language has become a real necessity nowadays. This reviewed briefly how technology can be utilized in developing the language skills of the learner. Different methods for using technology in improving the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) were discussed thoroughly. Moreover, nowadays in every English classes beginning from the first grade till the higher education we can see the usage of computer technologies in order to widen the students’ worldwide and to share their ideas about their native Motherland only in English. Because today our youth’s working in foreign joint ventures to increase the economy of our country is one of the main and significant problems. A case study was also carried out to estimate the acceptability of some students for the utilization of technology to enhance their language skills. As a result, the following concluding remarks and recommendations can be recorded:

− As technology has developed, the incorporation of this medium into the instruction process becomes necessary.

− The computer is being viewed more as an integral part of the learning activity, and as a means by which skills are transferred to learners.

− Theory and practice in second language learning can be matched together by the use of modern technology.

− Modern technical ways should be followed for effective learning and teaching of the second language.

− English language teachers should encourage their students to use technology in developing the language skills.

− Educational institutions should modernize their technical instruction capabilities by using new equipment’s and laboratories for supporting the teaching process.


  1. Karimov I. A. Onayurtimizbaxt-uiqbolivabuyukkelajagiyo’lidaxizmatqilish — engoilysaodatdir. — Toshkent, «O’zbekiston», 2015.
  2. PQ-1875 «On measures to further improvement of foreign language learning system» Xalq so’zi December 10, 2012.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ESP.

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