Тhe tourism potential of uzbekistan and the main directions of the state policy in the development of it | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Якубов, А. Г. Тhe tourism potential of uzbekistan and the main directions of the state policy in the development of it / А. Г. Якубов, Р. М. Салаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 12 (116). — С. Т.4. 131-133. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/116/32192/ (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).


Currently, the country pays great attention to the development of services and tourism sector. The current stage of the country is in rapid development.

Uzbekistan's tourism potential and its development are provided by the state. In this regard, the public policy is developed and its main areas have been adopted.

That is, the important role of the state in the development of the tourism sector, the tourism sector has been regulated by the following features:

-touristic activities, organization and regulation of normative-legal base;

-tourism development prospects;

-touristic activities regulation;

-tourism in the field of security;

-touristic labor supply;

-tourism to ensure the implementation of scientific research and the market;

-touristic support of foreign economic activity of firms;

-to address the issues of environmental protection and historical monuments;

-to create a strong image;

-monitoring and control functions.

Because of the importance of tourism in the world is constantly growing. This is the result of a direct effect on the economy of tourism. Tourism is fulfilling an important role in the economy of some countries:

-source of employment and serves to solve the problem of the balance of payments;

-domestic product indicator is rising;

-winter diversification and tourism services influence the emergence of new industries;

-tourism in the field of employment growth, rising incomes and growing wealth of the nation.

July 27, 1992 President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed the decree "National Company".

His document became the basis for the country's national tourism organization. As a result, the tourism industry in the first years of our independence, there was a need to establish an independent national organization.

The national structure of the central office of the company are as follows:

-                     leadership

-                     financial management

-                     to support the development of private tourism department

-                     department of tourism and marketing investments

-                     department of International Relations

-                     licensing Department

-                     personnel and Training Department

-                     special Services Department

-                     lawyer

-                     general department

-                     manager

-                     the organizational structure of the company

First, the company has its activities in other areas of public administration bodies, public authorities, public organizations, and in partnership with other organizations.

In this regard, the organizing team has prepared this document, and on February 15, 1993, "the national approval of the Charter of the company "decided to No. 82. This document determines the rights and obligations of the national tourism, has defined the scope of activities.

Now, "Uzbektourism" has 32 economic entities.

This number of foreign tourists in cooperation with the firms working on a contractual basis.

In the field of tourism and the country's President Islam Karimov announced by a number of decrees and decisions (Table 1)

Table 1

Uzbektourism Central and development of the presidential decrees and decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers

Presidential decrees, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers

Date and the number of

Full name


Presidential Decree

July 27, 1992

The organization of the Uzbektourism


Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 424

October 20, 1992

National issues of organization of activities of the Uzbektourism


Presidential Decree No. 1162

June 2, 1995

To enable participation in the formation of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the Silk Road, and on the development of international tourism


Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 210

June 3, 1995

Measures to create a modern infrastructure for international tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan


Presidential Decree No. 2286

April 15, 1999

The state program of tourism development until 2005


Resolution of the Oliy Majlis

August 20, 1999

"Tourism" On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Resolution No. 449 of the Cabinet of Ministers

November 17, 2000

In Samarkand "Afrasiab" hotel and in Bukhara "Bukhara" Hotel on the management of foreign management


Resolution No. 131 of the Cabinet of Ministers

March 16, 2001

November 17, 2000, the Cabinet of Ministers to amend Resolution No. 449


The basic directions of the state policy in the sphere of tourism


The development of tourism and the tourist industry


Business entities to create equal opportunities for the tourism market




Citizens to travel during the holidays, to ensure freedom of movement and other rights


Tourists' safety, their rights and legal interests and to ensure the protection of property




The rational use of tourism resources and their conservation


The scientific development of the software and the tourism industry




Improving the regulatory framework in the field of tourism


Training for the tourism industry, said the preparation and training of their




Children, youth, the disabled and low-income segments of the population, tourism to create the conditions for


The development of cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations




Policy to attract investments for the development of tourism industry



Figure 1. The priorities of the state policy in the field of tourism.


Due to the adoption of the above regulations, much of the tourism industry in the new millennium, the era of the creation of new jobs and increasing foreign currency inflows occupies the leading position in the fastest growing economic sector.

In general, the use of the tourism potential of effective public policy directions are as follows:

-tourism and the development of the tourism industry;

-travel during the holidays, to ensure freedom of movement and other rights.

-the efficient use of resources and their conservation;

-to improve the regulatory framework in the field;

-touristic to attract investments for the development of the industry;

For business entities to create equal opportunities for the market of tourist services;

- security of tourists rights and legal interests and to ensure the protection of the property;

- creation and development of scientific research in the field of supply;

- re-training and skills development;

State assumes the development of cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations.

The implementation of state policy of National Company and the tourist firms in Japan, Russia, Germany and several European countries, in partnership with the countries of East Asia and the expansion of cooperation in the region.




  1. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, the "State program of development of tourism in 2005," the decree. April 15, 1999.
  2. Tuxliev N.T.  I.S.Rubinov Basics of tourism. Manuals. – Samarkand: SamESU, 2008.
  3. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, the country's socio-economic development in 2014 and the most important priorities of economic program for 2015, the results of the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. January 17, 2015.
  4. Ibadullayev N.E. The establishment of foreign tourists, tourist services. The text of the lecture. Master's thesis. – Samarkand: SamESU, 2011.
  5. www.uzbektourism.uz

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