Interethnic aggression in the Astrakhan region | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Социология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №13 (117) июль-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 04.07.2016

Статья просмотрена: 21 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Нурмухамбетова, С. А. Interethnic aggression in the Astrakhan region / С. А. Нурмухамбетова, Е. М. Лоркиш. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 13 (117). — С. 645-648. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The nature of human aggression, the true reasons for its occurrence, the search for ways to overcome the destructive principle in the most perfect creation of God — these issues at all times disturbed the best minds of humanity, causing a surge of scientific and creative thinking in various areas of the world of knowledge, especially in philosophy, theology and art. At the same time, as an object of scientific study of human aggression became studied only at the beginning of the last century, the Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud.

Preliminary comparative analysis of phraseological units of these languages indicates that different people differently express their negative emotions in a speech in the communication process. The process of communication — it is a bilateral act, the interaction of the speaker and his interlocutor. Therefore, on hate speech can speak in the following aspects: on the one hand, the person speaking is experiencing negative emotions of himself, but on the other — pours them out on his companion (real or virtual). And linguistic units reflect this two-way process.

Verbal aggression or rudeness toward the interlocutor is manifested in the use of abusive, harsh words, in negative assessments of the interlocutor, mocking intonation, obscene curses, high volume voice, unpleasant allusions, crude irony.

Negative emotions can lead to verbal aggression in humans as directed, and later. The most common cause of hate speech is the social status of the interlocutor. In second place in popularity is transnational aggression. Often, people of different nationalities, religions, traditions can not find a compromise, to come to a common decision, they do not have understanding, and simply — simply they believe their nation above the rest. See the ethnic aggression can be in a multicultural region, Astrakhan, and not the exception. I think each of us once in my life seen people of different nationalities caught a few words, or switched to higher tones, and maybe someone was a member of these events.

One of the most striking examples of ethnic aggression scandal surrounding the election thirty-second clips of the party «Rodina», demonstrated in a TV channel TVC. According to the plot, in the autumn park sitting on benches, four «persons of Caucasian nationality» who eat watermelon and throw around watermelon rinds. Passes by a young Russian woman with a stroller, after which one of the men with Caucasian accent feigned throwing the phrase: «Ponaehali here!" On the part of all those watching the leader of the party «Rodina» Dmitry Rogozin and his colleague Yuri Popov. Angered by what they saw, Rogozin addresses the «Caucasians», threw watermelon rinds directly under the wheels of the pram, and strictly requires: «Lift up your pack and get rid of a« But there was no response. Then Yuri Popov is coming to one of the men puts his hand on his shoulder and asked: «Do you understand Russian?" Ends movie slogan «clear Moscow of rubbish!".

In the midst of the election campaign of 2005 in the Moscow City Duma made this movie a kind of confirmation of the party started «Homeland» under the slogan «Moscow for Muscovites» electoral line, the first point of which was the problem of illegal immigration of inhabitants of the CIS countries in the Capital Region. However, the political or even ideological initiative «rodintsev» soon turned into a scandal, almost entailed for them the consequences of criminal procedure, as some experts have estimated video content, or rather, his final slogan, as an appeal to the incitement of ethnic hatred. Although the scandal has died down as soon as the hot, its impact on the psychological effect of a mass audience leaves no doubt.

As you know, a few years ago the problem of inter-ethnic relations in the post-Soviet space, in particular, between the residents of the central regions of Russia and the so-called newcomers, showed itself mainly in colloquial everyday level, and on the information space «broke» in the form of offensive lexical symbols, then Lodging in specific «hate speech»: black, niggers, Jews, lumps, persons of Caucasian nationality, limit migrant workers; newcomers are being squeezed, flood fill, climb out of turn, pluck, spoil life, etc. However, in the mouth of a prominent politician, it has acquired a qualitatively new meaning -. more open and radical.

In the context of this study, there is no doubt that the slogan «clear Moscow of rubbish!" Is a colorful, unprecedented vulgar offensive content example of hate speech. Moreover, in one sentence reflected the signs of several types of linguistic aggression: latent and active manipulative. First of all, it is easy to guess that by «garbage» Rogozin implies not scattered «uncultured» characters clip watermelon rinds, and Caucasians themselves, whose presence in the Moscow region is so unpleasant to the party «Motherland», which it calls «clear» them capital.

Consequently, we have an illustration unsuccessfully hidden hate speech, and deliberately insulting properties, which gives the previous slogan videophone with representatives of a particular ethnic group with a set of distinctive features, such as distinctive accent («ponaehali here!"). In addition, the semantic content of the analyzed fragment, ccording to the definition of an active verbal aggression is «a call for aggressive actions», as indicated by the verb in the imperative «purify» and giving emotional expressiveness exclamation mark. In turn, the same verb indicates the manipulative nature of linguistic aggression in this appeal, as with the help of the author creates around the stated Initiative image of the «common cause», as if to show that he is not alone in its intentions and, thereby, increase the impact of the effect.

Interestingly, the Moscow prosecutor's office conducted the examination confirmed that the video of the party «Motherland», «has all the hallmarks of a criminal offense», according to the article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation «On the excitation of national, racial and religious hatred».

In the Astrakhan region as one of the most diverse regions of the Russian Federation, it had plenty of incidents of aggression exhibited against people of different nationalities. One of the most obvious examples of ethnic aggression is the incident that happened in the village Yandyki August 18, 2005. The village Yandyki Liman district is home to about 3.5 thousand. People, mostly Russian. In addition, in the village live Tatars, Kalmyks, Kazakhs and Chechens. Chechens began to arrive in the village in the Soviet times, working to shepherd breeders and experts points at railway stations and sidings of the Volga Railroad. The locals have noted that during this period clashes with the Chechens were not. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the beginning of the military conflict in Chechnya in the area began arriving Chechens who have fled the war. For example, in the neighboring village Zenzeli newcomer Chechen Kazakh and Kalmyk shot, then killed two police officers in November 2004. According to the deputy prosecutor of the region, in 2004 in the area were also reported clashes between Kalmyks and Chechens. These nationalities are particularly aggressive and vindictive. None was not surprising that the conflict took place, unfortunately this was not the only example.

February 22, 2005 in Yandyki three local residents of the Chechen nationality desecrated graves in the village cemetery, breaking the 17 grave crosses and knocking granite monument on the grave of Edward Kokmadzhieva, conscript soldier who was killed during the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya. Against them were prosecuted. At the village meeting the representatives of the Kalmyk community demanded the eviction of Yandyki their relatives. The authorities managed to extinguish the conflict promise to punish those responsible. But public opinion no one listened, the court sentenced the perpetrators to 2 years in a penal colony, which was considered too soft. In response, on August 16 night several dozen Chechens began to break into the home of the Kalmyks, beating them. As a result, she was shot in the back running away 24-year-old Nikolai Boldarev.

Boldareva funeral took place on 18 August. To maintain the order of about 150 police officers were sent to the village. However, on the same day it began to receive reports that neighboring localities large group of aggressive people (about two thousand), and areas of the region of Kalmykia in Yandyki sent.

On the border with Kalmykia most of them were stopped by the police Kalmyk. However, through the steppe in the village managed to pass about fifty machines of Kalmyk city Lagan. Arriving teamed up with a group of local residents — Kalmyks, as well as Russian, Tatars and Kazakhs. About eight o'clock in the evening up to 300 people marched through the streets of the village, setting fire to the house of the Chechens. He suffered a policeman who tried to stop the crowd. Some Chechens have sought refuge in the local administration building, part of the profits of citizens threw stones gathered there and Chechen policemen.

Thus, this type of aggression may occur nowhere. It should be taken seriously and be more attentive to the words he addressed to another person, regardless of his nationality. And if he belongs to another nation, you have to be more careful not to hurt his honor and dignity. We should be able to coexist on the same territory, must honor the traditions and mentality of other nations in order to reduce the number of these terrible conflicts that claim the lives and health of many people.

In this paper we want to show the attitude of the inhabitants of Astrakhan to the ethnic aggression. The survey was attended by high school students and students of 1–2 courses ASTU. The results are shown in the table below.

How do you feel about people of other nationalities living in the region?



Attacks against some

Attacks against all






How do you feel about foreign students? To their culture, language and traditions?

I am for the development of international relations.

I'm against it, because they affect our own culture.

I am opposed to some countries and would not want to see their students have






Do you often show aggression towards representatives of other nationalities?




Often in relation to a particular nationality





Do you have friends of other nationalities?


Very little

I am trying to avoid






Are you using abusive treatment when dealing with representatives of other nationalities?

Yes, I use


Not using



How do you feel about the offensive statements directed at your address.


I put aside


The answer is physically





How do you react to communicate the people around you in a foreign language?


I put aside

I was nervous




Do you discuss people of other nationalities?







Do you know the meaning of the words uttered by you?

Yes I know


No, I do not know




Were there conflicts in your life on a national basis?







Have you set your nationality and language above others?



above some




Are you ready to change your style of communication to prevent ethnic conflicts? And why are you ready to start?


Yes, but not now

I was happy with everything




As shown by the survey, the majority of all respondents favorably disposed towards other nationalities. In our opinion, the reason is that in our region, a huge number of ethnic groups, so children from an early age learn to find common ground with people of other cultures. It followed that the majority of respondents have friends of other nationalities.

Nevertheless, we found a tendency that every tenth respondent negatively or adversely answering questions, letting him know his disapproving attitude towards representatives of other ethnic groups.

It also concluded that more than half of the survey participants are trying to crush his opponent, show aggression, verbally or even physically. But there were many of those who would prefer not to notice the incident.

On a given us a question about whether there were conflicts in the life of respondents on a national basis, more than half said that they never happened. This fact can not be overlooked, because he says that our population has learned to coexist in the same area, there is a mutual understanding between peoples.

Also, the tendency was found among respondents, where one in 10 answered negatively or adversely on a particular issue, thereby showing hostility towards other nationalities. But I venture to suggest that it was more to do with the nature of circumstantial than a way of thinking, because more specifically all configured favorably to other nationalities, and to international relations.

To the question: «Are you ready to change your style of communication to prevent interethnic conflicts?", A little less than half of the respondents were willing to change the stereotype of communicating instantly, therefore, each of them realizes his mistake and favors correct it, is going to donate their habits for calm coexistence.

Thus, in our multi-ethnic region which is home to more than 100 ethnic groups, the majority of young residents prefer to treat their fellow countrymen of other nationalities with understanding, respect and kindness. And for those who aggressively tuned, we wish to be more tolerant of other peoples, because the mentality of the Russian people never differed edinorassovostyu. Throughout its history, Russia has admired for its tolerance. I would like to finish our performance VV phrase Putin: «We must take care of the unique experience that is passed on to us by our ancestors. Russia for centuries has evolved as a multinational state — initially it was — the state-civilization, fastened by the Russian people, the Russian language and Russian culture, which for all of us family that unite us and not give it to dissolve in a diverse world.

For the world, we, regardless of our ethnicity, were we remain one people. I remember one of his meetings with veterans. There were people of different nationalities: Tatars, Ukrainians, Georgians, and Russian, of course. One of the veterans, not a Russian by nationality, said: «In all, we are one people of the world, we are Russian». So it was during the war, it has always been. "


  1. The electoral roll of the party «Rodina»
  2. Riots in the village Yandyki
  3. Minigulova GZ Aggression in language and speech. // Herald of Adygeya State University. Series 2: Literature and Art Criticism 2010. № 3.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ASTU, CIS, TVC.

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