IMS-metadata specification on line test | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Информационные технологии

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №14 (118) июль-2 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 07.07.2016

Статья просмотрена: 10 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Нуржабова, Д. Ш. IMS-metadata specification on line test / Д. Ш. Нуржабова, Журабек Саидов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 14 (118). — С. 80-82. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The IMS Metadata Specification following metadata elements are defined (IMS-metadata):

1. general. Groups information about the object is being studied

1.1. Identifier. The globally unique identifier for the resource

1.2. Title of the resource name.

1.3. Catalog entry. Designation given to the resource.

1.3.1. Catalog. name directory

1.3.2. Entry. Designation within the directory.

1.4. Language. Languages ​​reporting

1.5. description. Description of the contents of the object.

1.6. keyword. Keywords (search image)

1.7. coverage. Temporal and spatial characteristics of the object.

1.8. structure. object structure (linear, hierarchical, etc.)

1.9. aggregation level. Functional resource size (1–4)

2. lifecycle. The development and current state of the resource

2.1. version. Revision (version) of the resource

2.2. status. Editorial state of the object

2.3. contribute. People or organizations contributing to the creation of a resource (creation, editing and publication)

2.3.1. role. Role in the project

2.3.2. entity. Legal person / entity, the participants, the most relevant — first

2.3.3. date. Date of indemnity

3. meta metadata. Features description. Metadata about metadata

3.1. identifier. The unique identifier of the metadata

3.2. catalog entry. Designation given metadata

3.2.1. catalog. name directory

3.2.2. entry. Designation within the directory

3.3. contribute. People or organizations contributing to the creation of metadata (creation, editing and publication)

3.3.1. role. Role

3.3.2. entity. Legal person / entity, the participants, the most relevant — first

3.3.3. date. Date of indemnity

3.4. metadata scheme. Name structure for metadata, including version (for example, LOMv1.0)

3.5. language. Metadata Language (string values) by default

4. technical. The technical capabilities of the resource

4.1. format. Technical resource format (MIME | no digital)

4.2. size. Resource size in bytes

4.3. location. Location or method of accessing the resource

4.4. requirement. Technical requirements for access to the resource

4.4.1. type. Type requirements (OS, Browser)

4.4.2. name. Name of the requested technical means

4.4.3. minimum version. The minimum version required technical means

4.4.4. maximum version. Maximum version of the required technical means

4.5. installation remarks. Instructions for installing and configuring the resource

4.6. other platform requirements. Information about the requirements for hardware and software, not specified in the previous fields

4.7. duration. Duration object when playing at normal speed in seconds (for audio, video)

5. educational. Educational or pedagogical characteristics of the resource

5.1. interactivity type. Type of user interaction

5.2. learning resource type. Type of learning resource

5.3. interactivity level. The level of interactivity

5.4. semantic density. Subjective usefulness of the resource in relation to its volume

5.5. intended user role. Purpose of the material (for teachers, student, etc.)

5.6. context. The level of educational institutions, which is material

5.7. typical age range. Recommended age of the user material

5.8. difficulty. The complexity of the material for a typical representative of the target group

5.9. typical learning time. Approximate time required to master the material

5.10. description. Recommendations for the use of material during training

5.11. language. Recommended native language of the target group

6. rights. Terms of distribution and use of resources

6.1. cost. Does the use of a resource payment

6.2. copy right and other restrictions. Are the resource copyright or other restrictions

6.3. description. Comments concerning the use of this resource

7. relation. Interaction with other resources (dictionary)

7.1. kind. Type of communication or interaction

7.2. resource. Resource is associated with or interact described resource / td>

7.2.1. identifier. Unique Resource Identifier

7.2.2. description. resource Description

7.2.3. catalog entry. Designation given to the resource catalog. name directory entry. Designation within the directory

8. annotation. Comments on the use of the resource in the educational process

8.1. person. Author annotations

8.2. Date. Date of writing annotations

8.3. description. Description annotation

9. classification. Identify the characteristics of the resource occurrences in classification

9.1. purpose. Destination

9.2. taxon path. The taxonomic classification of the specified path

9.2.1. source. Classification id. Identifier entry. Name

9.3. description. Text description of the object relative to the stated purpose

9.4. keyword. Keywords of the object relative to the stated purpose.

Taken together, the first three properties determine the adequacy of the training material purposes of its creation, that is, adequately reflects the weighted compromise satisfaction of the requirements of completeness, accessibility and scientific. Tradition these properties does not mean sameness of their degree of satisfaction with traditional and computer learning technologies. Thus, for relatively easy updating training materials allows to provide a greater degree of urgency and reflect the current state of the subject areas in the ET compared with traditional print media. The modular structure of the ET contributes to the optimization of presentation sequence [1,5].

The specific properties of ET are graphic, interactivity, adaptability, intelligence. Portraiture is determined by the correct choice of size, type and color of the font, the layout process screen pages, using the appropriate graphic illustrations and animations. Interactivity, the presence of feedback in the «ET — user», generates the activation of cognitive activity of students. Interactivity is manifested primarily at checking the assimilation of the student teaching material when performing laboratory work in an environment of interactive software systems. Adaptability means the ability to create customized versions of educational materials, taking into account the specific needs and the level of prepared student [2,3].

Intelligence — the property that turns into a partner ET learner reacting to the actions of the trainee and his corrective actions in the learning process. It is obvious that the degree of intelligence can vary over a wide range of tips on the implementation of control exercises to simulate virtual interlocutor intelligent behavior of the partner, mentor, teacher. These properties are positive features of the power plant. It is important to improve the level of fine art, interactivity and intelligence is the use of multimedia tools, comprehensive use of various forms of information (text, graphics, sound, video, photo, movie) both static and dynamic, together with the possibilities of interactive user experience [5,8].


  1. Abdukadyrov, Abdukahhor Abduvakilevich. Masofali ukitish nazariyasi amaliёti Islands. Monograph / AA Abdukadir, AH Pardaev; Ed. M. Sodikova. — T: Uzbekistan Respublikasi fanlar Akademiyasi «FAN» nashriёti, 2009. — 145 p.
  2. Masofadan ukitish equipment wa tehnologiyasi. — T: TEAI, 2002. — 232 b. — (Halkaro ilmy — Amal Conference Maruzalar tuplyu yil 2002 May 13–14: Uzbek-mail wa agentligi telecom «Uzbektelecom» aktsiyadorlik Kompaniyasy Uzb Radiotekhn electron Islands aloka ilmy and Technical Zhamiyati Tosh electrotechnical aloka in-ti). — 2 copies.
  3. Theory and practice of distance education. Proc. allowance for students. universities, teaching. on ped. specialist. / Ed. prof. ES Polat. — Moscow: Academy, 2004. — 416 p. — (Higher Education prof..).
  4. Electronic means of distance learning VZFEI: electronic supplement to the journal «Computer teaching programs and innovation». Vol. 2. — M.: VZFEI, 2005. — 1 CD-ROM. — 1 copy. — B. c.
  5. Information technology and distance learning tools.: Proc. Benefit / IM Ibragimov; Ed. EV Roslyakova. -. 3rd ed. — M.: Publishing house. center «Academy», 2008. — 336 p. — (Higher Education prof..). -
  6. Rakhmankulova, SI Distance Learning Technology: Proc. Benefit / SI Rakhmankulova. — T: [b. and], 2001. -. 143 p.: Ill. — Bibliogr.: p. 118 (33 titles.). — 1 copy.
  7. Rakhmatullaev Marat Alimovich. Seven aspects of distance education. monograph / MA Rakhmatullaev; Ed. A. Kubatin. — T: Nat. Bk Uzbekistan named. Navoi, 2009. — 72 p. — Bibliogr.: p. 57–71. — 1 copy.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): VZFEI, CD-ROM, IMS, MIME, TEAI.

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