Using pedagogical technologies in polylingual analysis of language games (in materials of mass media in the Korean language) | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №17 (121) сентябрь-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 07.06.2016

Статья просмотрена: 30 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Хамидова, Н. Т. Using pedagogical technologies in polylingual analysis of language games (in materials of mass media in the Korean language) / Н. Т. Хамидова, К. М. Сидорченко. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 17 (121). — С. 560-561. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

This article has explain the term «language game» and his domination in mass media. Today all newspapers, journals and other things of press, TV or radio has texts with special words. This words influence effects for readers. It is language game. Modern scientific need research language game in mass media because not all readers can understand text and we show pedagogical technologies which help for understanding.

Keywords: language game, polylingual analysis, translation, mass media, news title, bilingual dictionary, bifunctional dictionary, pedagogical technologies, gaming technology, media technology in education

In the past decade has been seen the development of large-scale media and advertising industry. Particularly, development due to the new social reflections in language, accompanied by certain phrases of specificity. For example, all editions of news agencies to increase demand and strengthen the strong position in the rankings media are intentionally trying to attract the attention of readers to the screaming headlines. While viewing information, we stop at these titles, texts, which appeal to their uniqueness, that is fascinating and worthy of interest in reading. Journalists, authors of articles, advertisers, speaking as a destination, recently interpreted the text reception of language game, thereby giving information particular color and style, causing interest among readers — recipients.

The term «language game» was first used by L. Vitgenshtein in the «Philosophical Investigations» in 1945. In recent studies, the term «language game» has received such an interpretation, as harping, interpreting the language rules in order to change the value, add special flavor, assessment category.

So, how can we analyze the text media in which occurs with the phenomenon of language game? The actuality of the matter embraces many needs of modern society, for example, a comparative study of several languages at the same time, without losing or distorting the semantic meaning.

For instance, the language game at the phonetic level is used in advertising texts and titles in order to highlight and beat in the punning phrase name of the product or the company.

«병신 들만 이 사는 나라 는? 네팔»

In Russian translation: «In which country there only live disables? — In

Nepal ". The word «Nepal» (네팔 [ne-Pal]) in Korean is the same in form and sound with the phrase of «four hands» (네팔 [ne-Pal]) [1, p. 180–193].

However, how to learn to understand the text correctly? While learning the material containing the phenomenon of language game is always necessary to use dictionaries. For example, a dictionary with definitions can be used in methodical techniques for syntactically parsing the sentences. We will see the example of the news headlines [2, p.1]

«박찬호, 2016 년 명예 의 전당 후보 로... 입성 은 희박»

In the Russian verbatim translation: «Pak Chan-ho unlikely will receive race nominations at Baseball Hall of Fame». If we turn to the bilingual dictionary or in dictionaries with similar meanings of sentences, one can find the following equivalent in English: «Pak Chan-ho gets shot at US Baseball Hall of Fame», which translated verbatim into Russian language means, «Pak Chan-ho gets bullet (or shot) in the US Baseball Hall of Fame. " In bifunctional dictionary for translators we find the Russian equivalent of «in flight, flying» of the English expression «gets shot». In keeping with the style and syntax, a news headline «박찬호, 2016 년 명예 의 전당 후보 로... 입성 은 희박» in the Russian translation would be: «Pak Chan-ho» flies» with a nominee in the Baseball Hall of Fame».

Using gaming technology during the described methodical techniques reduces fatigue in the work with dictionaries. Classes can be conducted in the form of teamwork, conditional assignment might be: who quickly find entries. This will cause interest among students, increase the activity, cooperation and reduce fatigue.

In addition, dictionaries can be used in methodical techniques of comparison. In the form of a table, separately in columns it is necessary to write analyzed phrases and entries from two different dictionaries. This will help to reduce the burden on learners' perception and memory. Work on the comparative table with the selected one linguistic field, such as news headlines about the culture, will help to answer questions such as: what is the difference of interpretation between the two dictionaries? What dictionaries are more systemic in nature?

Written work can be converted to work with information and communication technologies. The same table can be implemented in computer programs such as: Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access. The result is a whole database storage extensive information with features such as quick search or sorting. This will greatly help the teacher in reducing the time to prepare to work with the group. The same principle, with the same programs can be done in independent work of the student during the project-based learning Case Study. The learner does research interpretation and stores in a computer program for further analysis. Thus, from the minimum of the modules case can be assembled.

During training, the difficulty may cause not only because of lacking vocabulary, but also because of the distinctive characteristics of two or more different cultures. In terms of geography in teaching one must take into account the presence of components of culture and socio-linguistic research. At this stage, one can refer to the methods used by the translators. While working with the cultural identity of linguistic units one can address such dictionaries as bilingual, mono-functional, bi-functional, trifunctional and multifunctional. In bilingual dictionaries, we find the usual translation of words from foreign to native or vice versa. In other dictionaries, which are mentioned above, we find words that are similar to each other in different languages. All this is necessary to work with a material containing language game: the clash of different language systems, as in one text can be employed different languages, that is found in many advertisements and the media.

In conclusion, we note that in the lessons would also be useful to use to listen to audio and video materials. This will help to consolidate knowledge and adapt quickly. Possible to use gaming technology «Echo» on the development of phonetic qualities.

Described methodological techniques in working on materials of linguistic games help to develop skills to work with dictionaries. Of great importance are the presence of the cultural component, gaming technology and the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom.


  1. Language, communication and social environment. — Edition 8 — Voronyozh, 2010.
  2. «The Korea Times» 2015–01

Ключевые слова

Педагогические технологии, перевод, СМИ, Языковая игра, Полилингвистический анализ, Название новости, двуязычный словарь, Бифункциональный словарь, Игровые технологии, Медиатехнологии в образовании, mass media, translation, pedagogical technologies, language game, polylingual analysis, news title, bilingual dictionary, bifunctional dictionary, gaming technology, media technology in education

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