Innovative teaching methods in the teaching of radio engineering disciplines | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Технические науки

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (124) октябрь-2 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 07.10.2016

Статья просмотрена: 87 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Жураева, Г. Х. Innovative teaching methods in the teaching of radio engineering disciplines / Г. Х. Жураева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 20 (124). — С. 151-153. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article provided by the experience of the implementation of innovative forms of learning, which is used in the teaching of radio engineering disciplines. The paper reflects the innovative forms of learning that will allow teachers to more activate the cognitive activity of students.

Keywords: interactive form of learning, an innovative form of training radio discipline, technical training, multimedia systems, interactive whiteboard, activation of cognitive activity, the effectiveness of the educational process

This article provides information used in universities of innovative technologies in the teaching of radio disciplines. Currently, at the present stage of development of the modern student it is very important to the student to perceive the information to develop skills, motivation to learn and provides the development of radio engineering disciplines.

To the Law on Education, Article 14 of the Higher Education said: Higher education provides training of highly qualified specialists.

Training of specialists with higher education is carried out in higher education institutions (universities, academies, colleges and other educational institutions of high school) on the basis of secondary special and professional education. [1].

Scientific and technological progress and the external environment make modern enterprises become increasingly complex systems that require professional experts.

Solving these problems is largely dependent on the content of future specialists and learning technology in higher education, particularly the teaching of radio engineering disciplines. Application of innovative technologies in radio engineering disciplines allows to select the desired content and learning tools in accordance with the program, the requirements of modern production and the chosen specialty.

Modern teacher must be competent to know the latest advances in education and technology, and be able to motivate students. Develop students' right course of action, take into account the psychological and pedagogical features of the person. Recent advances in technology and science bring significant changes in the understanding of the role and uses of information and communication technologies to be applied to the successful involvement of young people in the learning process and for effective, really useful extension of interest in the study of radio discipline. The use of technical training aids (TTA) and interactive forms of learning in the disciplines intensifies the radio transmission of information, expanding the illustrative material, creating problematic situations, organizes search operations trainee, strengthens the emotional background of learning, learning motivation forms, differentiates and individualizes educational process.

The lecture serves as the lead unit of the course, and is a method of presenting the bulk of theoretical material, ensuring the integrity and completeness of his perception of the audience. When reading lectures advisable carries binary or binary web lectures involving a lecturer and a top-level production. Very effective with the planned lectures errors. This form of organization of lectures attracts the attention of students throughout the class, because they have to look for errors teacher. Also very lectures use animation and video materials for visual viewing of the material, it is easier to digest. However lecture teaches to passive perception of the material being studied. In order to avoid direct students to effectively use the dialogue with the lecturers, for example, in a press conference format. During the lectures on radio engineering disciplines to increase interest and learning new material, used an innovative method of teaching using multimedia system — an interactive whiteboard (IW).

The most common form is considered to work in small groups consisting of 5–7 students in practical classes. Groups are cases that they have to solve. Tasks are designed for 5–10 minutes, each student must thoroughly understand the solution of this problem. Students of the first to perform the work, helping others are lagging comrades, using the method of mutual learning. You can also use the NI Multisim virtual medium, LAB VIEW, Logic or Crocodile to create virtual layout of the task. [2].

When you design effectively use Internet resources, technology brainstorm and theory of inventive problem solving. During the quest, the students learn to look for material to work competently express their thoughts, listen to the interlocutor, to find several kinds of tasks solution, using technical means learning extends beyond the classroom; to make visible what cannot be seen with the tool less eye, to simulate any situation, discuss solutions and select the most optimal solution. [3].

In carrying out laboratory works on «electronics and circuit design» to the students of the following objectives: to define the TTL circuits and CMOS on LE 2I-NOT in small groups, students must study methodical material counterpart scheme on physical mock-ups, remove the measurement results, build schedule CVC and the transmission characteristics of the elements, perform a virtual laboratory, compares options schemes and graphics. To perform the work, students form, small group work in the team:

Student collects № 1- circuit TTL;

Student collects № 2- CMOS circuit;

Student № 3-relieves both schemes of student;

Student № 4- plots the current-voltage characteristics for TTL circuits;

Student № 5- plots the current-voltage characteristics for the CMOS circuit;

Student № 6- works with virtual labs;

Student № 7- looking for materials according to the schemes in Internet resource.

The team works closely together, because if does not work, at least one unit of the result of the work will not be.

The essence of educational discussions is to exchange views on the solution to a specific problem. An important function of the discussion is the constant stimulation and borrowing student learning and cognitive activities, it contributes to the acquisition of new skills, as students are encouraged to come up with several ways to achieve the result. [4].

TTA advantages in technical disciplines:

1) have a strong emotional impact;

2) allow you to show a process or phenomenon in its development, dynamics;

3) cause multiple sensations (the world of sounds and colors);

4) provide a high emotional tone, and, as a rule, increased efficiency;

5) reduce the cost of the training time required.

The use of innovative teaching methods gives effective results in the educational process. It can be combined with each other innovative technologies in science and technology. Every teacher of university has more than 20–25 of interactive teaching methods in the bank when working with students. It is not necessary to know all the interactive teaching methods. It is important to use the methods most commonly used by teachers using TTA.

Application TTA in the technical disciplines intensifies the transfer of information, expanding the illustrative material, creating problematic situations, organizes search operations trainee, strengthens the emotional background of learning, learning motivation forms, differentiates and individualizes educational process. [5].

TTA advantages in technical disciplines:

1) have a strong emotional impact;

2) allow you to show a process or phenomenon in its development, dynamics;

3) cause multiple sensations (the world of sounds and colors);

4) provide a high emotional tone, and, as a rule, increased efficiency;

5) reduce the cost of the training time required.

Didactic requirements for the preparation of studies with the use of modern means of training:

1) to analyze the objectives of the session, its content and the logic of the study material;

2) identify the main elements that should be learned by the student;

3) to determine at what stage and for what purpose it is necessary to use technical means of education;

4) select the optimal technical training;\

5) determine the methods and techniques by which the cognitive activity of students, formulate tasks will be ensured. Modern computers allow you to reach a wide variety of didactic purposes — they can be used to organize a demonstration of the studied object, phenomenon or process, check student’s knowledge through a test, simulate the work of either the device in different states (including emergency), etc. [6].

Analysis of the results of studies with the use of innovative technologies shows that significantly increased:

Interest in student discipline;

Activation of students;

Ability to work in a team;

Application of innovative technologies in the educational process necessary component of modern students. Working with interactive and innovative teacher technology achieves efficiency of development of educational material. It must be remembered that the cutting-edge TTA will not provide the desired effect if they are used clumsily, without the necessary methodological training and the development of teaching materials, in violation of the ergonomic and psycho-pedagogical requirements to unreasonable expansion of application areas.

Innovative teaching methods contribute to quality training of specialists who are able to widely apply their knowledge in the enterprises.


  1. В законе республики Узбекистан об образовании (Ведомости Олий Мажлиса Республики Узбекистан, 1997 г., № 9, ст. 225; 2013 г., № 41, ст. 543)
  2. Арипов Х. К., Абдуллаев А. М., Алимова Н.Б, Бустанов Х. Х., Объедков Е., Тошматов Ш. Электроника –Т.: Изд. «Фан ва технология»,2011.
  3. Муслимова Н. А., ва б. «Инновацион таълим технологиялари» ўқув-методик қўлланма.-Т.: Низомий номидаги ТДПУ, 2015
  4. Рўзиева Д., Усмонбоева М., Ҳолиқова З. “Интерфаол методлар: моҳияти ва қўлланиши” ўқув-методик қўлланма.-Т.: Низомий номидаги ТДПУ, 2015
  5. Арсеньева Е. С., Когосова Ю. П., Мецлер А. А., Томилина М. Е. “Опыт применения интерактивных форм обучения в процессе преподавания технических дисциплин” Концепт.-2016.-№ 02-АRT16037
  6. В. В. Гузеев А. Н. Дахин Н.В Кульбеда Н. В. Новожилова “Образовательная технология XXI века деятельность ценности успех” — М. Центр «Педагогический поиск», 2004. — 96 с.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TTA, CMOS, TTL, CVC, LAB, VIEW, Узбекистан.

Ключевые слова

Интерактивная форма обучения, Инновационная форма обучения радиодисциплине, техническое обучение, Мультимедийные системы, Интерактивная доска, Активация когнитивной деятельности, Эффективность учебного процесса, interactive form of learning, an innovative form of training radio discipline, technical training, multimedia systems, interactive whiteboard, activation of cognitive activity, the effectiveness of the educational process

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