Features of blood circulation and physical working capacity of the young athletes who are engaged in canoe racing | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Физическая культура и спорт

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №21 (125) ноябрь-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 24.10.2016

Статья просмотрена: 30 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Васильев, А. О. Features of blood circulation and physical working capacity of the young athletes who are engaged in canoe racing / А. О. Васильев, Р. М. Валиуллин. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 21 (125). — С. 964-967. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/125/34423/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Relevance. Studying of change of the pump function of heart of the developing organism at systematic muscular trainings, acquires special relevance in connection with attraction of considerable number of children to sports activities. [1, 2, 3].

So children begin to be engaged in canoe racing, demanding intensive muscular efforts at the age of 10.

Features of change of indicators of pump function of heart of children who are systematically engaged in canoe racing remain almost unexplored.

Therefore, the research of features of pump function of heart of young oarsmen is represented very important for optimization of educational and training process.

The Purpose of the workaresearch of pump function of heart and hemo dynamic indicators of young athletes of 13–14 years which are systematically engaged in canoe racing and the young men of 13–14 years that aren't doing sports.

Organization and technique of aresearch. 18 male athletes of 13–14 years have been examined. Children have been shared in two groups: athletes-oarsmen — 9 people who are systematically engaged in canoe racing and having sports categories from I to the III for adults, and non athletes — 9 young men, who did not do sports.

The research was carried out at the end of the basic period of preparation.

Examinees were offered to execute the PWC 170 test which passed as follows: two five minute loadings on the stationary bicycle Monark Ergomedic 828 E, 50 watts then there was three minute rest and the repeated five minute loading with a the power determined by a formula PWC170== N1+(N2 PWC170 == — N1) * (170-f1/f2-f1). The record of indicators was made before the loading, after the first and at the end of the second loading.

A Hemodynamic research was made by means of system of monitoring MARG 10–01 (Mikrolyuks, Chelyabinsk).The following indicators were registered: Sp02 blood hemoglobin saturation by oxygen,pulse rate, pulsation amplitude of photoplethysmogram, index of sympathetic activity, systolic and diastolic arterial pressure,average and pulse arterial pressure, breathing frequency, heart rate, SV (shock volume),amplitude of aorta pulsation, FB (fraction of burst), wave amplitude of filling, acceleration index, speed index, minute volume of blood, SI (shock index), hart index, finite and diastolic volume, finite and diastolic index,index of distribution of water sectors, shock index of work of the left ventricle, the general peripheral resistance, index of the general peripheral resistance, shock index of the general peripheral resistance,integrated index of a condition of the patient). Besides indicators of the test (physical working capacity) and those indicators which were integral were fixed.

On indicators of growth and weight, both investigated groups were identical: growth 165,9±5, 167,9±10,5; weight 54±10,5, 52±7,8

Results of a research have been processed by means of the SPSS 20 program. Tests for assessment of a normality of distribution of the studied indicators and means of assessment of the statistical importance between the studied selections depending on the nature of distribution of values (t-criterion, Mang — Whitney's criterion, etc.) have been used.

Results of aresearch and their discussion. During the research it is revealed that indicators of cardiovascular system (tab. 1)don't show big differences between studied groups. Except chronotropic function of heart it is noted low values of the heart rate of blows the oarsmen-canoeists have in comparison with control group. At the same time the similar situation is observed and by data received at different stages. The reaction of the warmly vascular system to physical activity also had a similar character, except an indicator of final diastolic volume which decreased at non athletes whereas statistically significant changes at athletes are not noted. That can be a consequence of insufficient venous return after physical activity, led to the fact, that the blood saturation in the period of a diastole at non athletes decreased. This statement demands further checks.

Table 1

Features of blood circulation of athletes-oarsmen and non athletes




Non athletes

Р (between groups)

Р (After the third load)


non athletes

S, %


49,26 ± 13,23

53,36 ± 16,63





57,34 ± 16,48

62,51 ± 18,73



86,52 ± 10,20

77,43 ± 19,87


diastolic arterial pressure/ mm Hg


110,78 ± 10,95

112,44 ± 9,45





122,89 ± 12,68

125,22 ± 10,86



148,00 ± 11,05

138,75 ± 11,23


systolic arterial pressure/mm. Hg


69,78 ± 10,73

76,00 ± 6,60





71,67 ± 8,67

74,22 ± 6,50



74,11 ± 5,80

80,50 ± 6,82


артериальное давление среднее/mm.Hg


84,59 ± 7,85

87,92 ± 5,00





84,57 ± 11,32

89,70 ± 6,20



90,96 ± 6,65

94,39 ± 5,03


frequency of breath of a reogramm, cycles цикл/min


17,11 ± 2,68

18,11 ± 2,90





21,57 ± 2,83

21,89 ± 1,74



23,28 ± 3,84

24,02 ± 2,99


heart rate of blows,



86,11 ± 10,21

95,07 ± 7,27





99,25 ± 12,33

106,31 ± 11,86



136,70 ± 11,30

137,89 ± 20,87


stroke output, ml.


81,76 ± 21,51

75,64 ± 17,66





86,52 ± 17,34

73,66 ± 22,02



73,87 ± 17,30

63,28 ± 22,95


fraction of emission, %


57,47 ± 1,43

58,87 ± 2,77





60,63 ± 1,79

59,42 ± 2,69



59,34 ± 1,45

58,57 ± 1,96


Final diastolic volume, ml.


141,90 ± 38,94

127,76 ± 29,32





142,39 ± 29,78

122,87 ± 34,48



125,44 ± 30,36

108,31 ± 36,65


general peripheral resistance ec/см5


1069,11 ± 382,07

1058,41 ± 230,09





805,07 ± 248,09

974,59 ± 250,77



752,53 ± 203,83

923,41 ± 235,99


minute volume of blood circulation, dyn/sec/ sm


6,95 ± 2,16

7,13 ± 1,64





8,58 ± 2,06

7,77 ± 2,17



10,04 ± 2,44

8,43 ± 2,22



Despite the similarity of the warmly vascular system with investigated we have found out that physical working capacity was higher in a group of athletes. It is possible to consider that at this age when growth is still observed and formation of various systems of an organism the physical activity of the warmly vascular system doesn't make significant changes in indicators. Improvement of working capacity happens most likely by means of other mechanisms, in particular due to more adequate functioning of the musculoskeletal device which having identical inquiries in blood circulation can provide higher performance. All this was expressed that the indicator of PWC 170 was better in group of athletes-oarsmen (fig. 1) as absolute, and in relative sizes. At the same time at the time of loading more stroke output high values were reached that speaks about big efficiency of inotropic function of the heart. Of course, similar calculation is based on an indirect technique and there can be essential inaccuracies, but also on reography indicators (tab. 1.), which were fixed between stages (at rest) the tendency to great values of the stroke output at athletes in case of identical sizes of heart rate was noted.

Fig. 1. Indicators of the PWC 170 test at athletes-oarsmen and not athletes (* reliability of distinctions at p <0.05)


It is established that systematic occupations rowing on a canoe at the age of 13–14 years don't influence on the warmly vascular system at rest. At the same time the maximal stroke output during performance of physical activity of PWC-170 at canoeists was higher that speaks about a big inotropic reserve of the warmly vascular system.The physical working capacity recorded by means of the test PWC-170 was better in group of athletes what, most likely, speaks about more rational functioning of the musculoskeletal device which, at almost similar parameters of the warmly vascular system between groups, can provide higher performance.


  1. Diagnostics of functional readiness of young athletes of different age and sex/ Under the general edition of t Jordanskoy F. A. — M, 1993. –112 pages.
  2. Vanyushin M. Yu., Yu. S. Vanyushin Adaptation of cardio respiratory system of athletes of different types of sport and age to physical activity. Kazan: publishing company «Pechat-Service XXI century», 2011. 138 pages.
  3. Khayrullin R. R. Influence of physical activity of the increasing power on indicators of cardio respiratory system of athletes with various typological features ofblood circulation./R. R. Khayrullin, O. V. Kosareva//Basic researches. — 2011. — No. 10. — Page 393–396.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): PWC, III, MARG, NANOSECOND, SPSS, WITH.

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