The role of ICT in the education in Uzbekistan (on the example of Ziyonet network) | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №21 (125) ноябрь-1 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 04.11.2016

Статья просмотрена: 528 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Холиков, Эльбек. The role of ICT in the education in Uzbekistan (on the example of Ziyonet network) / Эльбек Холиков. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 21 (125). — С. 951-954. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

According to statistics, in Uzbekistan, young people under 30 years of age accounted for more than 60 % of the population. The question of the intellectual, spiritual and physical development of today's youth in Uzbekistan is erected in a rank of state policy. In the conditions of the information society formation, the rapid development of ICT, the introduction of modern information technologies in education, science and society, the development of the national information resources aimed at establishing the conditions to ensure broad access to information resources and meet the growing information needs of youth are of particular relevance..

In this regard, on September 28, 2005, it was adopted the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On establishment of the public educational information network of the Republic of Uzbekistan».

«Ziyo» is translated from the Uzbek language and means education, knowledge transfer and culture.

The main goal of the ZiyoNET network is the promotion of a wide complex of information and communication services for students and youth in education system of the Republic.

Portal of educational network ZiyoNET includes all the necessary information for young people, teachers and other segments of the population and is a complex of the convenient tools necessary for obtaining interesting information, familiarizing with contemporary skills in the field of ICT, communication and exchanging experience, and much more.

The information educational network ZiyoNET, providing assistance in the implementation of a wide complex of information and communication services in the education system, is a resource base that combines the resources and services of educational and youth orientation.

ZiyoNET provides technical support for the unified information resource site that includes services and tools necessary for obtaining information of interest, which is attached to modern skills in the field of ICT, communication and exchanging experience and introduction of modern information technologies in the educational process.

The ZiyoNET network has created a range of educational projects, including a lot of useful information for students and teachers.

Interested users can also create their own website- satellite on the basis of the portal ZiyoNET.

In June 2006, the Resource Center of ZiyoNET network developed the portal. During the intervening period, the portal has passed its stage of development and currently is a place that combines information resources in various areas and spheres of education, science, culture, economy and social life. At the present time,, the portal includes sections such as “Library”, “Education”, “Entrant”, “Online games”, “Foreign languages”, “Public personalities”, and etc.

Within the framework of the educational portal was created the biggest electronic database of tutorials, art and creative works, and other educational materials in the country. Among the resources there are the various essays, manuals, reports, abstracts, and more.

In order to increase the younger generation’s knowledge of the history of their country, the achievements of the nation and enhance a sense of pride of their great ancestors and contemporaries, ZiyoNET portal created the section «Public personalities». Here has been accumulated information on the figures of science, culture, education, literature and sports. In this section for users are presented biographies, useful links and credible evidence in the Uzbek and Russian languages.

Almost all educational institutions in the country are connected to information educational network ZiyoNET, which allows to create a single educational space that permits interaction of information. The library network ZiyoNET has already collected more than 75 thousand of –informational-educational resources, including the academic materials, textbooks, dissertations, scientific articles, and more. Created an interactive section on learning foreign languages, which included more than 4 thousand educational materials and 400 information resources in the English language [1].

For registered users of the portal ZiyoNET network provides all necessary conditions for the realization of their capabilities, in particular: the creation of free websites, work with emails, posting, and receiving interesting, relevant information, participation in contests and events on the portal, as well as, communication on relevant topics on the forum.

For students, teachers and other users of the initiative Resource Center it is possible to create a free website (called website-satellite) with domain name for themselves yourself or for their educational institution. Basically, the materials, published on the sites, are on current events in nature, in particular, daily current news about the events in the country in general and events within individual educational institutions. All information on the website-satellites is posted by the authors of the website.

The website-satellite is a small thematic website, which is included in the portal ZiyoNET, and created by users on the Wordpress platform on the domain of the third level. This website does not require any special knowledge and skills, and also allows to create own resource.

Currently, on this platform were created many sites-satellites in various social areas as education, culture, society, sports, education and others. As of October 2015, the total number of satellite websites was 20194 [2].

In September 2015, on the updated portal ZiyoNET were more than 41 000 users. From the beginning of 2015, the portal had more than 1.5 million visitors and 9.3 million pages were viewed. The total number of publications on the resources of the satellite websites, such as, was 135 114.

The portal ZiyoNET has some popular sections as, and is an open educational video portal, which contains a large number of video lectures and video lessons, interviews and seminars in various areas, as well as video tutorials for English language learning. Users have access to new forms of learning (distance, asynchronous, continuous). All materials are available for online viewing. To place materials on the website user must to register in the Single Identification System ID. UZ.

On the website of the personal and collective blogs, created within ZiyoNET network, users can publish their own articles and discuss them with other users. Articles can be on topics of education, science, culture and information technology. is based on the model of collaborative creativity of people, aimed at providing a content of the site. Users can publish articles in the collective and personal blogs, conduct surveys and polls (voting), and communicate with other users. is acommunity, the main role played by groups of people connected by common interests, and have a major impact on the life of all users of the site through a system of ratings. — is website of reference information on held competitions, grants, fellowships, promotions and other activities, which was set up to support youth, young specialists and interested persons and organizations of Uzbekistan.

The website provides detailed information about the organizers of the ongoing actions, contact information, the modalities for participation, dates and other information related to the various contests, grants and promotions. The lists of activities, carried out in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as competitions, actions and grants in the different directions are presented on this website.

According to the government resolution, all educational institutions (connection objects) must be integrated into the single information educational network ZiyoNET.

Access to the resources of ZiyoNET network is provided through complex networks of service providers-the winners of the Contest for connecting educational institutions.

The structure of the portal with data on 19 Sep 2016

The name of the resource




The library contains more than 80 000 units of educational literature

Foreign languages

Foreign languages learning resource provides over 5000 materials, including books, games, audio and video

Educational institutions

Database of educational institutions, which contained information about 17 958 educational institutions in the country.

Talented youth

Website, where published information about 808 representatives of the talented youth.

Public personalities

The resource database, which contained information and factsabout the great Uzbeks and world figures. Published data about more than 843 figures.


Contained about 445 games for learning foreign languages, and 25 games on various subjects in Uzbek and Russian languages


The directory includes 1048 sites and contains useful info for young people


Service to create interest groups among users. Created 251 groups.

Questions and answers

The questions and answers service. The first such service in Uzbek language. 5519 set more questions.


  1. Краткий обзор развития информационных технологий и коммуникаций в Узбекистане. Ташкент 2015
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT.

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