Improving the economic base of statistical information in the globalization process | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Маткаримова, И. А. Improving the economic base of statistical information in the globalization process / И. А. Маткаримова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 29.3 (133.3). — С. 23-25. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

В статье рассказывается о роли статистики в развитии страны и использовании информационно-коммуникационных технологий в деятельности органов статистики.

Ключевые слова: статистика, информация, система национальных счетов, интерактивные услуги, статистические сборники, информационно-коммуникационные технологии.

In the article it is told about a statistics role in development of the country and use of information and communication technologies in activity of bodies of statistics.

Keywords: statistics, information, national accounting systems, interactive services, statistical collection, information and communication technologies.

In modern world one of huge problems for our economy it is support flexible economically development, which solution might be correct economically decision. The main our equipment on this is information, published by statistic government organization.

Currently, the problem of economic and statistical analysis of the statistical information as a separate product of the state statistics system is a high priority, which is reflected in the constant of the legislative acts. The limited resources available for the development and functioning of the State Statistical System, determines the need for the development of modern teaching techniques required for the statistical evaluation of quality information resources of the least financial and labor costs.

Indicator of social -economic situation published in the statistical collections. For instance in collection Uzbekistan presented in digits where depicted demographic processes issue about unemployment and employment, education and culture, medicine, development of the consumer market for goods and services.

Moreover, more information on the development of new forms of management, production and use of gross domestic product, foreign economic activity. In the part of the gross domestic product are also published some indicators of system of national accounts.

The journal «Finance of Uzbekistan» presented statistical data that characterize the financial and economic activities of enterprises and organizations, insurance activities, size of population's deposits in commercial banks of Uzbekistan in comparison with previous years. The journal contains information on the number and amount of deposits of the population in urban and rural areas, the kinds of insurance premiums and insurance payments. Information is given about the formation of profit industries, enterprises and organizations that have committed damages profitability of sectors of the economy, the state of the fixed assets, the structure of current assets, the receipt and use of funds, long-term and current assets, shareholder's equity and liabilities, costs of production and sales products in the sectors of the economy. In the publications of various opinions about the concept, the essence and significance of statistical information; as the criteria for its practical value; there is a divergence of views on the role and importance of the individual quality assessment methods; ambiguously interpreted the basic requirements for the quality of statistical observation, and methodological aspects of building a system of indicators of economic performance actually operating enterprises, organizations, companies and etc. In this regard, a deep study of the various aspects of the quality of economic and statistical information is of particular scientific interest.

At the present time are not sufficiently developed features of formation of high-quality statistical information on the basis of the system of national accounts, statistical methods taking into account the shadow economy, and applied statistical tools to perform additional calculations unreported gross domestic product (GDP).

The variety of problems associated with the formation of high-quality economic and statistical information to all levels of government (including, in particular — at the municipal and regional), requires generalization accumulated theoretical, methodological and empirical experience in the direction of formation of the conceptual foundations of its quality as a special state statistics system product.

It is necessary to clarify and supplement the concept of «statistical data» and its quality "; identify the features of the statistical information as the product of a separate system of state statistics; formulate the requirements for the quality of the statistical observation and organization of statistical work; determine the basic approaches to improve the quality of economic and statistical information; clarify priorities for the development of modern state statistics to meet the requirements to the quality of information at the municipal and regional levels.

Electron statistics is one of the statistical methods and techniques that promote and improve the quality of statistical macro data in the national accounts. Regulations on the submission of the state statistical reporting in electronic form in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On state statistics», «On electronic digital signature», On electronic document «defines a mechanism for submission of the state statistical reporting via the Internet as an electronic document using a digital signatures. It should be noted that we have already done a lot of work on transfer of public services in the online form in the country in a given period. For example, the legal organization in order to give statistical reports, need to go to the site

The main purpose of the use of ICT and statistics bodies — is the automation of the statistical production processes. This includes the collection, processing, accumulation, storage, compilation, analysis and publication of statistical data on the social — economic phenomena, processes and their results, in our republic. Automating the process of collecting statistical information provided by the system of collecting state statistical reports in electronic form e Stat 2.0. Introduction of the automated information system of collecting the statistical reporting in the electronic form of e Stat 2.0 carries out the following tasks: to considerably reduce time for preparation and delivery of the statistical reporting; to increase efficiency of reception and its processing; and also quality of the transmitted data due to the arithmetic and logical control realized in system

Electronic template — electronic version of the forms of statistical reporting, which is part of a special software, which contains a description of performance, power control primary statistical data, necessary reference data Statistical reports submitted in electronic form must be fully completed and tested using the software testing unit logical integrity of the accounting data.

In modern conditions regional statistical resources development should be carried out in the following areas: development of the concept of development of the regional information and statistical system, including technical and technological, user and information aspects; its information security (protection of confidential information); further development and improvement of information technology (implementation of software for integrated statistical databases, advanced networking solutions and others).


  1. Айвазян, С. А., Мхитарян B. C. Прикладная статистика и основы эконометрики. — М: ЮНИТИ, 1998.
  2. Иванова, Е., Забелин В., Божко В. Особенности построения статистических информационных систем в государствах с рыночной экономикой// Вопросы статистики. № 8. — 1998.
  3. Информационные технологии в статистике: Учебник / под ред. проф. В. П. Божко и проф. A. B. Хорошилова. М.: Финстатинформ, 2002.
  5. www.
  6. www.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): GDP, ICT.

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