The role of English language in modern world | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №1 (135) январь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 05.01.2017

Статья просмотрена: 5694 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Нигматова, Х. А. The role of English language in modern world / Х. А. Нигматова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 1 (135). — С. 535-537. — URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2025).

With the development of technology, English plays an important гole in many sectors, including medicine, engineering and education. It attracts people because of interestingness in its tune and structure. Nevertheless, close to the melody and structure, this language is learned and studied a higher number of people every day because it is the importance of the two in this modem world. First the importance of the English language is that it is the average to communicate in an interconnected and interdependent world. Currently, the English called International Language and it is also the second language of many countries. Thus, we can understand the importance of communication in this language. When we know in English, we can come to communicate with citizens and most countries in the world, without any confusion in expressing our feelings and thinking’s. Another importance of language is that to create more opportunities for work. As you know, in today’s world, businesses are focused on the number of employees, and knowing English is one of those qualities. Therefore, if we know in English and good at it, we’ll have more chances to get job. In addition, with sufficient amount of knowledge in the English language, the ability to advance in position even higher. It is also an important determinant for university and processing well — paid job in the commercial sector. As more and more English learners in Uzbekistan, various training methods have been implemented to verify the effectiveness of the learning process. As the use of English has increased in popularity so has the need for qualified teachers instruct students in the language. That there are teachers who are using technology “cutting edge”, but most teachers still teach in the traditional manner. None of these traditional mores are not bad and do not damage the students. In fact, o date they prove useful as well. Nevertheless, there are still plenty of opportunities for students to practice and gain confidence to expand itself, especially for E SL students who are learning the language for more than just fun. For them to keep up with the ELT and gain more confidence they need to walk in the world of multimedia technologies. 21st century and the age of globalization, it is important to understand the various foreign languages and English in the first place. English Language Teaching has been with us for many years and its importance continues to grow, which party through the Internet. With the rapid development of science an technology, emerging and developing multimedia technology and its application to education, featuring audio, visual, animation effects comes into full play in English class learning and establishes a favorable platform for reform and exploration in English teaching model in a new era. For example, in 2013 English are accepted as an entrance exam at the Tashkent University of In education process computerization environment, the importance of increasing the pedagogical skills developed the intensive rising pedagogical informatics. It studies creation and innovation of concept for people of information society. It is clear that information society considers increasing intellectual abilities of people as well as humanism and generality of education. With the fore mentioned strategically organized tasks, educational information solves tactical tasks as to provide the education with information, to create individual educational methods on the root of new computer technology, to increase the computer literacy of students and pupils.

The potential of ICTs in language education ICTs can expand access to language programs and improve the quality of teaching and learning in general. The World Wide Web expands the classroom context and provides access to current, up-to-date materials from the country or countries of the target language, offering learners and teachers a plethora of materials in different modes, bringing the foreign culture and language to life and making it more tangible. In environments where teaching staff are not able to fulfill all requirements of the curriculum with regard to the skills and knowledge required, ready-made, high quality audio-visual and other programs may provide sufficient backup for them to offer appropriate courses without having to engage in time-consuming and expensive (re)training. Andreas Lund’s article points out that there is a strong tradition of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) addressing materials, software packages and technologies that aid and promote cognitive development and linguistic performance, but emphasizes that we must pay more attention to how technologies are embedded in larger social and cultural practices for them to be truly effective. The professional isolation of teachers may well be relegated to the history books, if they learn how to use the potential for networking, which ICTs offer. 7 The affordances and deployment of multiple media are well illustrated in the contribution by Dan E. Davidson and Maria D. Lekic, where they not only show how different exercises can offer practice in basic skills and how learners may use new information to solve problems, but also how they can bring the Russian-speaking world into the classroom.

Information Technologies. There are many methods used in varying degrees to the language learning situation. Some of them are useful for testing and distance learning, and some for teaching business English, reading, listening or interpretation. Multimedia teaching enrich teaching content and make the best of class time and break the “teacher- centered” pedagogical model and fundamentally improve the effectiveness of the class. Because of the large classes difficult for students that speaking communication. The internet also server as a medium for experiencing and presenting creative works. While students can peruse the information on the net, they can also use it as a platform for their own work such as essays, poetry, or stories. Numerous public schools, are making use of the world wide web for publishing student work which can be accessed by other web users. Students therefore become not only consumers of content, but in fact generate the content. Actually the use of the internet has also been shown to promote higher order thinking skills. A language teacher may instruct learning to specific information. Searching the web requires logic skills. Once information has been obtained, the results must be reviewed which requires scanning, discarding and evaluative judgment on part of the learner. The information must be put together to make a complete and coherent whole which entail the synthesis process. Such an endeavor permits students to practice reading skills and strategies. The internet also promotes literacy for authentic purposes, as stated previously. In addition to being a supplement to reading materials, especially current information, when students are exploring the net, they are essentially exploring the real world. Such browsing or exploration can also lead to incidental learning as they encounter a variety of information on this way. Communication with native speakers furthers to compare student perspective on an issue, and allows them to practice specific skills such as negotiating, persuading, clarifying meaning, requesting information and engaging in true-life, authentic discussion. Promotion of literacy also occurs within a social context. The interaction that results from the above situations can lead to cooperative projects and increased communication between students from all over the world, in turn leading to the development of social skills. Generally use of the internet can promote computer skills and the technical and conceptual experiences of using a computer.

More over keeping students interested and engaged in the current topic or activity is a daily challenge for teachers in the English language classroom. One of the advantages of the internet is its internet is its providing new possibilities for assistant teachers to successfully meet this challenge. Though internet- based activities can potentially energize the EFL classroom, this potential may not always be achieved. If the teacher does not clearly set the goals and strategies of the activities, students may lost interest, learn little or both. Using multimedia sound lab materializes individual and cooperative learning. The traditional model of education is mainly emphasized on behalf of the teachers, and the information provided is limited due to traditional classes. In contrast, multimedia technology goes beyond time and space, creates a more vivid, visual, authentic environment for learning English, students stimulates initiative and save time class meanwhile increases the information about the class. Multimedia teaching emphasizes the role of students and increases the importance of the “interaction” between teachers and students. The main feature of multimedia training is to train and improve students’ ability to listen and speak, and develop their communicative competence, during this process, the teacher’s role as a mediator is particularly prominent. Using Multimedia in the creation of context creates a good platform for exchange between teachers and students, at the same time providing a language environment that improves on the traditional classroom teaching model.

Internet is very wide spread source to get more information about news in all spheres, to become informed about what goes on in the world. The usage of news in class is one aspect of the development in technology that taking place. TV news and the press together with e-mail communication and internet availability, influence on both teachers and students in profound ways. The goal of usage news is going with the times.

In general the impact of computers, worldwide telecommunication and transportation has made global society and economy operate in English. Change, growth, innovation are in English everywhere: English for business, medicine, technology, etc. Now we can be in touch with many places of the world and know a lot about people’s life all around the world. Everybody knows Bill Gates whose name in regard to computers. He wrote in his book “The Road Ahead” that if you are 50 years old today, it may be OK if you are not computer literate, but those in their twenties or younger will be seriously limited in job opportunities for the future. Thereby at our university all of the teacher are taught Computer science and do test every year. So it helps us to use computers and select computer programs to make them an integral part our lesson. It is beneficial for both teacher and students to discover the world.

The computer is our assistant. It is the part of institute curricula today. Every teacher should prepare himself for the application computer technology. The aim is to make process of learning interesting, easy and useful. In this short article we want to say that say as teachers of English we should make a useful contribution to our country, our society preparing our young generation with innovative use of our training, our society preparing our generation with innovative use of our training, our love to them for love better life.

The increased use of technological cultural artifacts has enabled us to more readily afford the conversations necessary around input texts that help to crate opportunities for language. We are able to take tools that have been created in other domains of the language learning field, language and process writing, and bring these together with technical culture artifacts like Skype, virtual worlds, word processors, wikis, blogs and many others to improve language development and our understanding of language development. We believe that in future, the use of multimedia English teaching will be further developed.


  1. Savignon, S.J. (1997). «Communicative competence: Theory and classroom practice» (2nd ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill. The Practice of English Language Teaching J. Harmer First Edition Longman, 2001.
  2. Muhamedova Z. The humanize of education — T.: Tashkent medical academy. 2004, p48.,
  3. Karimov. I. A. Dream of perfect generation.-T.: Uzbekistan, 2000,.
  4. Adams, T. (1995). What Makes Materials Authentic? (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 391389).
  5. Bacon, S., & Finneman, M. (1990). A study of attitudes, motives, and strategies of university foreign language students and their disposition to authentic oral and written input. Modern Language Journal, 74(4), 459–73.
  6. Baird, K., & Redmond, M, (Eds.). (2004). The use of authentic materials in the K-12 french program. Winston-Salem, NC: Wake Forest University, Department of Education.
  7. Berardo, S. (2006). The use of authentic materials in the teaching of reading. The Reading Matrix, 6 (2), 60–69.
  8. Guariento, W., & Morley, J. (2001). Text and task authenticity in the EFL classroom.ELT Journal, 55 (4), 347–353.
  9. Harmer, J. (1991). The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): EFL, CALL, ELT, ERIC.

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