The use of computer technologies in learning foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №1 (135) январь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 11.01.2017

Статья просмотрена: 9901 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Сайдалиева, Г. А. The use of computer technologies in learning foreign languages / Г. А. Сайдалиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 1 (135). — С. 537-540. — URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2025).

One of the most effective ways to improve the process learning foreign languages is the use of computer and Internet technologies in the education system. The computer-information model of education is a kind of transitional phase from a system of traditional teaching methods foreign languages to a modern system of open education Information Society. The basis for the introduction of information technologies in the process of training a specialist informatization. It is an application of the following computer technology: the creation of virtual libraries, educational software means (electronic libraries, electronic textbooks, dictionaries), creating information databases of universities and schools, multimedia programs, Virtual debate clubs, counseling centers, teaching information environments of universities and schools, databases, directories containing all educational courses for different types of educational institutions.

The introduction of computer and information teaching methods significantly increases the level of information competence students, in particular, developing skills such as the use of Internet capabilities to find the necessary educational information; use of reference electronic publications; application information resources in training activities, the use of communicative potential of information and computer technology for advice, the necessary information, etc. The specifics of computer-information model is personal orientation, forming the basis of both purposeful personality learner, able to act appropriately in a real situation, communicative and socio-cultural orientation.

Working with a computer involves the mastery of certain system knowledge and skills, which are now referred to as computer literacy.

There are two types of computer literacy: Domestic and Professional. For teachers of foreign languages professional computer literacy may refer to:

1) Knowledge of the technical and didactic possibilities of computers and existing software;

2) The ability to develop educational software scripts;

3) The ability to correct pose the problem as a software engineer;

4) The ability to use the application programs (training and support).

At the present stage of development in the process of teaching foreign languages lot of attention paid to the development of computer technology — multimedia technologies, hypermedia technology, communication technologies (videoconferencing, teleconferencing, forums, etc.), and construction of virtual reality technology. In the process of learning a foreign language, the computer can perform functions that must ensure the formation of linguistic or communicative competence:

1) to provide training and testing in a dialogue mode;

2) to simulate real speech situations with the help of charts, animation and video, creating the effect of contact with the language environment;

3) to depict the speech situation, use it as an incentive, support in the process of educational dialogue;

4) to ensure communication in the target language using computer lines.

Modern computer tools allow you to create new computer programs as educational, training, and control. Such programs are created in special education purposes, are widely used in the home independent, and work in the study of a foreign language. To master English language classes to students may be offered the following computer training programs: “Triple play plus in English”, “English on holidays”, “English Gold”, “Tutor”, “English Discoveries”, “Professor Higgins”, “Reward”, “Talk to Me!”. “Learn to Speak English”, “Hello, America!”, “Bridge to English”, “English for communication”, “Talking Oxford Dictionary”, “English Puzzle”, “English in three steps” and others. With the introduction and testing of thematic vocabulary, such as shopping, food, clothing and others, you can use the computer program “Triple play plus in English”, “English on holidays”, “English Gold”.

The program «English discoveries» — an interactive multimedia tutorial of the English language. 75 % — traditional occupations, 25 % — classes in the computer lab. The program is a series of twelve CDs to learn English, divided into five main levels. The program covers all four aspects of ownership language (reading, writing, speaking and listening) with English and real-life situations.

Program «Professor Higgins» and «Reward» combines two courses: Course phonetics and grammar of course, can be used at different levels. The programs can be used to reinforce knowledge.

The program «Oxford Platinum De Luxe» helps to adjust their pronunciation by a computer, quickly, correctly design simple sentences, and complex sentences in English, writing dictations, review grammar and phonetics. «English Puzzle» designed to teach English translators in the field of professional communication through multimedia carriers. The computer acts as a simulator, which helps students master language aspects by means of training exercises as a tool to function text editor that allows you to easily create and discover printed texts as a channel of communication and a source of information various databases as a means of audiovisual presentations information.

To test the performance of the computer used “My Test” program. With the possibility of using the program and testing, examinations in all educational institutions (Universities, colleges, schools) how to identify the level of knowledge on educational discipline, and with educational goals. My Test — is a system of programs (software testing students test editor and results log) for creating and conducting computer testing, collection and analysis of the results of the evaluation of said scale in the test. The program works with nine types Job: single choice, multiple choice, use of facilities

repetition, establishment of conformity, an indication of the truth or falsity statements, manual entry of numbers, manual input of text, place the choice on image permutation of letters. The test can be used at any the number of jobs. The jobs-choice (single, multiple choice, order indication, an indication of the truth) can be use up to 10 (inclusive) of options. The program has rich text formatting capabilities of questions and answers. You can define the font, color of symbols and background, use upper and the lower the index, break the text into paragraphs and apply advanced formatting, use Spica, embed images and formulas. For greater convenience in the program has its own text editor.

With self-study of the material using a computer provides: 1) a free mode of operation, 2) an unlimited time, 3) elimination of subjective factors, and 4) the maximum support for mastering a foreign language. Computer controls increase the efficiency of independent work, efficiency in getting a result, increase the objectivity of the evaluation. Modern computer technology is persistently penetrate the different spheres of life in modern society: business, finance, media, science and education. Against the general background of development of telecommunications in our country gradually emerges and becomes visible process of introduction of computer technologies in the sphere of public education.

Computer technologies are gradually beginning to be realized by many educators as a tool for understanding the world. This tool as powerful that together with him to school come new forms and methods of teaching, new ideology of global thinking. It becomes obvious that in the present conditions of high level of development of information technologies and their implementation in the educational process, the use of a computer could significantly improve the efficiency of foreign language teaching and help in the organization of intercultural communication in a foreign language lesson.

Computer technology is getting more and more recognition from teachers, because they:

– stimulate the process of studying any subject and facilitate the exchange of experience in teaching various disciplines; increase significantly the interest of students to the educational process, in particular, to the mastery of foreign language speech activity at lessons of a foreign language;

– expand the communicative practice of students; make possible the use of new methods, based on a comparison of students' own data, and those which they receive as a result of communication.

The introduction of computer technology in education provides an opportunity to use computer games in learning foreign languages, which contributes to more successful mastering of language and speech material in foreign language lessons. Many scientists involved in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, rightly drew attention to the effectiveness of using a game method using a computer. This is because in the game are particularly complete and sometimes unexpected ability of any person, and a child in particular. J. Huizinga noted that human culture emerged and is deployed as a game.

However, it should be noted that the use of computer games are not well studied as they relate to learning foreign languages. And it was the game can perform the crucial role of cognitive gain interest, facilitate the complex process of teaching, creation of conditions for the formation of the creative personality of the students, and also allows you to bring the professional skill of the teacher to the level of modern technologies.

Referring to the history of gaming activities. Game training has deep historical roots. We know how the game is multifaceted; it educates, develops, and socializes, and simultaneously entertains and gives the rest. But in education, one of its first tasks is training. There is no doubt that the game almost from the first moments of its appearance acts as a form of training as a primary school reproduction of real practical situations to their development, as well as developing the necessary human traits, qualities, skills and habits, development of abilities.

Even in ancient Athens (VI-IV century BC.) the pathos of practices organized training and learning permeated the principle of competition. Children, teenagers, young men constantly competed in gymnastics, dance music, verbal disputes and honing their best qualities. At the same time, we originated war games — exercises, staff exercises, playing of «fighting». In the tenth century, among the methods of training schools were also popular school competitions, particularly in rhetoric. Routine training looks like this: teacher read, and gave examples of interpretation, answering questions, organizing the discussion. Students learn to quote from memory, to make a paraphrase, comment, description, improvisation.

Studying the verbs Make and Do, for example, the teacher himself can find a lot of useful on the UK site, and can be given the task to prepare the students a message on this subject. Education letter is part of the mandatory program, in particular the preparation for the exam, so the teacher can use in addition to traditional forms of education and various forms of ICT use in the classroom. By studying the topic «Holidays», the teacher can offer the children found on the Internet texts of congratulations to the English language. With great interest the students create an electronic postcard with a greeting, animation and sound. Sites, help students to perform such work. There is an interesting site. Here you can find funny pictures, comics. If they download and display, you can offer to come up with phrases to pictures to conduct such work in the form of games.

Learning English is not possible without the bright clarity that the teacher can find on the Internet and use in the classroom. By studying the theme of «House» in the 5th grade, I bring vivid pictures on the screen. A variety of forms of work: the introduction of vocabulary, room description, description of the item of furniture in the form of puzzles, find hidden objects, etc.

Creating presentations teacher and students — another means of using ICT in the classroom in English. Presentations acquaint students with the customs, traditions and culture of other countries. Pupils great desire to prepare a presentation on the regional geography, as well as presentations on the basis of their own materials, for example, «My Street», «My friendly class», «Photo Wall», «My trip to London, Egypt, Turkey» and others. You can quickly make a presentation, if you go to the site Where you can find a map, information on any country, download materials from the pictures. Sort them by topic, grade. Make a series of presentations and obtained excellent electronic manual, which can be changed and supplemented in subsequent years.

Electronic manual “Britannica” helps in the creation of reports and presentations. This encyclopedia is a handy tool for finding information and helps students explore and learn about the world.

Thus, the use of ITC in the classroom of English teacher helps make the lesson more rich and interesting, it helps to raise students' interest in the subject under study, encourages teachers to improve teaching skills.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT, ITC, VI-IV, VSPI.

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