The culture of philosophic thinking is a pledge of development of education and science | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Философия

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №9 (143) март 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 07.03.2017

Статья просмотрена: 98 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Сапаров, Б. Б. The culture of philosophic thinking is a pledge of development of education and science / Б. Б. Сапаров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 9 (143). — С. 292-293. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

In modern social reality irrefutably the destiny of reforms, the future of every country is connected with intellectual and spiritual level of society [1]. And, of course, in the century of scientific and technical progress it is unnecessary to prove that mind is not luxury, but it is hygiene of spiritual health. Not having this health, today it’s very easy to choke with an ocean of information, all the more that it often has in itself content of poor quality. Therefore, the care about spiritual health has immediate connection with hygiene of mind, the culture of philosophic thinking. But, unfortunately, every educated person understands that mind and a skill to think isn’t a message of heavens, but it is ability that should be brought up by work- philosophy.

The great error is relation to mind as knowledge “per se” as totality of information. Mind is ability for disposing of knowledge correctly, correlating of this knowledge with facts and events of social reality, and the most important is to obtain and replenish this knowledge. And that is why simple picking up of knowledge that is its memorization is not the basis of the main way of development, but it is only verge.

Consequently, mind, the culture of thinking is ability to correlate some common “truths”, which are unique, unintended and individual. In the language of philosophy, ability “to mediate the general with the single, individual, special”, to determine whether the case is suitable for the unique culture of set rules or is not suitable. The culture of thinking is a skill to pass judgment on an individual fact from the height of internalized general culture [2]. It is beyond controversy that the higher culture the more the scope for action of ideas. But if there is not skill to mediate this stock by unrepeated situation independently, then this is a sigh of absence of the culture of thinking, mind in general even in the case of having huge supply of knowledge. That is why it is reasonable to every educating person to draw together, merge with philosophy as the science concentrating and developing in itself known method of thinking, logic of thinking and making clear it to every intelligent person. Therefore, it is not faced with philosophy the one who does not think.

In this plan, what is the relation of the modern youth to philosophy, what is their level, interests, and what kind of philosophy is ruling in their minds? These elementary questions are not ordinary interests; they conceal in themselves the decision of serious problems, because they decide spiritual appearance of the youth, so to a certain extent they decide the condition of society, ways and paces of its developing. Lawfulness of above-stated ideas is in that every philosophy is world outlook that is totality of most common views on the world and the place of man in it.

Undoubtedly, the culture of thinking of society forming its social groups, including young generation is first of all life position, worldview. The importance of this problem becomes more actual in connection with social-ideological problems. Ideological resistance, the ability to properly navigate in the coordinate of social events demands corresponding social-philosophical knowledge.

Be that as it may, we note with regret the fact that in this aspect problems and work are enough. For evidencing of this thesis is not obligatory to make special sociological researches. Immediate association with young people, saying figuratively, “cursory glance”, disappoints by remoteness from philosophy, frequently by its elementary illiteracy in the alphabet of philosophic disciplines [3].

Giving concrete expression to this question by details, for instance, it is seemed absurd the situation when in the century of on-on technology student-physicist can’t explain the process of motion from the philosophic point of view, and student-biologist cannot elucidate the bases of development of lively world, and teacher cannot distinguish the subject from conception.

Today it is incontestable that modern scientific researches in the sphere of natural sciences can’t exist out of connection with analytic philosophy. An analytic philosophy is aspiring to perform not in the role of “commentators” and “critics” of last scientific researches, but as direct “participant” of real scientific process. It is demanded versatile philosophic approach from specialists. Not everyone is ready for new role which demand the high level of the philosophic culture and vast special knowledge. However, those who are able to combine successfully it, get results having both definite philosophic significance and the received by professionals-naturalists. Also the absence of wide ideological vision significantly tells on the results of researches of analytics and makes row its conclusions vulnerable.

Undoubtedly, for successful development of education and science it is urgent general increase of culture level, including philosophical. But for decision of this task it is necessary cardinal changing of attitude to philosophical education. The questions of worldview problems, alphabet of philosophy should begin since one’s school-days. In history of science of different countries and times (Ancient East, Ancient Greece, the epoch of Renaissance in Central Asia and others) there are sufficient examples when philosophy was obligatory subject of studying for children and the youth.

Subject to revision the training of philosophy in high schools, colleges and lyceums. In particular, it should be lead to reasonable specification taught hours and content of courses of philosophical disciplines. Education should refuse of docked, cut down condition of philosophical disciplines. Let’s address to statistics even in “Stagnation periods” when teaching the course of philosophy in high schools was 120 hours, but now it has been decreased threefold. In the same condition are such subjects as ethics, aesthetics, logic, which give fundamental bases of philosophical knowledge.

Mass media should be submitted in active channel of development. Reference book of world periodic press reports that in the USA is published more than 150 philosophical magazines. Also there are philosophical magazines for children, popular strictly scientific collections of translations from other languages. Widening of the field of culture of philosophy should become the principal task of society.


  1. Каримов И. А. Гармонично развитое поколение — основа прогресса Узбекистана. Речь Президента Ислама Каримова на IX сессии Олий Мажлиса Республики Узбекистан, 29 августа 1997года. — Т.: «Шарк», 1997.
  2. Быховец М. В. Основные подходы, технологии и методы обучения дисциплине «Философия».
  3. Прокофьева Г. П., Штейнберг А. Г. Философия в интерактиве. — ИЗД: ДВГУПС, 2014. –С.4.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): philosophy, internalized general culture, versatile philosophic approach, social reality, modern social reality, modern scientific researches, special sociological researches, vast special knowledge, spiritual health, on-on technology student-physicist, social events demands, analytic philosophy, real scientific process, philosophic thinking, wide ideological vision, strictly scientific collections, world periodic press, urgent general increase, philosophical magazines, philosophical disciplines.

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