In this article is paid more attention to the governing cadres` ruling skills and their spiritual features, as well as their professionalism and worldview.
Key words: ruler`s personality, spiritual features, society, new idea, enthusiast, greathearted, management, talent, research, modern knowledge, patriotism, allegiance for motherland, devotion, independent worldwide
Manager has dictionary meanings such as director, headperson and leader and describes a person who has a decisive role in governmental, social organizations. Manager is a management staff member that knows the essence of the project and works for the benefit of his team and their field.
The following characteristics of the manager are significant:
- Manager is an individual who proactively carries activities by combining production force and production resources and controlling their total moving force.
- In order to achieve any goal, manager, first, must be able to make decisions independently. In addition, these decisions define manager’s entrepreneurial activity and knowledge level.
- He is considered a person who implements new ideas, projects and technologies in his field.
- Manager’s work is a complicated activity based on entrepreneurship. Effort and resources spent on this activity may sometimes not only bring little benefit but also cause loss for an organization. He has to be able to foresee this kind of situations and be prepared for them, and when necessary, begin the activity all over again and find strengths to do it. [3, p. 60]
The abovementioned characteristics shows only several aspects of management activity. On the other side of the flip coin are the highly humane qualities of a person who acts as a manager. Manager must be a man of integrity, conscientious, righteous, steadfast and kind. There is no way to achieve leadership with wrong deeds and intentions. Life sets examples that a manager with improper characteristics cannot carry out activity in management field. [2, p.112]
Roles of experience, habits, skills, knowledge and intellect are also very important.
Manager deeply explores people through his own capability and talent. As a result, he creates his own management method by combining the gained knowledge and experience and general rules of management. He is very free to form his management style as long as it leads to positive results. The effectiveness of management activity is also directly dependents on person’s intellect. Good intellect allows manager to think wide and deep and properly distinguish good from bad, profit from loss, and important from unimportant. In case manager meets all of these conditions, he will easily acquire management secrets and gain respect in his team. [4, p. 13–15]
So, every manager, apart from being able to think deep and wide, needs to be agile and flexible, active and courageous. That’s why, it would be right to say that management is a unity of thought and action.
Manager’s peculiar perfectionism, kindness and responsibility causes formation of feeling of responsibility in members of a team too. Experienced manager should put all his efforts on learning subjects such as social psychology, leadership psychology and management psychology in order to effectively create human resource system.
Morality of a leader directly depends on the following factors:
Firstly, majority of the citizens evaluate the government, the staff who serve in its organizations and morality of management staff. This is considered not only evaluation but also indicator of citizens’ trust in government;
Secondly, individuals who hold positions in government have unique ethical norms and while using their authoritiy, they solve issues in difficult situations based on those norms;
Thirdly, it’s always an important matter to regulate legal processes regarding moral view and professional ethics of representatives of governmental organizations;
Lastly, nowadays it is becoming more vital to reckon public opinion as an influential factor that forms the morality of management staff in government organizations. [5, p. 87]
There have been many monographs, treatises and researche works regarding the moral-ethical basis of democratic reforms in Uzbekistan, especially management staff of government. However, matter of common interests of individual and society requires special demands for the morality of management staff in government.
Experts distinguish the levels related to psychological peculiarity of people’s gaining of moral experiences. Nevertheless, individual’s moral-ethical development is not limited only to his state in pre-school and school years. It has been explored that people the development continues even during professional studies after becoming a professional in a field. For example, in 1923, S. I. Hessen stated that ethical education consists of three stages. [7, p. 26] If two of these are related to pre-school and school times, the third one is self-development stage.
A. Colberg has also stressed that person’s moral-ethical development happens step by step. [7, p. 26–27] According to him, person goes through pre-conventional, conventional and after conventional stages of moral-ethical development. The researcher concludes that ethical stage is determined by observation. On the first stage, ethical thoughts do not go out of zone of personal understandings, then a person, based on “laws and regulations”, starts to consider the interests of other people, and on the last after conventional stage, he begins to respect the rights of others and acts according to logical and universally recognized principles. According to Colberg, majority of people cannot reach the necessary third stage and are not morally-ethically independent. In this case, people who reach higher stage of moral-ethical development prefer to be more conservative than liberal. Expert with high ethical development is able to make independent decisions. According to the typology offered by Colberg, managers have to reach the third stage of moral-ethical development. In order to achieve unity in theory and practice, leading manager is responsible for supporting and providing moral qualities and ethical norms of majority of staff members. [1,p. 160]
According to the research conclusions of many local and foreign scientists, focusing on the following factors is essential in order to become a manger in its purest sense:
- Talent is an innate ability. It develops through effort of intellect and thought. Talent of management is related with organizational skills. Whichever, manager whether he is top or lower one, is a great organizer, he is considered talented. Talented manager thinks independently and able to make the right decisions. For, proper organization of work is a result of a talent.
- Exploration is an aspiration for innovation and their implementation in practice. Manager’s exploration skills are demonstrated through his gradual self-improvement and self-development. Proactivity is a result of exploration. Manager who is thirsty for innovation is considered initiative and does his job satisfactorily.
- Contemporary knowledge— when a person acquires the most advanced concepts of the age he lives in, he will have contemporary knowledge. In addition, this knowledge is determined by his knowledge of current age’s management secrets, political awareness and understanding world’s progress. [6, p. 33]
- Patriotism — if a person loves his own country he is considered a patriot. Manager has to not only love his country, but also maintain its progress.
- Faithfulness to the country— if a person tries to flourish his country, he is considered faithful to his country. Manager manifests his faithfulness by carrying out consistent programs that define the country’s future, ensuring tranquility and easing the burdens of the others.
- Dedication— when a person acts with steadfastness to achieve a great goal he shows a dedication. Manager manifests dedication by ensuring country’s development, its peace and tranquility of its citizens. Manager of modern days is considered dedicated only when he is on the first rows of any work.
- Expertise — anyone who thoroughly knows his job is considered an expert. Expertise of manager is determined by his latest knowledge of his job along with thorough acquisition of management secrets.
- Independent thinking— having a definite personal opinion about all the matters shows independent thinking.
- Strong beliefs — a person’s devotion to the things he believes is an indicator of strong beliefs. Manager is considered to have strong beliefs when he is able to solve actual problems considering present and future and has a great will.
- Humaneness— a person is considered good when he has highly humane morals. Manager manifests his humaneness when he is able to “protect himself from praises of flattering bootlickers and sycophants.”
Concisely, management of a team is a great art. Manager is a teacher, master, role model for a nation and socially responsible person. Through his hard efforts, future generations develop gradually. That is why, attention paid to the managers is an attention paid to the destiny of the Motherland.
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