The interconnection of hematological, morphological, and hemodynamic indicators and the aerobic operability of the rowing sportsmen aged 15–16 | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Физическая культура и спорт

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №10 (144) март 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 07.03.2017

Статья просмотрена: 16 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Филиппов, И. В. The interconnection of hematological, morphological, and hemodynamic indicators and the aerobic operability of the rowing sportsmen aged 15–16 / И. В. Филиппов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 10 (144). — С. 393-395. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Regular physical workload leads to peculiar changes in the compositional structure of the body, the blood circulation apparatus and hematological indicators. The adaptive changes in the organism of the sportsmen appear both in the state of relaxation and the period of active muscular work [1–5, 10].

All the changes in the organism of the sportsman which happen under the influence of sport activity should be considered as a complex of physiological reactions of the organism. So, the adaptive changes formed during the specialized rowing training process help to increase MBV, raising lung ventilation, reducing heart rate in the state of relax which is peculiar to all kinds of sport connected with aerobic workload [9].

Taking into account the specific feature of the training workloads, rowing demands the ability to keep the set working regime without losing the efficiency of rowing. The efficiency of rowing in turn depends on the ability to keep static tension of posing muscles which take part in the maintaining the balance while rowing. All the mentioned above help to form a specific adaptation of sportsmen.

The main part of improving the process of sport training which sets the direction of training is the definition of different sides of preparation and adaptation of functional state of the systems of the organism [6–7].

So, in this case the aim of our research is the analysis of the interconnection of hematological, morphological, hemodynamic and energetic sides of preparing canoeists.

The organization of the research

Prticipants: In this research work we studied the rowers (10 persons) aged 15–16 who do sports in the Rowing Center in Kazan and have the experience of 5–6 years on this sport as well as sport rates from the first adult one to the candidate to master of sport. All sportsmen at the moment of research were practically healthy and didn’t have any restrictions to do sport. They also signed the agreement to take part in the experiment.

The hemodynamic research: The record of cardiohemodynamic indicators was made in the position of back laying with the help of the monitor MARG 10–01 («Microlux» Chelyabinsk) due to the instruction given.

The definition of the compositional structure of the body was held with the help of multi-frequent analyzer for segmental assessment of the body ТАNIТА МС 980 МА.

The hematological research: The sportsmen were taking dark blood test in the morning on an empty stomach. The hematological parameters were assessed with the help of automatic analyzer «МЕК 7222 К» (Japan).

The testing of aerobic abilities: The people tested were offered to do a test with gradually increasing workload equal to 50 W (starting from 100 W) with the length of the step equal to 3 minutes without any breaks on a mechanical rowing ergometer «Weba-sport kayak science». In the process of fulfilling the test the parameters of outer breathing of the sportsmen were fixed by the gas analyzer «Metalyser 3B-R2» (Germany). During the research we defined the absolute and relative indicators with a little volume of maximum oxygen consume (MOC).

For processing the data the method of correlation analysis was used. In case of small amount of selective data the correlation index of Spearman was used. Due to statistics the most important were indicators at p<0.01 (taking into account the amendments done by Bonferroni).

The results of the research

As a result, there were certain correlation connections defined which could help to present the physiological bases which show the inter-systematic integration and which help to understand the mechanisms supporting a good aerobic operability (Table 1).

Тable 1

The selected indicators of hematology, compositional structure of the body, aerobic operability of canoeists with the defined interconnection


Indicator (М ± Stand.deviation)

HGB g/l

139,25 ± 12,37


38,74 ± 3,09

Mass, kg.

62,84 ± 10,27

FFM, kg.

55,14 ± 10,23

Muscular mass, kg.

52,36 ± 9,65


25,06 ± 2,26

АТ consumed in kg

48,71 ± 15,84

VO2max consumed in kg

62,00 ± 11,24

VO2max, МОК l/min

23,10 ± 3,23

VO2max, heart rate

184,86 ± 7,22

The hematological indicators showed strong interconnection with the indicators of the lung ventilation efficiency. The level of hemoglobin had strong correlation with the efficiency of breathing (the correlation VE/VO2) on the level of anaerobic threshold (r= 0,919, at р= 0,003). We can suppose that low level of ventilation efficiency directly depends on transporting function of the blood in accordance with the amount of hemoglobin. It is noticeable that correlation was observed for the maximum of oxygen consuming as well (r= 0,964, at р< 0,0001).

The same dependences were noted with other haematocrit indicators (r= 0,930, at р= 0,003). Other connection of the indicators HGB and HCT, despite their power, had low importance, especially after the use of Bonferroni amendment which helped to define their statistic importance 0.05.

From the morphological indicators we could find an interesting dependence on a certain reduction of working efficiency where the athletes with the increasing mass show the achievement of anaerobic threshold at little amount of oxygen consume. At the same time these correlations equal to those shown at maximum oxygen consume (r=0,893, at р= 0,007). The hypothesis is proved by the fact of increasing breathing indicator with the increase of absolute body mass (r= 0,929, at р= 0,003) and minimum body mass (i.e. without fat) on the level of maximum oxygen consume (r= 0,893, at р= 0,007). AT the same time we didn’t noted the same correlations with the indicators of absolute oxygen consume.


The research showed that the long-length adaptation set to the rowing workload has a complex character and includes compositional body structure, hematological indicators and as a result the indicators of aerobic operability. In this case for the objective assessment of functional readiness we need to take into account all the aspects mentioned above.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): MARG, MBV, MOC.

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