Good practice in using the internet and information technology in teaching and learning science | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №10 (144) март 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 14.03.2017

Статья просмотрена: 32 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Хамраева, Г. Р. Good practice in using the internet and information technology in teaching and learning science / Г. Р. Хамраева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 10 (144). — С. 454-456. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

This article devoted to issues of implementation as they present themselves to educational systems, schools, teachers and their students. Besides of these I will look at arguments for including science in a basic education and WISE note taking tool.

Keywords:ICT, scientific concepts, SKI-framework, lifelong learning skills, web browser, independent work, web sites

Ключевые слова:ИКТ, научные концепции, SKI-основа, навыки обучения, веб-браузер, самостоятельная работа, веб-сайт

Information Technology has become an accepted tool for teaching and learning science. The modern science classroom includes Internet based computing providing visualizations and simulations, modeling, on-line probing and even connections to actual research institutions, scientists and web-based data. Changes are occurring rapidly at the research and development level as countries invest large sums of money into research and development projects. However, change at the implementation level is progressing slower than perhaps many of us are willing to accept. In this paper, I will look at issues of implementation as they present themselves to educational systems, schools, teachers and their students. [1]

The use of Internet resources is especially important at the senior level of training, as here comes to the fore independent use of a foreign language as a means of obtaining information, expanding vocabulary and knowledge. Particular emphasis is given to the students own activity on search, realization and processing of new knowledge. The teacher also has to act as the organizer of the activity of pupils, so it can be concluded that Internet resource — part of the information culture and the teacher and students.

Almost every researcher, engaged in the task of integration of Internet technologies into the learning process, to address the problem of the educational potential of Internet resources in varying degrees. Additional information and the possibility of forming the subject learning environment contributes to the level of foreign language communicative competence of the students, the formation of which is the main objective in teaching foreign languages in high school.

At the present stage of education in the school actively introducing information and communication technologies, e-learning resources are formed. The use of Internet resources in the learning process becomes a requirement of reality caused by information technology literacy of students. In order, for the process of education has become more mobile, informative and versatile you can not do without information technology, and training opportunities via the Internet is constantly expanding.

Computer technology can be applied in all aspects of the educational process, which are implemented in different educational institutions (school, high school, high school, college, university). With them the opportunity of realization of current trends in the educational systems of many countries. It should be noted that the pursuit of integration in the field of education, as one of the most evident direction sets the output requirement for a unified world educational space.

At various stages along with the development of technical thought is an active introduction of a variety of visual and technical means in the educational process, thereby improving the effectiveness of the proposed innovation and the educational process as a whole. In general, in pedagogy, didactics and methodology of foreign language always prosecuted one single goal — the development, training and education of the younger generation.

First, in the process of learning used only conventional blackboard and chalk, but over the years been used more and more technical equipment. Initially, these were tape recorders, televisions, and then, eventually, computers.

Development of communication in economically developed countries has resulted in a unique, surprising the Internet, which then began to be used in the educational process. By definition, educational online resources — it is text, audio and visual materials that have different subjects, contributing to the formation of foreign language communicative competence and the development of communicative and cognitive abilities of students to search, selection, classification, analysis and synthesis of information.

It is said professor- teachers should take independent work from students in every subject educational system of Uzbekistan. For example, as for me I give a lecture «Information technologies on education», this subject has 36 point in every academic year, including these there are 18 point for independent work. [4]

How I make independent work? I can give students internet web sites, which helps them to take more innovative and useful information to make decision via video courses, the last take certificate (,,

With the help of online resources, students have the opportunity to more involved in the educational process of learning. [2]

In most Western countries, there are demands and needs for all of the above mentioned points. Certainly in Europe where enrolments in the sciences are declining, we are concerned with recruiting enough youth into the sciences as an expertise. Educators seem to agree that countries can not start early enough in presenting motivating and engaging science programs in schools for all children such that an ample number of students will keep their options open for advanced studies in these areas. And certainly one cannot argue with the need for an educated society for participation in the democratic decision making process. Citizens will not only need to know some science, they will also need to know how science operates and where to access reliable information they can trust [3].

The following is an attempt to categorize the advantages we gain using ICT in science teaching.

The SKI-framework includes four major principles that guide the design of successful inquiry activities and technologies. First, make science accessible: Inquiry curriculum requires an appropriate level of analysis for the scientific content so that students can restructure, rethink, compare, critique, and develop ideas that are more cohesive. Second, make thinking visible: Inquiry curriculum should challenge students to articulate what they know and mean about scientific topics so that they are able to restructure their thinking when new ideas are presented. Third, help students learn from each other: Inquiry curriculum should include opportunities for collaboration, discussion and debate, enabling students to articulate their own ideas for their peers, as well as to receive and exchange feedback. Fourth, help students develop autonomous learning skills. To help students become autonomous science learners, inquiry curriculum can enable the development of lifelong learning skills such as critiquing evidence, debating arguments, or designing solutions to relevant problems.


  1. Michael Moore, Greg Kearsley. «Distance Education a systems view». 2005. Wadsworth Canada.
  2. Timothy K. Shih, Jason C. Hung. «Fiture direktions in distance learning and communication texnologies» 2007. Taiwan, USA.
  3. Закон Республики Узбекистан от 29.08.1997 г. № 464–1 «Об образовании» — Ташкент 1997 г.
  4. Национальная программа по подготовке кадров (Утверждена Законом Республики Узбекистан от 29.08.1997 г.)
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT, USA, WISE, Узбекистан.

Ключевые слова

ИКТ, Научные концепции, SKI-рамка, На протяжении всей жизни, веб-браузер, независимая работа, Веб-сайты, ICT, scientific concepts, SKI-framework, lifelong learning skills, web browser, independent work, web sites

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