The formation of innovative educational environment as a condition for the development of educational process | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Таскынбай, Н. М. The formation of innovative educational environment as a condition for the development of educational process / Н. М. Таскынбай. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 10 (144). — С. Т.1. 88-91. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

The education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan to create a qualitative change in the current stage of development of deep fracture. Nursultan Nazarbayev «Kazakhstan-2050» Strategy established a new policy of the state «address to the nation»: In the course of the modernization of the education system in the process of learning modern techniques and technologies, the creation of an independent system of qualification approval is required, "he said. This is one of the priority areas in the field of Kazakhstani education system to a new, dynamic, creative and active in the development and retraining of teachers capable of.

Innovative planning and innovation process management issues of foreign scientists R. Adam E. Rogers, A. King, B. Schneider, JI. Anderson, L. Brigham, X. Barnet, etc. studied scientific works.

Innovation means new content and a new direction of the introduction of new models outside the specified sum to a new level of professional activity, new the critical results, providing new technological and pedagogical activities in a single program.

Innovative education – this is a new kind of business. In order to increase the value of developing innovative educational courses, implementation of new technologies to enhance the professional skill of the teacher, as well as the use of creative works. The use of such technology in the first place, the teacher will win, which helps to organize the effective training to enhance students' interest in the discipline, and secondly, students will benefit because it will expand your knowledge on this subject. Thus, a change in the conditions of new technology learning teaching methods, the quality of education will also increase. The main functions of the innovative actions include changes in the components of the educational process: objectives, educational content, teaching methods, techniques, technologies, control systems, etc. In addition, the researchers innovations opinion that should not be seen as a spontaneous search, since changes in the categories of innovation, aimed at target.

Modified innovation involved in changing the type of development that was previously available. This V.F Shatalov wrote notes and many teachers use math example.

Combinatorial modification of previously used some elements of the new design methodology. This is evidence of modern teaching methods.

Radical innovation – the introduction of state standards in the field of education.

The introduction of innovative processes is determined by three interrelated forces: technology features; innovators and innovative potential; introduction of new methods.

New innovative technology, is a special kind of professional activity. For the development of innovative technologies, in order to attract a great educational experience. This view of the creative, personal and business property, requiring people to work. In fact, every teacher in the development of new innovative technologies of own development and self-image. XXI Century, training, formation of their professional adaptation – the urgent need for immediate public demand.

Knowledge of the process to be successful often depends on the methods used in training.

Educational work for the purpose of teacher training and student learning relationship and Specific actions of this training method.

Didactic series that is commonly used to find and concepts that «training method» and «rules».

One method of teaching methods and educational component part or aspect, that is, the «approach» to the notion of a single concept. These two independent variable ratio should not limit their swim. In some cases, the method of teaching a way to accomplish the task, and the compact can be devoted to the issue of the educational approach. For example, if a teacher's knowledge of new vocabulary, oral method used during the presentation of visual aids, it is perceived as a visual approach. If the visual is the primary means of acquiring knowledge, they take the education of students on the basis of new information, the visual method, teachers and other educational actions all the way.

Thus, the method consists of a multitude of ways, but it does not just set. Only the teacher and student learning by means of specific academic subjects seen in the implementation of the actions of individual character.

Read the rules – what are the conditions of the normal teaching learning process and try again the need to create a real offer.

As a rule flexible to model a standard description of the approach used. The real challenge the decision of the regulatory system is a standard method used in the description of the model.

For the development of the educational process on the basis of modern interactive teaching system is organized in view of involvement in the learning process of a group of students, without exception. Joint activities means that each individual makes his own special contribution to the progress is the exchange of knowledge, ideas and methods of activity. Organizes individual, pair and group work, using project work, role play, carried out the work with documents and various sources of information. Interactive methods are based on the principles of cooperation, active learners, relying on group experience, obligatory feedback. To create an environment of educational communication, which is characterized by openness and interaction of the participants, equality of their arguments, the accumulation of knowledge sharing, the possibility of a mutual evaluation and monitoring.

Teacher with new knowledge leads training participants to independent search. Compared to traditional training in interactive teaching changes the interaction of the teacher and student: teacher activity gives way to the students' activity, its task is to create conditions for their initiatives. The teacher in this process serves as an assistant in the work, acting as a source of information.

Educational Environment – Part of the socio-cultural space, the educational systems of interaction area of the elements of the educational material and the subjects of the educational process. Education week also has a large measure of complexity, as it has several levels – from federal, regional to the core of their primary element – learning environment of a particular institution and class. Educational environment is also created by the individual, as each develops according to their individual characteristics and create their own space entry in history and culture, its vision and values learning priorities. And since all knowledge is personal, because the educational environment of each is, ultimately, a special, personal space of learning and development.

Educational environment of modern educational systems formed in the interaction of new educational systems – systems of innovative and traditional models of complex systems of education standards, a complex integrating the content of training programs and plans, high-tech educational facilities and educational material, and most importantly, a new quality of relations, dialogic communication between subjects education: children, their parents and teachers.

Another feature of the modern educational environment is the interaction of a set of local educational environments, mutual use of the specific characteristics of the innovative environment of one country in the educational space of other countries, which creates a similar educational situation in many countries, and contributes to the development of education in general. It is a manifestation of the trend of integration of educational processes in different countries and regions of the world educational space, which is developing on the basis of the ideas of humanization, democratization and raise standards.

One of the main tasks of innovative development of Kazakhstan is the creation of conditions for the formation of innovative competencies among youth. Innovative competence involve the production of an adequate attitude to innovation, to a situation of uncertainty, and the ability to react quickly in such conditions and to take informed decisions in advance.

The key innovation competencies are the ability and willingness to lifelong learning, continuous improvement, self-education and retraining, professional mobility, the desire for new, critical thinking, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, ability to work independently and in a team, willingness to work in a competitive environment.

Formation of innovative competence of students is possible with the creation of the university defined organizational and pedagogical conditions. By the terms usually include external and (or) internal circumstances, something from which something depends.

A significant indicator of the innovative educational environment is that it must have a personal and social meaning for students. Personal sense of innovative educational environment is to create conditions for the development of "all the essential powers" and the student's creative potential and building on this basis, the basis for successful training and career. The social meaning of the innovative educational environment is to prepare competitive specialist.

An important condition for the development of an innovative mindset of students is their participation in scientific research (R & D). R & D is constantly puts the student in a problematic situation, allows you to see the contradictions in the study sites, feel the problems will intensify the work of intelligence, developing creative thinking, imagination, curiosity, need for unstimulated reading professional literature, the ability to self-reflection. One of the priority forms of research activity of students and young scientists of the University is to participate in the work of the laboratory project activities "Socio-pedagogical design", which are developed and implemented socio-educational and innovative projects.

The urgency of the project activity consists in the fact that it is, firstly, initiate creative solutions; Second, practice-it is always aimed at the specific needs; Thirdly, it develops the cognitive, social activity of the young generation. The project activity contributes to the development of innovative competence, enhances the innovative activity of youth, the formation of her holistic view of the content and the mechanisms of the innovation cycle and to learn practical implementation of innovative projects.

The design lab "Socio-pedagogical design" students learn how to design a way of professional activities; innovative forms, methods and means of professional activities; acquire personal achievements, expressed readiness for self-organization, cooperation, communication; the need for self-knowledge.

Changes in socio-cultural space, which took place in the country in recent decades, updated the scientific interest in the issues of innovation, we have created the problem of forming a new quality of human capital. Innovative vector of development of the state, a certain state of innovation development strategy for the period up to 2020, strongly requires the construction of evidence-based belief systems and principles for the development of the individual abilities to innovate, the formation of its innovative behavior. The implementation of the strategy outlined above carrier ideology innovative renewal advocates education, and there favorable conditions for innovation processes must be created. The article is devoted to studying ways and means of formation of the innovative behavior of the person in the educational environment of high school. We have identified the main directions of the formation of innovative behavior; revealed pedagogical conditions of formation of this phenomenon.

And as for the development of the educational process should be innovative methods. All considered in the direction of the President Kazakhstan. A new type of education should be ways of carrying out the process for the formation of a new method and new methods of other countries, the level of education of teachers through the conduction of training should be improved.


  1. Shamelkhanova N.A. Modernisation of vocational education content.
  2. Askarbek Kysainov Сomparative pedagogy.
  3. Babaeva S.B., Onalbek Zh.K. General pedagogy.

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