Model lesson on the topic «Microorganisms» | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №12 (146) март 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 27.03.2017

Статья просмотрена: 38 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Сорокина, О. Н. Model lesson on the topic «Microorganisms» / О. Н. Сорокина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 12 (146). — С. 551-554. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

The theme of the lesson is «Microorganisms». The method is Team Based Learning (TBL). The aim is to develop communicative skills using lexical material on the theme «Microorganisms». The tasks are to learn some information about microorganisms, to develop working skills in a group, to develop listening comprehension, and to develop memory and creative imagination.

Equipment: projector, laptop, CD-disc with the video «What is microorganism» and the PowerPoint presentation, copies with the questions to the video, cards with tasks for every group, copies with tests for every student.

The process of the lesson:

  1. Organizational moment: greeting, absentees, conversation about date, the theme and the aim. The students are divided into 3 groups randomly.
  2. Test fulfillment. The aim of the task is to determine students’ background knowledge. Firstly the students do the task individually.


  1. All the existing microorganisms can be divided into…
  1. bacteria and fungi
  2. cellular and acellular
  3. common and uncommon
  4. simple and complicated
  5. aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms
  1. A condition that is favorable for the life and growth of aerobic microorganisms is …
  1. atmosphere
  2. free oxygen
  3. carbohydrate
  4. carbon
  5. water
  1. A condition that is not favorable for the life and growth of anaerobic microorganisms is …
  1. obligate anaerobes
  2. aerotolerant organisms
  3. facultative anaerobes
  4. bacteria
  5. free oxygen
  1. Bacteria are divided into groups according to …
  1. their origin
  2. their meaning
  3. their feature
  4. their shape
  5. their mixture
  1. Growing organisms increase in size when they multiply to ….
  1. uncommon limit
  2. certain limit
  3. uncertain limit
  4. indifferent limit
  5. indefinite limit
  1. Minute virulent microorganisms are destroyed when they invade the human body …
  1. due to the local protective agents
  2. due to the mucous membrane
  3. due to the general infection
  4. due to the local infection
  5. due to the disease
  1. Local or general infection may occur in the case ….
  1. when local protective agents destroy completely the invading microorganisms
  2. when microorganism invade the human body
  3. when local protective agents are not able to destroy completely the invading microorganisms
  4. when microorganisms multiply and divide
  5. when growing organisms increase in size
  1. … can be revealed under the microscope in the alveoli of the lung of the man with lobar pneumonia.
    1. great number of pneumococci
    2. great number of bacilli
    3. great number of alveoli
    4. great number of rod-shaped bacteria
    5. great number of leucocytes
  2. Skin and mucous membrane form …
    1. general infection
    2. local infection
    3. invading microorganisms
    4. pneumococci
    5. first protective barrier
  3. The role of leucocytes in the human body is …
    1. Leucocytes invade the human body
    2. Leucocytes catch and destroy certain microbes.
    3. Leucocytes catch and destroy phagocytes
    4. Leucocytes catch and destroy microbe cell destroyers
    5. Leucocytes pass first protective barriers

They discuss the test questions in the small groups. And then there is cooperative checking.

The result is that the background knowledge is determined and the students fill gaps in their knowledge.

  1. Pre-watching tasks:
    1. Pronunciation drilling: the teacher shows the pictures describing the new words, which help students to understand the meaning and the cards with the words. The aim is to drill their pronunciation.

The words: fungi (fungus), mould, yeast, germ, cause, disease, measles, rubella.

The result is that the pronunciation of the difficultly pronounced words is drilled.

  1. Matching the words with their definition

The aim is to match the words with their definitions in order to remember the words and understand them and to develop the contextual guess. The students work in the groups.

Match the words in the column A with their definitions in the column B

1) Germ

2) Poisoning

3) Dissolve

4) Nutrient

5) Frothy

6) Surround

7) Multiply

8) Decay

9) Observe

10) Feed

a) Full or consisting of froth or foam

b) Undergo decomposition

c) A small mass of living substance capable of developing into an organism or one of its parts

d) Cause to disappear or to pass into solution

e) Produce or provide food for somebody / something

f) A nutrient substance or ingredient

g) Watch carefully especially with attention to details

h) Enclose on all sides

i) Sickness caused by bacteria or chemicals in food

j) Increase in number

The result is that all the words are defined and the new vocabulary is consolidated.

  1. Watching the video «What is microorganisms». The video is watched twice. The aim is to develop listening skills. The duration of the video is about 3 minutes. It is downloaded from the YouTube channel «Science video».

a) Firstly the students are given the cards with the questions to the video. They look through them. And only after that they watch.

The questions to the video

1) What are 3 common types of microorganisms?

2) What is an everyday word used for microorganisms that cause disease?

3) What is tooth decay caused by?

4) What can cause food poisoning?

5) What can destroy these bacteria?

After watching the students discuss the answers in their groups and then do together. The initial comprehension of the video is checked.

b) After the second watching the students get the mixed cards with the fragments of the text on the video. Their task is to put the fragments in the right order according to the meaning and discuss in their groups.

Text fragments:

  1. Touching, coughing and sneezing can transmit these viruses from one person to another causing the spread of disease. Tooth decay is caused by bacteria. The eat food particles left on our teeth and gums releasing acid. It dissolves the enamel, coating of our teeth. That’s why you should brush your teeth and floss regularly to get rid of the food particle and plaque containing the harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay.
  2. If it wasn’t for these microorganisms we would be surrounded by piles of dead plants and animals. And some bacteria, yeasts and moulds are used to make food such as yogurt, bread and cheese.
  3. Microorganisms are very small living creatures. 3 common types of microorganisms are bacteria, viruses and fungi such as moulds and yeasts. Microorganisms are like any other living organisms in that they feed, grow and reproduce.
  4. Other harmful bacteria grow on food and can cause food poisoning. Cooking food thoroughly can destroy these bacteria. And keeping uncooked food separate from cooked food stops the bacteria from spreading. Some food can go mouldy easily and start to decay if they are just not kept covered in cold.
  5. Some microorganisms can be harmful and make us ill. Germ is an everyday word used for microorganisms that cause disease. Measles, rubella and the common cold are examples of diseases that are caused by viruses.
  6. So it is best to keep many foodstuffs in covered containers or in a refrigerator. However, decay is not always a bad thing. Microorganisms that cause decay break down organic matter such as plant and animal wastes, releasing nutrients back into the soil and water.
  7. You can observe this for yourself by mixing some yeast granules with water. If you give the yeast sugar for food and keep it in a warm place, the mixture will become frothy. Releasing gas the yeast multiplies. However if you deprive the yeast of food and warmth, it won’t grow.

c) True or false task. The groups are given the cards with the task. Together we determine true and false statements. And after that they correct the false sentences in their groups.

True or false:

  1. Microorganisms are very small living creatures.
  2. There are 3 common types of microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi.
  3. Microorganisms cannot feed, grow and reproduce.
  4. All microorganisms are harmful.
  5. Measles, rubella are caused by viruses.
  6. Tooth decay is caused by fungi.
  7. Some bacteria, yeast, mould are used to make food.

The result is that the students practise at listening for initial and full comprehension.

  1. Making up dialogues on the theme. The aim is to use the new vocabulary in practice.

The last task is to make up the dialogue and to act it. A student from each group draws 3 cards with the words. They compose dialogues using these words for reinforcing the material learnt.

The words: mould, cause, disease, poisoning, foodstuff, wastes, creature, common cold, observe.

The result is that the students develop their communicative skills.

  1. Summary: feedback, marks, new home task.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TBL.

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