The role of human resources development in the evaluation of the performance-case study in the National Insurance Company | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №13 (147) март 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 02.04.2017

Статья просмотрена: 19 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Боран, Фадхил Салих. The role of human resources development in the evaluation of the performance-case study in the National Insurance Company / Фадхил Салих Боран. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 13 (147). — С. 519-524. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

The role of human resources development in the evaluation of the performance-case study in the National Insurance Company

Boran Fadhil Salih, student

University of Baghdad, Iraq

Keen insurance companies in Iraq in general, including the National Insurance company to do its work and their various activities efficiently pledged by those functions to the human elements that depend on them to achieve their goals through their own development and development in order to subdue the results of performance evaluation process in accordance with rules and clear criteria, which study aimed to stand on mechanisms for the development of human resources through training and a link to this training, performance evaluation, Has been reached a number of conclusions and recommendations.

The development and continuous development of human resources are the main wealth of nations, capital and natural resources, despite their importance and necessity. However, without the efficient, well-trained and well-trained human being, they will be of value. A gain is developed by the management responsible for it.

The study methodology

First: the problem of study

The National Insurance Company is a large company with its professional staff because of its great work. It is necessary to develop these human cadres and develop them to meet the economic and social changes and to acquire individuals with the skills and knowledge developed through training programs that are carried out both inside and outside the company for the purpose of developing their skills and refining their abilities.

The problem can therefore be framed in the following key question:

Human resources are the means by which development is represented through its development and training to highlight its efficiency in performance to the management responsible for them.

Second: The hypothesis of research

The research is based on the premise that human resource development will contribute to the achievement of job development by training both within and outside the company

Third: — Objectives of the study: This study aims

  1. Recognize the importance of developing human resources, which have received wide attention worldwide.
  2. Highlight the areas of human resources development to give the human element all the skills and knowledge to put the right person in the right place.
  3. To identify the mechanisms used for the development of human resources through training and linking this training to develop performance.

Fourth: The importance of research: To crystallize the importance of the study through the following:

  1. The human element is the main engine of the work of institutions in general, including insurance companies
  2. The study of human resources development has an impact on the quality of services provided to the beneficiary public
  3. The insurance company's interest in the human elements within the company will lead to its continuous development and development.

The first topic: the concept of human resource development and its importance

The concept of human resource development and its importance,The human resources development process and the development of its capabilities is the administrative activity of planning for the human element or the sector interested in the continuity of the manpower needed by the company to achieve its objectives and this interest not only in raising their levels and training but also to raise morale, whether physical or moral, to encourage them to perform the work; Human resources represent a strategic importance and a major basis for their ability to perform in any organization, whether service or productivity, which includes all employees, whether they are heads or subordinates.

Human resources are the main focus of attention in the world, both developing and developed countries, as the most important component of development and its focus on the preparation of comprehensive programs and developed on the basis of the study on how to develop human resources where the attention at the end of the twentieth century increased interest in the human element and its initiatives and shifted this attention from governments to institutions and business organizations and then the traditional interest in the management of individuals transformed into a sophisticated concept to include human resources, which is interested in the scientific, administrative and behavioral aspect to maximize utilize human potential and put them in the regulatory framework for the pound (Al-Qahtani, 2008: 19).

As well as increased attention and recognition of human resources by businessmen and even media men and considered resource practices as a means to improve performance in career activities and contribute to organizational profitability (Noe.Retal, 1999: p23). The process of improving performance comes through efforts by resource management (Al-Azzawi and Jawad, 27: 2010). In order to achieve the company's objectives, human resources management must create conditions that enable employees to perform their work through their employment, including polarization and the promotion of human resources. Selection, recruitment and leadership and thus rewarding good performance to motivate them to achieve greater performance (Alaq, 17: 2005).

The management of human resources has a significant impact on the development and development of human resources and education, where (Taylor) that the worker will not produce the required energy only after he is fully prepared for work and training is appropriate to work, which is essential to reach the required level of work (Al-Zaher, 17: 2009) and means this concept And the creation of human resources that have not yet entered the labor market in order to be able to carry out productive tasks, develop them, increase their awareness, provide them with modern means and improve their management methods.

The process of human resource development is through the following system:

An individual who has certain qualities that meet the needs of the job is fully transformed into an individual with better qualities capable of achieving the job objectives at the required level through training, rehabilitation and functional development. These resources (economic human resources) (Razouk, 63: 2010)

The Organization's ownership of human resources must be maximized and maintained and managed by human resource stocks to create the right environment for innovation and innovation. Any shortage of human resources investment is a major reason for the failure of development programs and hindering progress. (Abu al-Saud, 6: 2002)

There are two reasons for retaining human resources:

First, individuals are prepared to do their work and when they develop, they will be human beings with the ability to achieve the desired goals

Second: The efficient performance of the work will make individuals in a position to achieve self-fulfillment and job satisfaction, as well as to achieve their personal goals, such as obtaining material and moral rewards

(Abdelhamid, 2006: 12).The strategy of human resources development is based on a number of characteristics, the most important of which are (Abadi, 34: 2004)

  1. To consider the development of human resources as a basic partner and a strategic guide in the vision of the successful institution and its plans and future
  2. Human resource development is an important input to continuous improvement of performance
  3. It is a continuous process in which the role of the individual is integrated with the management of the institution to reach the goals
  4. The role and appearance of trade unions have a significant impact on the development of human resources and the status of the employee under the labor laws and regulations (Al-Zaher, 18: 2009)

The second topic: areas of human resources development

The development and development of human resources is one of the issues that concern the institutions of different types, whether financial, economic, social, cultural, etc., including insurance companies as financial institutions that have taken a great place to care for the development of human resources in the best and most useful way, As a result of globalization and financial crises, which have been reflected on various sectors of work in general and insurance companies in particular in order to achieve the objectives of employees and work to promote them in the context of working conditions stimulated to perform the work well and effectively. (Abdel Baqi, 16: 2002)

It is these areas (Abadi, 38: 2004)

  1. Development and development of resources in the field of application. This field focuses on the development of the human element in the skills that are in the field of competence, whether administrative, professional and technical, to suit the requirements of the company to complete its tasks in full in accordance with the competences
  2. The mental field: — The development and development of human capabilities in how to perform tasks that are acquired mentally and understand clearly through the analysis and criticism, creativity and innovation and thinking properly in the organization of work commensurate with the needs and requirements of the company.
  3. Behavioral area: — This aspect focuses on how to disseminate values ​​and principles within the company and the ability to analyze and sense of problems and the future outlook of things and the ability to change and intellectual vision, which helps to adapt to good attitudes.
  4. The emotional field: — This field examines the psychology of the human element in how to put the person in the right place to match the work that he wants to have a complete conviction in accepting the job mentally and psychologically

And through what has been explained to the concept of human resources development and its importance and areas of development

It is clear to the researcher that the process of human resources development is the approach taken by the company according to the conversion of the individual.

The third topic: — The concept of performance development and its importance and elements The concept of performance development

The development of performance by the management to ensure that an individual's ability and desire to achieve the objectives of the company in which he works «is a practical behavior that leads the individual working in his work in terms of quantity and quality (Rawi, 210: 2003) The implementation of the operations within the company and compared with the planned performance in order to identify the weaknesses and imbalances and identify the reasons and propose ways to address them to guide the performance of the administrative units towards the main organizational objectives and the optimal utilization of human resources

In order to ensure the success of the development process, insurance companies must periodically develop employees' performance by analyzing and developing their work and measuring the extent of their competence and competence for the current positions they occupy, taking into account both current performance and future capabilities (Al-Qahtani, 27: 2008)

Based on the concept of performance development, performance development is defined as «assessing the performance of each employee within a certain period of time to assess the level and quality of his performance and the implementation of the process to determine whether the performance is good or not and in which areas of performance may include the performance of the individual's work, efforts and behavior (Bernouette, 378: 2004)

It is clear from the above concept that the development of performance is to follow up and develop the human elements within the company on a continuous and periodic basis to correct deviations first-hand to find out how to plan for the human components and the practical reality during the implementation where it cannot be separated between the planning and control through which the importance of monitoring is checked Then the development is done

Second: — The importance of performance development: The process of developing the performance of human elements achieved multiple benefits (Zoelph, 1998: 200 and Deesler, 2002: p323)

  1. Availability of information on the basis of which many decisions are taken, such as promotion and transfer, which is an important function as it is the main factor and decisive in attracting or transferring human competencies to and from the organization.
  2. The development process is an organizational process through which work systems are planned and supervised.
  3. Dependence on the development process in improving and developing performance levels.
  4. Development is a measure of performance based on criteria set by human resources management as in the case of identifying training needs that require a plan on how to develop those needs and the effectiveness of training.

Third: The elements of the success of performance development

The process of performance development includes a number of elements, the most important of which are: (Zuhair, 1999: 98)

First: — The nature of the work and its components, ie the rate of performance target through

  1. The size and quality of insurance services
  2. The time specified for the completion of the work;
  3. Cost

Second: performance behavior, ie, the way in which the individual performs the duties of work and the potential for development in performance

First, the size and quality of insurance services are no longer modern in terms of their characteristics. They have evolved with the idea of cooperation and developed with the progress of human life until they reached the image they are in our modern era. It affects many economic and social variables and works on saving for financing. Producing investments (Georgerejde, 2006: p66).

The development of skills and the advancement of insurance professions and the effective contribution to the provision of expertise in the field of quality management has the catalytic role in terms of the efficiency of individuals, which comes through the identification of qualifications

B — Timed time: — To complete the work, what is the size of what has been achieved with the expected and whether any circumstances outside his will affected the amount of work done, whether positive or negative

C — Cost: — The requirements of the Department is to find qualified cadres and a high degree of different skills and for the success of advanced management must know that they need large amounts of money to ensure continuity and success and achieve the objectives and the provision of equipment and equipment needed and updated and public budget must be monitored so that under review for the purpose The permanence of continuous funding (Jabr, 1991: 2000).

Second: performance behavior — the manner in which individuals perform their duties, which is followed by the motivations of the individual's behavior towards achieving the objectives in return for receiving rewards and incentives in order to continue developing the business and thus obtaining a position or position in the company and having a greater impact on other employees (Evans & Charlie, 1999: p33)

As for the success of these elements, there are a number of factors including: (Abbadi, 51: 2004)

  1. To ensure the success of the development process, there must be a system of performance development in the administrative units, which is headed by the direct head of the unit in each department and supports this system of senior management.
  2. The direct manager shall submit the accurate information and data to the senior management, which shall make it necessary to monitor and develop the efforts of the heads and determine the nature of their treatment of subordinates
  3. The existence of such a system must include aspects and dimensions for all the efficiency of workers in various units
  4. The accuracy and application of the development of performance will inevitably lead to the success of insurance companies and development

Fourth topic: — Human resources development and its role in the development of performance in insurance companies

In order to identify the role of human resources development and reflect that development on the results of actual performance and development is a future investment to increase the performance of individuals in their work to keep pace with the changes in the field of work and to come to the development of fruits should be built on the basis of scientific and systematic, which is one of the elements of human resources development to determine the number of individuals want to develop and the quality of programs and follow-up and evaluated (Abdel Baqi, 208: 2002). The purpose of analyzing this dimension is to determine the individual's performance and functional components, and then the skills required to develop his performance, taking into account the predetermination of the types of skills that must be acquired for his current job and in a different way to fulfill his new job (Berber, 66: 1997) the heads of units should work on staff training at all levels, whether administrative or technical, according to the requirements of work plans and training programs to determine the objectives and the importance of training to expand the intellectual and practical capabilities that can do multiple roles make administrative development activities p Not renewed in line with the level of ambition is defined as the training is «an essential tool for capacity development and qualification to occupy positions and functional roles» (torrigtion, 1979: p116)

It is a «process of instruction that involves the acquisition of skills, concepts, rules and trends to increase and improve the performance of the individual» (Rawia, 2003: 193).Training has principles and foundations on which any institution, including insurance companies, is based

(Abdul Baqi, 213: 2004–214)

  1. Training is a continuous activity
  2. Training is a variable and renewed activity
  3. Training has its administrative and organizational components
  4. Training is an integrated system

These principles and foundations will inevitably show results on the trainees through the following:- (Saleh, 2003: 233)

  1. Increase creative abilities and trends, increase motivation and commitment to change from the knowledge gained from the training process
  2. The knowledge acquired shall be appropriate for his work
  3. Training programs are built on the results of performance development

The development of creative abilities and attitudes of individuals will achieve the training message through the following objectives: — (Tawfiq, 2007: 30–31)

  1. Training is to ensure the performance of work quickly and effectively and economy of expenditure, which will return more than the cost and puts the company in front of reducing risks
  2. The training of employees in the company will want them to master the work and increase the quantity of documents produced and sold and to provide them with the best quality to achieve the objectives of the company
  3. Increasing the skills and abilities of individuals and possessing the elements that qualify him to develop his work for development by the Department
  4. The benefit of development will increase the effectiveness of training programs

The quality of the programs will be either in the course of the work. This training will be based on educational activities prepared by the department of personnel within the company and duration of not less than (45) days, which attract the employees of the same company and this type of training, the direct supervisors provide skills and knowledge of the work, Imitate his trainer and capture the skills needed to perform this work

The training outside the company, which is in the financial training center in the Ministry of Finance. This method is based on the training of employees using qualified trainers from outside the company to put their ideas on the employees of the company to give them skills according to the programs prepared by them and refine their abilities in the functions assigned to achieve positive results The girl training process forward (Maher, 230: 2004)

Section V: — the practical side

This course deals with the practical application of the National Insurance Company because it is a large company with its cadres, sections and multiple branches. Based on the design of a questionnaire according to the objective conditions and presented to the arbitrators and measuring the degree of honesty and consistency. The SPSS system was used to analyze the data, 50) and received all of them and analyzed as follows:

  1. Analysis of the results of the questionnaire for managers and directors of departments and people of the company, which includes the first two axes of personal data for the study sample and the second axis points of view on the development of managers and employees staff development for their development

The first axis: Personal data: — With regard to sex reached

First: Personal data: — With regard to sex, the percentage of males was 70 % and the rest 30 % of females, ie, the percentage of males occupied the largest proportion, which confirms that the leadership of the sections of managers are male, while for the average ages, 60 % of them are more than 51 % followed by 24 % of those aged 41–50 years. The remaining 16 % were aged 31–40 years. As for scientific qualification, 70 % of bachelor's degree holders were enrolled, while the remaining 30 % 4 %, high diploma 2 %, and other certificates 9 %. As for the service years, 80 % of those with 30 years of service or more the rest is 20 % for those with less than 30 years of service.

The second axis: the view of managers and directors of departments and divisions of the National Insurance Company.

Conclusions and recommendations

First: Conclusions

  1. The study showed that the National Insurance Company is constantly working on the development and development of the employees. The percentage of the respondents in the study sample reached 88 % and this will positively affect the job performance.
  2. The company always seeks to find new mechanisms in order to find a system for the development of employees in the company
  3. The company seeks to establish clear standards and foundations for the development of performance
  4. Some workers feel that there is injustice in the development of performance
  5. The system of development of performance in the company contributes to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the performance of employees, where the percentage of 72 % of the answer to the sample of the study
  6. The study showed that the training in the company is based on the results of the development of performance where the heads of departments that the successful training is for the development of employees within the company where the percentage of agreement on this opinion 88 % of the sample

Second: Recommendations

  1. The need for a credible professional committee to set standards for objective and objective development
  2. Establish a mechanism to inform employees of the results of the performance development and allow them to discuss the removal of grievances against them
  3. Introducing the heads of departments special training courses on how to use the development method and standards used to avoid mistakes
  4. Pay attention to training and consider it as an ongoing process to develop the skills enjoyed by working individuals
  5. Review the work systems within the Department so that the level of performance is maintained


  1. Al-Qahtani, Mohammed Daleem «Managing Human Resources Towards an Integrated Strategic Approach» 2, Riyadh, Obeikan Publishing, 2008
  2. Al-Azzawi, Najm Abdulla, Jawad Abd Allah «Human Resources Development» Dar Al-Yazawi Publishing, Amman, 2010
  3. Al-Aalak, Basheer Abbas, «Digital Management, Fields and Applications», 1, Emirates Center for Studies and Research Consultancy, Abu Dhabi, 2005
  4. Al-Zaher, Naeem Ibrahim, «Human Resource Development», The World of Modern Books for Publishing, Amman, 2009
  5. Abu Saud, Mohammed Fawzi «Introduction to Resources and Economics» University Press House, Cairo, 2002
  6. Abdel Hamid, Rajab, «Human Resources Management» Arab Thought House, Cairo, 2006
  7. Tawfiq, Abdul Rahman «Skills of training specialists» Center of professional experience of management — Bembek — Cairo, 2007
  8. Abdel Baqi, Salah El-Din, «Modern Trends in Human Resource Management» New University Press House, Alexandria, Egypt, 2002
  9. Rawi, Hassan, Human Resources Management: A Future Vision, University House, Egypt, Alexandria, 2003
  10. Al-Salem, Moayad Saeed, Saleh Adel Harush, «Human Resources Management Strategic Approach», The World of Modern Writers, 2002
  11. Zuwilif, Mahdi Hassan, «Personnel Management» 1, Dar Safa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 2003
  12. Zuwilif, Mahdi, Hassan «Personnel Management — Quantitative Entrance» Dar Majdlawi Publishing — Amman Jordan, 1998
  13. Desslergari «Human Resources Management» — Translated by Abdel-Moutal Mohamed, Dar al-Marikh Review of quality Abdul Mohsen, 2002
  14. Zuhair, Thabet «How to evaluate the performance of companies and employees» Dar Qabaa Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 1998
  15. George Rijda, «Risk and Insurance Management», translated by Mohamed Tawfiq Al-Blikni and Ibrahim Mohammed Al-Mahdi, Dar Al-Marikh Publishing, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006
  16. Berno Tee, Soad, Human Resources Department, 1, Dar Wael Publishing & Publishing, Amman-Jordan, 2004
  17. Berber, Kamel, «Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance Efficiency, University Institution for Studies and Publication, Beirut, 1997
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): SPSS.

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