Geographic features of developing national handicraft tourism in conditions of continental competitiveness | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: География

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №15 (149) апрель 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 12.04.2017

Статья просмотрена: 17 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Рахимов, А. К. Geographic features of developing national handicraft tourism in conditions of continental competitiveness / А. К. Рахимов, Г. К. Нарзуллаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 15 (149). — С. 175-177. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

In the market relationship age, the objectives put forward in the economy of our country are to put more weightage to improve the role of tourism and national handicraft, to provide the field with more working population and to increase the revenue. These are one of the most predominant targets put before our government in our so-called “Tourism age” century. Considering these all, to improve the handicraft tourism, which is also a component of the tourism sphere is nowadays one of the utmost issues.

Keywords: tourism, national handicraft, goldsmith or jeweler skills, skullcap making (Do’ppidozlik*), pottery, carpentry, carpet making, weaving, brass making -(misgarlik?)*, building, carving

As world practice reveals, in the second half of our century various problems had quite a negative impact on tourism industry, these are — natural disasters, epidemics, serious social explosions and wars along with bellicose movements, economic crises and terrorism, which put quite a lot of obstacles to the sphere in several territories. Tourism industry has obtained complex skills like adapting to and running activity in social, economic and political conditions. However, UNWTO experts allege that the most considerable changes occurred in the eastern parts of the world, there by most of developing countries are situated in the east. Particularly, in the last decade the increasing rate of tourism in the developing markets6–8 %this rate is roughly twice as high as the industry of developed countries. Describing this, it is notable to be mentioned that for 70 % of developed countries tourism makes the greater part of their profit economy.

Although there are some uncertainties in long-lasting forecasting, nowadays in some areas where crisis is leading tourism is considered as a stable sector.

For these reasons, by the UNWTO executive committee the following were legislated and according to them:

– TRC (Tourism Resilience Committee) was founded which consists of and open for real and joined members of UNWTO;

– Paying special attention to air transport and position of national tourism markets, with economic approaches collecting supplementary data and aiding in many ways and supporting;

– Timely provision of the most important and utmost information for the parties concerned in the modern technology, creating projects and appropriate facilities for “quick response to side effects” of crisis.

It is worth emphasizing that actions directing the world tourism association’s power by UNWTO to eliminate the crisis side effects of natural and texnogen* features is not for the first time.

In many countries in Asia organizations’ administrations that are running activity in the tourism sphere are make use of UNWTO recommendations.

After gaining independence the Republic of Uzbekistan the attention increased even more to national and cultural values. Namely, national handicraft and learning and getting to know the socio-geographic principles of tourism development, particularly, analyzing the history and territorial structure of tourism, its problematic issues related to cultural and economic advance is the most vital objectives of geography of our century.

In the works of the first president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Global financial and economic crisis, ways and measures to eliminate it in Uzbekistan’s condition.” it is stated that “Especially, developing the servicing spheres even more is of great matter” [1].

Handicraft is the sprout of productive industry developed along with various techniques in the sphere of social formations, which parted from peasantry and cattle breeding gradually at the consequence of human society. Various specialties, that is, embroidery, skullcap making, pottery, craftsmanship, carpentry, carpet making, weaving, sewing, brass making, carving and others are the result of the this process.

There are 3 types of handicraft in social developing stages related to the broadening of labour division:

  1. In-house handicraft.
  2. Producing handicraft by order.
  3. Handicraft making products for market.

In-house handicraft was the most wide-spread type of handicraft until capitalism.

The territory of the continent is on of handicraft centers from ancient times. In this the continent being the centre of science, culture and education from the ancient times considerably matters.

In the market relationship age, the objectives put forward in the economy of our country are to put more weightage to improve the role of tourism and national handicraft, to provide the field with more working population and to increase the revenue. These are one of the most predominant targets put before our government in our so-called “Tourism age” century. Considering these all, to improve the handicraft tourism, which is also a component of the tourism sphere is nowadays one of the utmost issues. In the country in many areas enhancing the infrastructure of national handicraft tourism is necessary.

For this:

– To seriously control that the service should correspond to world standards in order that tourists come to places where national handicraft and its types are developed, and implementing taxes.

– To increase the number of hotels, make them correspond to international standards.

– Providing tourists that go to places where handicraft is well-developed with means of transport for 10–20 people is vitally important.

It is known that, since the independence years of the Republic of Uzbekistan, considerable changes in tourism industry. The number of hotels fully corresponding to the standards is increasing in the regions of the Republic year after year. A lot of decrees concerning tourism along with regulations are being put into effect.

Namely, with the aim of developing tourism field in our country in 2017–2021 years, strategy of 5 dominant movements have been worked outto develop the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the chapter 3, section 6, fourth part* of the development strategy, attention is paid to the issues like to develop tourism industry and create its directions, to develop modern types of tourism and improve their attractiveness. [2]

If nature is the first appealing factor tourists in a continent, then the second is its historical monuments, and the third — the handicraft which started to develop ages ago and is still a heritage passed from to generations. Handicraft is job rarely needs to be financed and the only benefiting are craftsmen, besides, it doesn’t provide huge benefits for the hard work.

Therefore, for craftsmen to develop their work credit should be allocated and the insurance system be improved in order to defend risk-taking from hazards. This kind of actions will guarantee for them to labour so as to develop their own business not being afraid to.


  1. I. A. Karimov. Global financial and economic crisis, ways and measures to eliminate it in Uzbekistan’s condition : T. Uzbekistan 2009, page 48.
  2. Sh. M. Mirziyoyev. Movements strategy in five directions to develop the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021., - Toshkent 2017.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): UNWTO, TRC.

Ключевые слова

туризм, Народное ремесло, Ювелирные или ювелирные навыки, Изготовление тюбетейки Do'ppidozlik, керамика, плотничные работы, Ковроделие, ткачество, Изготовление латуни misgarlik, здание, резьба по дереву, tourism, national handicraft, goldsmith or jeweler skills, skullcap making Do’ppidozlik, pottery, carpentry, carpet making, weaving, brass making misgarlik, building, carving

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