The formation of communicative competence of bachelors in the university | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №15 (149) апрель 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 19.04.2017

Статья просмотрена: 64 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Рахмонов, А. Б. The formation of communicative competence of bachelors in the university / А. Б. Рахмонов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 15 (149). — С. 628-631. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article considers the essence and components of communicative competence. The author considers the model of formation of communicative competence of bachelors at University.

Keywords: communicative competence, bachelors, the value of education, human abilities, modern higher education establishments, competence

Today, for the world educational space, the actual task is to improve the quality of education. The solution of this task directly depends on the content of education, the modernization of educational technologies, as well as the rethinking of the strategy, goals and results of education. In Uzbekistan today, at all levels of education, a competent approach is being implemented, which lays new goals and results.

Competence, as a person’s ability to act in a concrete life situation realizing all his inner potential, is today the main results of education. The list of modern educational competencies is approved at all levels of the government and is fixed in various government documents. One of the main competencies in this list is the communicative competence of the individual.

With the introduction of a two-level system of education in modern universities, the methods and technologies of teaching have radically changed. If the research program is mainly carried out in the magistracy, then within the framework of the bachelor's degree, priority is given to applied methods and information and communication technologies, which in some cases hampers the students' mastery of communicative competence. One of the main features of the bachelor's program is a significant reduction in the number of hours for students, which, to some extent, aggravates the students' mastery of such important components of communicative competence as lexical and speech literacy. However, such skills that are part of communicative competence, such as communicative tactics, oratory, speech etiquette, active listening have great potential for development precisely in the bachelor's system [6, p. 50].

Communicative competence means the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other personalities, a certain set of knowledge, skills, and skills that realizes effective interaction [1, p. 400]. This competence implies the ability to change the depth and circle of communication, understand and be understandable for your opponent. The formation of communicative competence occurs in conditions of direct communication, and therefore is a qualitative result of the experience of communication within a group or a couple. This communicative experience is acquired not only in the process of direct interaction within the walls of the university, but also indirectly, namely through literature, theater, and cinema, from which the person draws information experience about the nature of social and communicative phenomena and situations, the characteristics of interpersonal interaction, ways Negotiating and resolving communicative conflicts. In the process of studying at a university, a bachelor student masters the communicative sphere by borrowing from the socio-cultural environment the methods of analyzing communicative phenomena and situations in the form of verbal and visual forms [7, p. 244].

Communicative competence is the ability to realize linguistic competence in various situations of speech interaction, taking into account social norms and rules of behavior, and also the communicative appropriateness of the speaker's speech. Communicative competence includes literate speech, competent pronunciation, the use of oratorical skills in conversation, the ability to find an approach to your opponent [2, p. 10].

Guided by the structure of communication accepted in social psychology, which includes perceptive, communicative and interactive components, communicative competence can be viewed as an integral part of the communication process. In this case, the communicative process of interaction is viewed as a process of information exchange between subjects. The basic communicative skills and abilities included in the communicative competence include the ability to navigate in situations of various communicative nature, the ability to effectively interact with a partner, taking into account various social and personal factors, the skills of self-regulation and regulation of communicative situations, the skills of constructive communication, as well as the internal potential of the individual, Necessary for the creation and implementation of communicative situations [8, p. 46]. The components of communicative competence include the understanding of the social situation, the mastery of communicative tactics, the ability to analyze gestures, facial expressions and intonations, the mastery of speaking skills, the knowledge of communication strategies and the ability to apply them, the knowledge of the business type of vocabulary, the possession of ethical norms, the possession of active listening techniques, the availability of literate written and oral speech, as well as the ability to argue their point of view [4, p. 452].

Within the framework of bachelor's programs, the following conditions are necessary to create communicative competence:

‒ development of a model for the formation of communicative competence of bachelors and software-methodical support for its practical implementation;

‒ application of communicative-active methods in teaching disciplines

‒ the possession of teachers of a certain level of formation of professional communicative competence [3, p. 46].

For the basic definition of communicative competence within the framework of the implementation of this model, the following was taken: the system of internal resources necessary for constructing an effective communicative action in a certain range of situations of interpersonal interaction. For the structure of communicative competence of bachelors, the sum of such components as verbal and communicative component, linguistic component, verbal-cognitive component, meta-communicative component is accepted. The verbal-communicative component of communicative competence is the ability to process, group, memorize and reproduce knowledge, factual data, applying linguistic designations. The linguistic component of this competence appears as the ability to understand, reproduce an unlimited number of sentences with the help of learned linguistic signs and the rules of their combination. The verbal-cognitive component of competence is the ability to take into account in contextual speech interaction contextual adequacy in the use of linguistic units for the implementation of communicative activity. The communication component of communicative competence is the ability to master the conceptual apparatus necessary for analyzing and evaluating the means of speech interaction. The content of the training of bachelors of pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical activity included the author's training course «Etiquette and negotiations», which realizes the activity approach on the means of technology of socio-psychological training, pedagogical design. [9]

The indicators of formation include the presence of developed speech, the ability to compose and to conduct pedagogical documentation, communication control and communicative tolerance. In accordance with these criteria, three levels of the formation of communicative competence of bachelors were developed. The high level of the formation of communicative competence is characterized by:

‒ awareness of the importance of their communicative qualities in professional activity,

‒ the effectiveness of speech influence and knowledge of the language norms (orthoepic, lexical, derivational, morphological, syntactic, spelling and punctuation norms);

‒ communicative perfection of speech (accuracy, accuracy, relevance, clarity, purity, wealth, diversity, expressiveness of speech);

‒ knowledge of speech etiquette;

‒ the knowledge of the official business style as a kind of literary language;

‒ the ability to self-regulate and control one's own behavior, emotions, speech;

‒ the ability to easily adapt to the characters, habits, attitudes or claims of others;

‒ the readiness to recognize the right of others to individuality and respects her;

‒ willingness to demonstrate positive emotional reactions in communication [5, p. 300].

The average level of the formation of communicative competence is characterized by the following features:

‒ the availability of generally correct, but incomplete knowledge and skills for speech interaction;

‒ insufficiently developed speech, which needs to improve communicative qualities;

‒ insufficient ability to design and maintain business documentation;

In the emotional manifestations:

‒ the subject correlates his reactions with the behavior of the surrounding people;

‒ the subject can be irritated in cases where the partner complains, nervous a subject can in certain situations adapt to the nature, habits, attitudes or claims of others;

‒ the subject is sometimes able to forgive others for harsh statements or insults [5, p. 300].

The low level of the formation of communicative competence is characterized by:

‒ a negative attitude to the importance of communicative competence in their professional activities;

‒ an erroneous definition of the essence of the communicative qualities of the person, a misconception of communicative competence;

‒ poorly developed speech;

‒ poor documentation;

‒ high impulsiveness in openness, relaxedness;

‒ the behavior of the subject is not very subject to changes depending on the situation of communication and not in when it relates to the behavior of other people;

‒ the subject evaluating behavior, the way of thinking or individual characteristics of people, sees as a standard of himself;

‒ the subject denies the partner the right to individuality;

‒ the inability to hide or at least smooth out unpleasant feelings that arise when confronted with non-communicable qualities of the partners;

‒ inability to forgive others for his mistakes, awkwardness, unintentionally caused to the person troubles [5, p. 300].

Conducting a comparative analysis of the first and last results of a diagnostic study, we can draw the following conclusions. The level of communicative abilities is diagnosed at a high level in 68 % of students, while at the control stage of diagnosis this figure was 23 %. A high level of communicative tolerance for the third year of the model implementation was 72 %, while at the control stage this level was diagnosed in 34 %. Among the most preferred behavior strategies, the majority of students in the third year of model implementation identified «compromise» and «competition», but at the control stage, students generally preferred «competition», «compliance», and “avoidance.” Successful formation of communicative competence Bachelors in the process of higher professional education is possible only with the implementation of an integrated approach, consisting in purposeful activity, systematic monitoring of the implementation efficiency As well as in the implementation of general pedagogical requirements. The implementation of the author's training course allows forming the communicative competence of bachelors at a high level, which allows them to be competitive and popular in their field in the future.


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  6. Meteleva L. A., To the question of the relationship between socialization and the formation of communicative competence of students in the process of teaching a foreign language // Azimuth of scientific research: pedagogy and psychology. 2014. № 1. P. 49–51.
  7. Meteleva L. A., Osadchenko I. I., Konovalova E.Yu., Psihologo-pedagogichesky aspects of formation of communicative competence of students in the course of training to a foreign language // the Vector of a science of Tolyatti state university. 2014. No. 1 (27). Pp. 243–246.
  8. Meteleva L. A., Formation of communicative competence as a means of developing situational adaptability of students in the process of teaching a foreign language // The Baltic Humanities Journal. 2014. № 2. P. 45–47.
  9. Surnin D. I., Formation of communicative competence of future specialists in physical culture and sports through active teaching methods // Izvestiya Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2012. T. 14. № 2–1. Pp. 92–95.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): здоровый образ жизни, правильное питание, компонент, обучающийся, развитие, физическая активность, формирование, личная гигиена, нравственное поведение, образовательная система.

Ключевые слова

коммуникативная компетентность, компетентность, холостяки, Ценность образования, Человеческие способности, Современные высшие учебные заведения, communicative competence, competence, bachelors, the value of education, human abilities, modern higher education establishments

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