Features of management in virtual business environment with the use of informational and communicational technologies | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №16 (150) апрель 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 24.04.2017

Статья просмотрена: 78 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Геворгян, Р. М. Features of management in virtual business environment with the use of informational and communicational technologies / Р. М. Геворгян, Р. И. Мынжасаров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 16 (150). — С. 253-256. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/150/42545/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Hypotheses, goals, objectives scientific research conducted, as well as its structure and the main blocks of issues addressed how to systematize the knowledge of the theory of Infocom-management.

Keywords: information and communication environment, information and communication technology, virtual business environment, intangible resources, Infocom-management

Hypotheses, goals and objectives of the research to acquire new knowledge.

As it is known, during any research and development we make use of goal-oriented scheme “thinking-acting”, where the “acting” itself is, first of all, mental, intellectually-creative activity, as developments demand to conduct scientific research.

These kinds of researches are conducted purposefully, systematically and rightly organized. They are usually being conducted based on the hypotheses stated, choice of the ways to approach, methods, developed conceptual principles, models, various alternatives, accounting of landmarks, priorities, limitations, defining choice criteria from the researched alternatives, realization of mathematically calculated and experimented approbations of the achieved results to confirm validity and rightfulness of the stated hypotheses, main hypothesis.

This is only brief explanation of the well-known methodological instrument of scientific research, and it must be followed during the research. Lets disclose its composition applying to the formation of the management in the virtual business environment with the use of informational and communicational technologies (ICT). This type of management is shortly named infocom-management [1] and it takes a special place among other management types within the framework of the modern tendencies of tempestuous and large-scale development of the global informational-communicational business environment, an example of which is the Internet network.

To implement infocom management idea as infocom-management theory in hypotheses, that have their own proper justification, several hypotheses were stated.

Let’s indicate some of them:

– The informational-communicational environments (ICE), same as the virtual environment implements intangible resources, what enables such modes as telelabor, telework, telepresence, teleinvolvement;

– ICE management is effective for “spread out” organization, with structural departments and employees being geographically remote from each other;

– Organization’s transition from traditional economics’ condition with its tangible resources towards ICE conditions is a managerial novation of the organization, that leverages intangible and intellectual resources;

– Organizations, functioning or beginning to function in ICE, adapt to it using adequate infrastructure with the use of ICT to ensure proper business-interactions of their employees;

– Intellectual resources that have “knowledge” as their priority resource and circulate in ICE, can be considered as factor, potential, capital, asset;

– ICE management is based on the implementation of modern informational and communicational technologies (ICT), on their large and competent use for creating and developing infocom teleconnections and mediated communication of organization’s employees;

– Management of organizations and employees in terms of ICE has its own principles, methods, forms, facilities that account for ICE specificity, which is linked to processes of teleimpact, teleinteraction, telecooperation, which are as effective and valuable as physical interaction between humans.

– The living space of ICE organizations’ employees — is an “infocom field of intellectual-creative energy of the teleinteractions and telecooperations” that allows to achieve the set objectives successfully thanks to mutual understanding and relations of the employees during their telecommunications with the use of infocom telecontacts.

– Accounting for the speed of development of ICT appliance in human practice, the modern period of time can be considered infocom era, that ensure formation of “postindustrial society”

These hypotheses demanded consideration of organization that that conduct their work in terms of modern fast developing and learning ICE with its specific features. These kind of organizations, that work in terms of virtual ICE, had been considered as economical systems, competently leveraging the newest ICT, the Internet and resources such as HP. [1] In order to achieve the fulfillment of the infocom-management theory it should be taken into consideration that the socio-economical systems, both open and interacting with the system’s environment, are located in the net terms and are so as “spread out organizations:

It requires application of new system-networked infocom approach as a methodological approach to the solution of the scientific problem based on the stated hypotheses. Some of the hypotheses acted as scientific and practical, general and private, discretional and explanational hypotheses, that have due empirical and theoretical bases.

During the research some of the hypotheses were rejected or declined to state other hypotheses. To prove their fairness some of them were:

– Self-denialed

– Self-liquidated

These also concern to those new hypotheses related to the subject and object of the research that occurred during our research.

The main objective of our research was to (shortly put): “development of theoretically-methodological and conceptually-methodical bases, as well as practical recommendations regarding management of organizations and personnel in ICE.”

Many questions have been researched and solved based on this objective. Let’s outline the most important ones:

– Definition of the main formation and development prerequisites of the ICE, its traits;

– Definition of infocom services’ and products’ market development’s regularities as economical form of ICE;

– Systematical representation of ICE as special type of infocom economy infrastructure;

– Analysis of empirical bases of organizations’ management in ICE, systematization of empirical laws and regularities;

– Development of theoretical and methodological management basics in ICE;

– Forming systematical concept of organizations’ and personnel management in ICE;

– Development of methodological basics of organization’s structural management in ICE;

– Solving practical problems of applying developed ways, methods and procedures for specific organizations;

– Development of methodological approaches and methodical tools of strategic management of organizations’ innovational development, that works in ICE;

– Generalization of knowledge into theory of infocom management as management type for organizations and personnel in modern ICE.

Principles, methods, forms, resources and procedures of researched management acted as research tools, as elements of organizations’ adaptation mechanism towards fast paced development of ICE [2].

Organizations of various types (enterprises, firms, companies, corporations and all their possible conglomerations, alliances, associations and other business-alliances) acted as subjects of the study.

The theoretical-methodological bases of the research was:

– Theory and methodology of systematical approach and analysis of the modern concepts of management and entrepreneurship,

– Theory of organizations, theory of economical information,

– Concepts of informatization and telecommunications in term of their convergence,

– Management theory and theory of taking managerial decisions,

– Works of leading foreign and domestic scientists in the researched area.

It becomes clear that the whole set of outlined objectives required to put in order the research, its structure in the form of blocks of the most important questions.

Research structure and main blocks of researched questions to systemize the knowledge as the basics of infocom-management.

The research was undergoing according to the developed plan with specific dates and workloads. Each step was concluded by preparation of summary materials based on the given results.

The whole volume of the accomplished research on this topic could be structured into 6 main blocs. Let’s briefly outline them.

In the first block we researched questions related to the content, as well ass processes of appearance and development of the modern ICE. Here are outlined characteristic traits of infocom economy and its development evolution. The most important socio-economical prerequisites of formation and development of such a new environment as ICE are formulated, including economy globalization, processes of hyper competition, relevant managerial prerequisites.

This block examined features and problems of infocom services’ market as economical form of ICE realization, also the essence of ICE is researched as special type of infrastructure of the modern infocom economy [3].

The second block relates to the issues of empirical basis of organization management in the modern ICE. Researched processes and laws of development of the economical and managerial infocom activities of the organizations, as well as:

– Laws of infocom economics in the terms of globalized economy,

– Modern informational management systems,

– Examples of doing electronic business,

– Issues of economy infrastructure modernization and creation of network of institutionalized structures,

– Organizations’ management issues in ICE.

The third block has formulated theoretical and methodological basics of organizations’ management in ICE. Analyzed evolution and features of managerial paradigm, as well as their connection to the concepts of society’s development. Researched informational and cognitive aspects of management, systematic understanding of information filters role and information perception in the management process, as well with its transition into knowledge, on the base of usage of which managerial decision are made.

Different mechanism of self-organization are studied and, especially, the role of informative mechanism. The study of the issue, begins with those questions, as in ICE condition it is substantially supported with cognitive and communication mechanisms, with which the information-knowledge transition mechanism is connected with. That is why we formulated the statement of dominant role of the offered infocom mechanism.

In the conclusion of the study of these issues in the given block, a new concept of informational-communicational (info communicational, infocom) management was formulated or, to put it shortly, infocom-management as methodology of organizations’ and personnel’s management in ICE, that has the outlined infocom mechanism in its basis. Also, a holistic concept of organizations’ and personnel’s management in such business environment was developed [4].

Methods of justification and choice of innovative organizational strategies was studied (it is done in the example of informational field of activity), as well as adaptive ways to prove strategy, including methods of estimation and choice of strategic alternatives. Researched methods to approach formation of functional strategies’ of the organization’s innovative development (it is done in the example of the virtual system of products and services promotion).

The fifth block, is about development of methodological and methodical basics of organization’s mechanism in terms of ICE. The innovative nature of organizational mechanism development was studied. A general approach was proposed to the formation of adaptive structures on the basis of the systematic-structural synthesis. Specific procedures were developed about formation of adaptive macrostructure. Methodological basics of formation of net and virtual structures were formulated. The method of scheme and net choice and justification in terms of ICE was proposed.

Finally, the sixth block illustrates the necessity to take into account the role of “human factor” in the infocom-management and the specifics of personnel management on ICE, including the basis of joint use of the psychotechnologies in ICET, in such an environment that accounts for the specifics of human-computer interaction.

In conclusion, we outline the following:

1) From the main content of these 6 blocks it is clear that during the research and analysis of all issues related to the solution of objectives that are set and outlined above, and specific scientific results were obtained that enabled to formulate theory of the researched management.

2) The foregoing is methodologically useful for young scientists that perform scientific research taking into account formation and development of modern tangible and virtual life environment of people and organizations.


  1. Мартынов Л. М. Инфоком-менеджмент: учебное пособие. — М.: Университетская книга, Логос, 2007.
  2. Мартынов Л. М. Инфоком-менеджмент и менеджментология // Экономика. Управление. Право. — 2011. — № 2. — С. 3–4.
  3. Мартынов Л. М. Когнитивный механизм управления высокотехнологичными предприятиями промышленности с учетом жизненного цикла их наукоемкой продукции // Экономика. Управление. Право. — 2012. — № 1. — С. 3–6.
  4. Магазанник В. Д. Человеко-компьютерное взаимодействие: учебное пособие. — М.: Логос, 2007.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICE, ICT, ICET, учебное пособие.

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