Imroving the quality of education with the help of ICT | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №17 (151) апрель 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 03.05.2017

Статья просмотрена: 93 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Мусаева, Ф. М. Imroving the quality of education with the help of ICT / Ф. М. Мусаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 17 (151). — С. 261-263. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

This article is dedicated to the use of internet recourses at English lessons. Concrete examples of using internet during English lessons, the use of the latest technology in the classroom and testing students’ knowledge directly into the practice are given as well as mentioning that the Internet is a powerful source of authentic texts and other materials that helps to improve language skills and gives students the opportunity to increase their confidence.

Key words: teaching techniques, technical means, international communication, electronic dictionaries, internet recourses, implementation, electronic versions

Статья посвящена использованию интернет-ресурсов на уроках английского языка. Предоставлены конкретные примеры по использованию интернета на занятиях английского языка, использование новейших технологий в классе и тестирования студентов непосредственно на практике, а также упомянуто, что интернет является мощным источником подлинных текстов и других материалов, которые помогают улучшить языковые навыки и дает студентам возможность повысить их уверенность в себе.

Ключевые слова: средства обучения, технические средства, международная связь, электронный словарь, интернет-ресурсы, осуществление, электронная версия

Today, one of the key points of education reform is to develop students' skills in information and computer technologies. Thus, it is not necessary to justify the feasibility of these technologies in the teaching process, including foreign languages. Modern technologies help to evaluate the educational process. There are some materials, which are directed for the instruction, various types of methods and relationships, and the conduct of all learners in the educational process as well.

Perhaps the solution to this problem is the usage of Internet resources during English lessons. Currently, there is no doubt the urgency and relevance of integration of the Internet in the process of acquiring a foreign language. The main subject of the discussion is not a matter of why to use modern computer technologies, but how to use them in the learning process. Using the Internet to a large extent would increase the range of real communicative situations, would increase the motivation of students, would apply their knowledge, and develop skills, speaking skills to solve real communication problems. [1, с. 126].

Undoubtedly, the Internet is a powerful source of authentic texts and other materials that gives students the opportunity not only to improve their language skills and speaking skills, also this resource increases their confidence in using the language as a means of obtaining and processing information and communication, as with a successful organization of this source students will be familiar of the complexity of the tasks performed by them.

With the increase of such flows of information, it is complicated for learners to perceive the training material at the lessons in modern educational systems who sometimes have difficulties to use of ICT in the classroom. Over the past few years in the community, the role of the English language increased greatly, especially as a means of international communication. [2, с. 95].

Due to the increasing demands of society to learn English and other foreign languages there was an urgent need to find better ways to improve the quality of education. For a successful training, it is important for a teacher to know not only its essence and internal structure, but also those assumptions or principles that must be followed. Skillful implementation of the principles in the learning process is an important prerequisite for its didactic efficiency.

Mastery of communicative and intercultural competence is impossible without communication practices, and the use of Internet resources during a foreign language lesson is simply irreplaceable: Internet virtual environment allows going beyond the temporal and spatial framework, providing its users the opportunity to communicate with real authentic interlocutors on current topics for both sides.

At the moment, the market of computer programs and printed materials is widely represented different electronic dictionaries and electronic versions of the printed dictionaries on the basis that greatly simplify the study of the English language. Lingvo Dictionary is able to translate words and expressions from Russian into English, Spanish, Italian, German and French. Only English Russian / Russian-English dictionary contains 3,500,000 entries.It uses such as thematic dictionaries: versatile, economic, computer, polytechnic, medical, legal, scientific, oil and gas, Dictionary of informal words and expressions, as well as the phrasebook and grammar reference. [3, с. 15].

The use of electronic dictionaries does not only simplify the search for relevant lexical items, but also deepens and diversifies English language training. Traditional dictionaries give an incomplete picture of the use of words or phrases in the language. In addition, they quickly become obsolete. It should be noted that some words are out of use and they are replaced by others. The developers of electronic dictionaries react to the change of the language situation fairly quickly. A User of an electronic dictionary has the opportunity to update the program already installed on your computer through the Internet. In addition, all of the dictionaries have online versions.

One of the most important thing is the principle of visual learning. And auditory and visual clarity are equally important for a successful learning process. And if they are used in conjunction with each other, then the implementation of the principle of visualization will be more fully. Pedagogical principles of visual learning requires continuing improvement of training tools, the use of visual aids, corresponding to the modern level of development of science and technology. Improving the quality of teaching is closely related to the fundamental improvement of its methods, which in turn depends on the use of a wide range by a teacher of visual aids.

Means of visualization are related to technical means — training videos, sound recordings, radio and television. These visual aids are called audio-visual, allowing the use of audio and video in the educational process. The use of certain Internet resources can cover the whole range of these technical means. Teachers can use these special sites for teachers, including the design and materials of these sites, download audio files and video files with the necessary material on the history, geography and regional geography.

Visual aids are used at all stages of the learning process: the explanation of a new material, while fixing the knowledge, skills formation, doing homework, checking learning process. It should be noted that some materials (tapes, disks) are not always sufficient to use at each lesson, as well as materials are often updated infrequently. That is why the use of Internet materials by teachers is necessary not only for variation, making them fun for the students, but also allows the teacher to teach modern English.

As mentioned above, in the process of teaching English, the skills and abilities of perception and understanding of the English language, listening comprehension, which requires from teachers and students considerably effort and time play an important role. Invaluable assistance to the teacher to organize the working process of can help educational films, video tutorials, and video websites that can show online. Emotional impact on students is the undisputed advantage of movies. It is essential that students' attention is directed to the formation of personal attitude to what they see. Successful achievement of this goal is only possible in the first place, in a systematic screening of movies, and secondly, to demonstrate them in a methodically organized way.

Using video also helps the development of various aspects of mental activity of students, and, above all, attention and memory. While watching the lesson is created an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity. In these circumstances, even inattentive pupil becomes attentive. In order to understand the content of the film, students should make some effort. So, involuntary attention switches to arbitrary and its intensity affects the process of remembering.

Thus, the dignities of audiovisual materials are obvious. Their active implementation by means of modern technologies such as the Internet, in the educational process offers great opportunities to enhance learning. Mainly, this depends on a wide range of network capabilities. Firstly, the Internet allows obtaining new information on the topic of interest. Secondly, existing sites allow to monitor their knowledge by performing a particular training exercise. Thirdly, using the Internet, you can create a genuine language environment based on intensive communication with native speakers, work with authentic literature, listening original texts, which undoubtedly contributes to higher motivation of students. Finally, the Internet is an indispensable tool for learning the various types and aspects of speech activity. Internet resources can certainly be present at all stages of learning a foreign language. In conclusion, it should be noted that the use of the latest technology in the classroom makes teacher’s work much easier.


  1. Kukushin V. S. Modern educational technologies. Teacher's Guide. Rostov n/D: Publishing House «Fenix», 2003. – 329 c.
  2. Training for the future (with the support of Microsoft): tutorial. M.: Publishing and Trading House «Russian edition», 2004. – 186 c.
  3. Richards J. C. (2001) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. New York, 2001. – 288 c.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT, английский язык.

Ключевые слова

Методов обучения, Технические средства, Международная связь, Электронные словари, Интернет-ресурсы, реализация, Электронные версии, implementation, teaching techniques, technical means, international communication, electronic dictionaries, internet recourses, electronic versions

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