Innovative approach to organization of educational practices in college | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Хайдаров, Т. А. Innovative approach to organization of educational practices in college / Т. А. Хайдаров, А. Э. Парманов, М. М. Байметов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 20 (154). — С. 473-475. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Keywords: educational practice, innovation approach, education, competence, advanced pedagogy

The basis for the practice is the order of the head of the college or university, which is appointed by the head of practice from college to university, the time and place (organization) of the practice are established [3]

Between the organization in which the practice is conducted, a contract is concluded. The relations of trainees (students) with organizations and, the investigator, registration of these relations can be different depending on the circumstances, students are accepted for vacant positions as employees or they are only enrolled as trainees. Admission to a vacant post for the period of practice is the right, and not the duty of the head [2]

Students of universities during the training and production practice, in the presence of vacant positions in the organization may in the prescribed manner be credited to them. Depending on the specialty, the students' practical training can be conducted at educational and production facilities (in workshops, at the polygon of professional colleges, in organizations, in visiting art exhibitions and other objects corresponding to the profile of training specialists.) The objective of the training practice is to instill in students first skills in the chosen Specialty [9].

It is allowed to conduct industrial practice in the composition of student groups, if the work performed by the student corresponds to the profile of the specialty on which he is studying. Students who study on the basis of a contract for targeted training, practice: the profile of the specialty are held in those organizations with whom the contract for targeted training has been concluded.

Currently, there is a problem — the need to improve the effectiveness of training practice and its organizational process, and especially its side, which is associated with the humanization of education, the development of the student's personal potential, the prevention of dead ends of its development. In recent years, the attention of educators has been increasingly attracted by the ideas of innovative approaches to the organizational process of educational practice, with which they link the possibility of fundamental changes in professional colleges. In recent years a number of scientific works have been published, the authors of which consider the theoretical and practical aspects of the functioning of innovative educational institutions and the peculiarities of the activity of psychological services in professional colleges. In these works, innovative colleges are considered as institutions, which are based on the idea of comprehensive development of the student's personality through training practice.An innovative approach to the learning process, in which the goal of learning is to develop the ability of students to learn new experiences based on the purposeful formation of creative and critical thinking, the experience and tools of educational research, role-playing and imitation modeling, suggests changes in the activity of the psychological service in professional colleges.

The goal of the work of teachers is not just the provision of educational practice, but the complex psychological accompaniment of the student throughout the entire course of training tactics, that is, the system of professional activity aimed at creating psychological, pedagogical, socio-psychological conditions for successful student learning in teaching practice. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the differences in the innovative educational space from the traditional process of the training qepiqa. Educational institutions of an innovative type are not focused on the formation of any particular type of personality, but on the development of the natural individuality of each student, his creative abilities, general education and on specialty, professional self-determination and social adaptation to new living conditions.

This direction is associated with the development of models of training as an organization; Training, research, training as an organization of modeling activities, training as an organization for an active exchange of views, creative discussion. In its basic meaning, the term «innovation» refers not only to the creation and dissemination of innovations, but also to transformations, opinions in the way of activity, the style of thinking that is associated with these innovations.

And here the professional psychological activity focuses on the psychological preparation of teachers for work on innovative technologies, as often when the college moves to the mode of innovative work, teachers «are not ready for such changes. Psychological complexity requires the inclusion of teachers in the active discussion of the problems of developmental learning on the basis of an individual approach to each student in the period of training practice. At the heart of such discussions of conversations is the personality of the student, his mental and mental health, and a comprehensive account of his interests and abilities. In working with educators, one should not limit oneself to holding general events and recommendations on reading special literature. The most effective are individual forms of psychological work. Contacts between educators and psychologists should help to deepen the teacher's knowledge of the psychological, age, individual and typological characteristics of children, be specific and effective.

The essence of the innovative approach is to create conditions. Which in the process of educational practice the student becomes his subject, i.e. Learns for the sake of self-change, when its development from a side-effect and an accidental result turns into a major task for both the teacher and the student himself.In this regard, it is necessary to find in the pedagogical process such psychological or psychological-pedagogical conditions that could maximize the manifestation of the student's independence and activity in the process of the training Practice, as well as advancement in their intellectual personal development [5].

Modern approaches to the organization of training practice and its development.Approach in the vocabulary interpretation of VI. Dal means «to go under the bottom of something», i.e. Be at the core of something. The concept of «approach» as a certain position, рoint of view, determines the research, design, organization of the mud; A different phenomenon, a process. In modern science, many approaches are presented. They can be classified for different reasons, for example, in scientific disciplines, philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, anthropological, interdisciplinary, etc.; On the object of the application: activity, culturological personality, etc.; On the organization of consideration (analysis): systemic, integrated structural, etc. (Winter IA) Different approaches do not exclude each other, but implement different review plans. In the organization of training practice, it is possible to use a competence approach. The notion of «competence approach» became widespread in the beginning of the 2nd century in connection with discussions on the problems and ways of modernization of the national education. Competent approach implies not mastering by a student of separate knowledge and skills, but mastering them in a complex. In connection with this, the system of teaching methods is differently defined. The selection and construction of training methods is based on the structure of the relevant competencies and functions that it; Perform in education.

The notions of «competence approach» and «key competence» were disseminated relatively recently in connection with discussions about the problems and ways of modernizing national education. The appeal to these concepts is related to the desire to determine the necessary changes in education, including in colleges, due to changes in the society [6].

The competence approach in general education objectively corresponds to social expectations in the sphere of education, and to the interests of participants in the educational process. At the same time, this approach contradicts: many stereotypes existing in the education system; The criteria for assessing the educational activities of children, pedagogical activity of teachers, the work of administration of professional colleges. Along with these, theoretical and methodical training of personnel for the implementation of the competence approach in the system of pedagogical education, including in the centers of advanced training, is necessary.

Principles of training organization:

  1. The weight of the learning process should be focused on achieving the objectives expressed in the form of competencies, the mastering of which is the result of training.
  2. Formation of the so-called «area of trust» between instructors; Trained
  3. Learners should consciously take responsibility for their own learning, which is achieved by creating a learning environment that forms this responsibility. For this, students should be able to actively interact.
  4. Learners should be given the opportunity to learn how to search, process and use information. It is necessary to abandon practices: «knowledge translation».
  5. Trainees should be able to practice their mastered competences in as many real and imitative contexts as possible.
  6. Trainees should be given the opportunity to develop competence, which is called «learn how to learn», that is, be responsible for their own training.
  7. Individualization of learning: giving each student: the opportunity to master competencies at an individual pace.

All of the foregoing represents the methodical, didactic, pedagogical and value basis on which the process of teaching practice is based, based on the competence approach [4].

Experience shows that the question of the relationship between theory and practice is the very third question, which is connected with the unambiguous orientation of the competence approach to the development of competences, that is, the realization of work activity and the integrated holistic development of the necessary competences. It seems that theoretical training is not given enough attention. This approach requires breaking stereotypes, and this is the most difficult. Any innovation causes resistance.Thus, the competence approach allows you to direct pedagogical activity to involve the student in active, conscious activity, to develop information, communication, educational and cognitive competencies and to disclose the student's personal potential, to build self-esteem and self-control of pupils and teacher reflection, which allows you to achieve better results in Process of educational practice.


  1. A. Khutorskoy. Core competencies. Technology of construction // Public education. — № 5. — 2003.
  2. Bordovskaya N. V. «Pedagogy. Textbook for high schools». — St. Petersburg: Publishing House «Peter». — 2000. — 304 p.
  3. Dyachenko V. K. «New didactics» — M.: Public education. — 2001. — 493 p.
  4. Lebedev O. E. Competence approach in education / / School technology. — 2004.-№ 5. -FROM. 3–12.
  5. Polat E. S. New pedagogical technologies / Manual for teachers. M., 1997.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): FROM.

Ключевые слова

education, competence, educational practice, innovation approach, advanced pedagogy

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