The difficulties and way of translation in automobile industry’s terminology | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (154) май 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 22.05.2017

Статья просмотрена: 114 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Рихсиева, Л. А. The difficulties and way of translation in automobile industry’s terminology / Л. А. Рихсиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 20 (154). — С. 493-495. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

Nowadays the new scientific research in linguistics has displayed that there are no intangible meaning in terminology system. It wouldn’t be in proper way to clarify a term as isolated and special word. Although, in terminologies should be followed the rules, laws and special approach of translation [1]. Translators can often face to controversial problems of term which can lead to wrong translation in process. One of the controversial problem of terminology are synonyms. There are many terms in sphere of power engineering which do possess synonyms as monosemantic in translation. For instance, engine, motor, power plant — двигатель; transmission, power-train, gear-box — трансмиссия или коробка передач; gas pedal, accelerator — педаль. In this sphere the translators should focus on differences in comprehensive analysis the structure of mechanical terms in British and American English and their translation. For example, the part of the car is named as headwear in the US version is hood and the British one is bonnet shows more similarity in thought than it does difference in name which is translated into Russian as капот. There is a list of the most common ones which translator should define them to give the correct message during the process of translation. Some examples of car parts and mechanical components in British and American English and their translation:







Cubby box

Glove compartment





Estate car

Station wagon

Автомобиль с кузовом


Turn signal

Указатель поворота



Переднее стекло




In automobile industry’ terminology the translator’s false friends give incorrect message in translation, because English and Russian terms can be more or less similar in form but different in meaning. As the sound level: E.g.: Gas tank should be translated into Russian as: бензобак, but not газовый танк; controller-датчик,not контролёр which will not be translated in proper way. As the semantic level: giving the primary meaning of the word or its part, whereas a semantic transformation is required: glove compartment -перчаточный ящик, ящик для мелких вещей are available used, but бардачок is in common use in Russian. Hood or bonnet- капот, but not капюшон or дамская шляпа. The another is the puzzling question of whether a term loses its terminological status when it comes into common usage. The difficulties of translation of mechanical components into Uzbek depends on foundation of automobile industry in Uzbekistan which has been produced its cars recently and it has not long history. That’s why in majority cases mechanical terms of vehicle translated into Uzbek in borrowing way from Russian version. E. Y. Prokofyeva states, the beginning of single and short -run production in the automobile industry of the Russian empire during the period of 1896–1914 [2]. It was historically determined that the home automobile industry formation originally was accomplished in competition with a more developed European motor-car industry. Before 1992, Uzbekistan had absolutely no automotive industry, being part of the Soviet Union. Driving the cars which imported from Russia and within using terms of mechanical components are stuck till now in automobile industry’s terminology in Uzbekistan. Such as, двигатель, мотор, тормоз, руль, поршен.

Many terminological equivalents of mechanical componentsin the Uzbek language have been formed from the English and Russian terms by transcription, transliteration or loan translations: By English: speedometer- спидометр, accumulator-аккумулятор, carburetor-карбюратор, pedal- педаль, and bumper-бампер; By Russian: двигатель-двигател, капот-капот, руль-рул, тормоз-тормоз. However, since 1996 Uzbekistan has been exporting automobiles and within started to use the validity translation of terms into Uzbek. Not many translators work in Mechanical Engineering Terminology and terms were mainly translated into Uzbek from Russian sources. Sh.N. Magdiev did much work giving the translation validity in Engineering Industry’s Terminology for students of Transport Institute. We translated the terms into Uzbek and analyzed them using the text-book “Автомобилнинг умумий тузилиши” (The general consist of automobile) by А. А. Аkilov, А. А. Khahorov, М.Kh.Saidov. Such as, Transmission — into Russian: Коробка передач, into Uzbek: Куч узатма; Clutch –into Russian: Сцепление, into Uzbek: Илашиш муфтаси. Axles can be translated into Russian as ось,стержень, вал and in Uzbek we translate as осма (front and rear axles -олд ва орқа осмалар). Giving a message of validity translation to link up with specialist of certain sphere will be satisfied such as consultation, books, text-books, articles are available. As we teachers who teach translation skills will be fruitful to elaborate the exercises system of certain terminology to increase ESP level of students. For example:

Match the words in the left-hand column with those in the right to make terminological word-combinations. Find their Russian and Uzbek equivalents

All in all, it is crucial thing for translators to be aware of synonyms in terminology, to know the differences of usage in various countries, to identify which types of translation the terms belong, as a result of giving the correct information during the process of translation.


1. Н. Н. Бобырева. “Перевод профессионально ориентированных текстов”. Учебное пособие для студентов отделения переводоведения и межкультурной коммуникации. — Казань: Казанский университет, 2012.

2. E. Y. Prokofyeva. “Automobile industry formation in Russia” (1896–1914) Vestnik Samara State University of Economics. 2008.

3. А. А. Аkilov, А. А. Khahorov, М.Kh.Saidov. “The general consist of automobile”-Text-book-T.,2012.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ESP, Коробок передач.

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