Ecological education of students in the conditions of modernization of higher pedagogical education | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №23 (157) июнь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 14.06.2017

Статья просмотрена: 531 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Муксимова, Н. А. Ecological education of students in the conditions of modernization of higher pedagogical education / Н. А. Муксимова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 23 (157). — С. 312-314. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

In modern conditions when ecological problems obtain an increasing urgency, an important problem of the higher pedagogic of education is formation of ecological culture of students, capable to comprehend variety and complexity of natural, social and moral problems, to find the place in the world, adequately'to react to changes in social life, to accept realized, responsible, motivated decisions. The teacher of the future is the person living in harmony with surrounding world and himself, operating within the limits of ecological necessity. In the conditions of modernization of the higher pedagogical education, more and more finds out itself the contradiction between objectively growing requirements of civil society to activity of the future teachers in the context of «person — nature» relations and level of formation of ecological culture.

Ecological education is an organic and priority part of all system of the continuous formation, giving to it the new quality, forming other relation not only to the nature, but also to a society, to activity of the modern person. Higher education ecologization means formation of the new approach to activity of the future teachers, based on formation of noosphere-humanitanan and ecological values. It is necessary to notice that the Program accepted 15 years ago on reforming the education received the title of National program on personnel training, is an important scientific and theoretical basis in ecologization of higher pedagogical education. In Uzbekistan about 35 % of the population are children aged up to 16, over 62 % — the youth aged up to 30, according to the accepted program in the country 12-year universal compulsory free education under the '9+3' scheme has been introduced. In the country there constructed over 1500 new professional colleges and academic lyceums, today at S9 universities and high schools 230 thousand students are trained. Studying the purposes and ecological education problems in pedagogical higher educational institution, we should ascertain that corresponding school education and education, their progressiveness and present depend, first ot all. on the statement of training of future school teacher within the precincts of pedagogical higher educational establishment. In Uzbekistan among students trained in higher educational institutions on pedagogical specialities makes 54,5 % [1]. These figures once again testify value tor a society of ecological education of the future teachers.

Results of our research show that, at studying of readiness of schoolchildren and graduates ot high schools to ecological education, the majority of them showed high enough degree of knowledge and methodical preparation. The assessment of the future teachers' work — experts in different educational institutions in student teaching revealed their knowledge in the field of ecology. It is necessary to notice that regular improvement of professional skills of teachers working in pedagogical higher educational establishment and delivering lectures on ecological disciplines played an important role At the same time there is data of other, negative character for the last years. Researches of the level of professional competence of teachers and entrants of pedagogical higher educational establishments showed that not all teachers master adequately the methodic of new pedagogical technologies for relaying ecological knowledge, are not capable to contain the ecological education maintenance into the frameworks of general natural-scientific and humanitarian knowledge.

Researches show that separate graduates of schools, academic lyceums and professional colleges — entrants of pedagogical higher educational establishments do not own modern ecological culture, continue to adhere to consumer views at environment. However, despite insufficient adaptation ot ecological education methodic by separate teachers, in the result of conducted reforms undoubted changes are observed in the system of higher pedagogical education. There is a constant expansion of ecological subjects, including its social component in the higher education; the importance ot ecological education is fixed by the acts covering all systems of continuous education. In higher educational institutions of pedagogical profile the volume of scientific researches in the field of theory and practice of ecological education, ecological bringing up, ecological culture of students' youth has considerably increased, the principle of continuous ecological education is affirmed, the sequence of such education at school is developed, textbooks for schoolchildren and methodical manuals for teachers are written, there is an ecologization of all higher education.

As a result, ecologization of system of continuous education becomes an important factor of education reforming as a whole. Insufficient degree of development of ecological education in pedagogical higher educational establishments is, of course, explainable: ecological education, especially in its modern variant, only arises, many pedagogical higher educational establishments have not yet full-profile course on social ecology, in many regions ecology as a subject of science and teaching there remains more problems, than their decisions, also the general social background — underestimation of depth of ecological crisis in regional and global scale distinctly affects. The analysis shows that process of teaching ecological disciplines connected with immediate training future teacher demands regular updating, publication of manuals, textbooks on ecology. It is necessary to notice that the methodological basis is not still developed sufficiently which is necessary for applied researches on ecological education, formation of ecological culture of students and writing of concrete methodical workbooks, the system of training future teachers has no settled principles of ecological education. It is necessary to underline that certain rupture between rather good level of general school ecological education and level of development of ecologically pedagogical education, was outlined a backlog, including the social ecology that is in many respects deprived attention. In the conditions of modernization of the higher pedagogical education it is necessary to consider the problem of training such specialties and additional qualifications as the teacher-expert on social ecology, teachers of additional ecological education, teacher of preschool ecological education, manager of ecological education who are not only actual, but also are calculated on the future.

Curriculums demand further perfection on ecologically pedagogical practice, ecological study of local history. It is necessary to improve links of higher school science with academic lyceums, professional colleges and comprehensive schools concerning issues of ecological culture of pupils and students. The decision of designated and other similar problems, further attention to the higher ecological education could promote formation of its complete scientifically-proved structure. Such structure, according to leading experts in the field, should include a number of elements. Ecological education of student of pedagogical higher educational establishment as a component is integrally appropriate to its general culture.

Formation of humanistic medium of pedagogical higher educational establishment is a condition of development of ecological culture and practical readiness of the school graduate for ecological education and education in their modern and progressive understanding, training the teacher-ecologist for education at professional-qualified level. Based on this structure, the scheme of consecutive ecological education in pedagogical high school is built. At an initial stage there is a personal development and self-development of the student, mastering cultural and natural priorities and values initially at figurative and emotional levels. According to the given dominant training on all general ecological programs will be organized. At the second stage necessary educational and methodical knowledge is acquired, there is a professional competence of the future expert. At the third stage conditions for professional identification of student, for qualification choice are created. At the fourth stage students acquire world outlook representations about «person-society-nature» system, integration of research and scientific and pedagogical activity in this area is carried out, the situations stimulating its creative self-development are created. The important role in formation of ecological culture of students is taken away to social institutes. It is necessary to allocate four basic types of ecological social institutes which depending on the functions are divided on practical, scientific, pedagogical and administrative.

Thus: firstly, in the conditions of modernization of the higher pedagogical education, variety of subjects of fundamental ecological education is formed: general ecology, social ecology, applied ecology.

Secondly, in the conditions of civil society formation in increasing ecological students' culture mass media plays an important role. They help with judgment of specificity of a sustainable society development that in the centre of such development there is a person who has an inalienable right to healthy and fruitful life that environmental control should really become the major element of process of a sustainable development that the society will pass to co-evolutional way of interaction with the nature, when efforts of collective mind will be directed on providing safety of mankind in every relations and realize aspiration of the person to personal and social well-being.

Thirdly, for achieving these purposes, that is, in training highly skilled teacher it is necessary to make active all potential of ecological culture, make radical, humanistic, reorientation of all system of its values, open fully not passing importance of the nature for human existence.


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