The role of information technologies in improving the quality of vocational education | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №24 (158) июнь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 21.06.2017

Статья просмотрена: 494 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Мамадаюпова, Ш. М. The role of information technologies in improving the quality of vocational education / Ш. М. Мамадаюпова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 24 (158). — С. 418-420. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The process of development the higher education is closely connected with the improvement of the quality of training specialists process, with dynamically developing research and innovative education. The social environment and economic needs of university research is aimed at improving the education system and information technology. In the conditions of the modern world, the primary task of the education system is the training of highly qualified specialists that meet all the requirements of modern reality.

To improve the level of education in the credit system of education, it is necessary to form methods of increasing organizational and educational quality, as well as actively introduce pedagogical innovations. The education system should be supplemented by new content and tasks, modern conscious education and a new quality education that meets the high demands of the modern world.

Based on this approach, we can argue that in the process of preparing future specialists based on the credit system of education, innovation takes priority place. The relevance of this issue increases with the training of specialists whose activities are directly related to the creative process.

As a result of the introduction the credit training system changes to the training courses, the number of lecture hours were reduced, the main emphasis was placed on independent work carried out using a computer.

The credit system of training provides an opportunity for the learner to plan the educational process on his own. Educational work is assessed by the volume of the educational material, i.e. By credit.

The introduction of new educational technologies is connected with automation of educational and methodological complexes and plans and of course the selection of students by the trajectory, in the organizational automation of the educational process with the credit technology calculates the tutor's load- that is, in the use of information technology.

Today, information technologies are widely used in production, enterprises, document circulation and record keeping, the areas covered by these technologies are expanding day by day. According with this increase the volume and complexity of the information being processed, a new visualization has become necessary in the society.

The use of information technologies in the formation of professional competencies of future specialists is one of the basic requirements for modern information development of society. In the information society there is an objective need for specialists who are able to quickly adapt to the changing content of work activity, having the opportunity to quickly learn new knowledge and skills.

Qualitative improvement of the educational process is related to the educational information and the effective use of these technologies in the organization of the learning process. An important element in the formation of the student's professional competencies is information technology. Information technology means modern equipment and systems aimed at working with information and managing information processes.

Information technologies are widely used in science and practice, in various fields of education and production, including the educational process.

The use of information technology has a great influence on the formation of the scientific and potential of students, the development of their thinking skills, that is, in general, the training of specialists. On the basis of the use of information technologies in the educational process, students master such methods of scientific posing as formalization and modeling. Information technologies provide opportunities for the development of formal-logical and systemic forms of thinking, as well as the development of new methods of scientific knowledge. Therefore, today the issues of using information technologies are examined in detail in various spheres.

The analysis of scientific literature devoted to the study of the issues of information of education system shows that the cognitive operations of the management process, the content of the disciplines of higher education institutions, the environment, the forms and functions of instruction, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics acquire a new structure.

Due to the fact that 2/3 of the volume of the credit system curriculum includes the independent work of students, the need for using information technologies in organizing this process is increasing. The article deals with the possibilities of using information technologies in the organization of independent work by students of the credit form of education.

The analysis of scientific works and the practice of modern teaching proves that the value of independent work is characterized by the implementation by methodologists and teachers of methods and the ability of effectively demonstrate organizational forms. This connection is defined by a number of authors as a method of independent learning, a number of other authors as a means of teaching, and as a form of organizing the activity of students.

Some scientists analyzed the concept as following: «Independent educational activity is a didactic concept, an independent formulation of scientific and practical tasks, prediction and determination of one's own ways of solving them, based on self-control, self-assessment, and participatory actions of the participants in the pedagogical process. Knowledge of personality ".

According to the Kazakh scientist, the organization of independent work is related to the following conditions:

а) understanding a specific purpose of the work;

б) interest in the successful completion of work and its results;

в) performing work of one's own will, initiatives.

The main feature of the choice of technologies for organizing independent work is the need to build on the characteristics and predisposition of the student's personality, on his need for creative self-realization. The direction of strengthening the creative component of the personality of the future specialist requires from the disciplines of the university and the actions of the teacher to take into account the personality of the student, his values, interests and needs. In other words, the independent work of students should be based on the positions of learning directed at the person.

– Database management systems;

– editing menu with mathematical and statistical data;

– Using the menu for recognizing animations and texts.

  1. Using when performing independent work, algorithms and sample tasks, demonstrating examinations and presentations (computer, projector, video cameras, video clips).
  2. Special computer control programs, various testing programs are used to control independent work.

In the credit form of training, computer testing is widely used for the purposes of current, intermediate and final control. The consequence of improving the effectiveness of the educational process and the broad possibilities of modern information technologies is the automation of the pedagogical testing process.

The introduction of modern information technologies in the field of education leads to a qualitative change in the methods and types of organization of professional training for future specialists. For the effective organization of independent work by students, the use of electronic textbooks and methodological instructions becomes vital.

Within the educational process, the opportunities of information technologies and universal are widely used in the university, in particular, for the preparation of slide lectures and high-quality presentations, the capabilities of such universal applications as MS Power Point, Front Paige, Flash are used. The capabilities of the MS Power Point program provide students with access to the materials in the right amount. The manual, developed by the above methodology, is used not only during lecture classes, but also in the course of independent work. When doing independent work, students use information funds on the Internet. At the same time, students actively use the possibilities of electronic textbooks.

In general, the use of information technologies makes it possible to make significant changes in the information and methodological support of students' independent work. The main goal of the system of higher education is the preparation of highly qualified and competitive professionals through quality education based on modern education and pedagogical innovations. In such circumstances, the need for correct and effective use of information technology in the practice of future specialists is increasing. Therefore, the use of information technology has become the basis for the preparation of electronic educational publications for the organization of independent work of students.


  1. Bonn S. 2008. Transitioning from Traditional to Hybrid and Online Teaching, Anil Varma (Ed), “Information and Communication Technology in Education”, First edition, Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, p.34–35.
  2. Core ICT indicators: Partnership on measuring ICT for development, retrieved from
  3. Developing research-based learning using ICT in higher education curricula: The role of research and evaluation, retrieved from
  4. Farahani A. J. 2008. E-learning: A New Paradigm in Education, Anil Varma (Ed), “Information and Communication Technology in Education”, First edition, Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, pp.25–26.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT, ITU-D.

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