Inter-ethnic unity in Uzbekistan — the factor of peace and progress | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Социология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №24 (158) июнь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 19.06.2017

Статья просмотрена: 56 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Матьякубов, Н. Р. Inter-ethnic unity in Uzbekistan — the factor of peace and progress / Н. Р. Матьякубов, Бобур Собиржонов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 24 (158). — С. 337-340. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

Tolerance is one of the greatest values that encourage humanity to live in unity and prosperity. It means treating the others the same way you respect yourself and wishing others whatever good you wish for yourself. There have been many representatives of nationalities and ethnicities inhabiting in the territory of Uzbekistan from ancient times. The lack of racial discords between them throughout the ages shows the historical tolerance of our people. That is why, nowadays, the purpose of educating the nations living in our country in a spirit of mutual unity is one of the main goals of the ideology of independence.

Inter-ethnic unity, being one of the main ideas of ideology of independence, is a concept that expresses peaceful existence and acting in unity different representatives of nations in a specific territory or a country. [1, 13–14 p.]

In other words, the idea of inter-ethnic unity is a universal value and plays a significant role in national progress of regions and countries where diverse nations inhabit together. This idea is a cultural base for establishing and strengthening mutual respect, friendship and unity between people of different nations and creeds who live in one society and strive towards one goal.

Incautious and unwary approach to national relations, even insufficient attention to the matters of inter-ethnic trends can negatively affect to peace and prosperity. As the first President of the independent Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov has stated, «Today, in history of humanity, we can see the opposite, the absence of unity in inter-ethnic relations in multi-ethnic countries can be examples of how it has thrown backwards whole nations and countries and caused socio-political disasters. For multi-ethnicity has become main factor that damages internal political stability and national security of not only specific countries, but also whole continents.» [2, p. 49]

At the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Baynalminal international cultural center has been established based on the decree of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 13, 1992. The Main Law, which has been accepted on that year, states that «All citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regardless of their nationality, shall constitute the people of Uzbekistan.» According to our Constitution, the languages, traditions and cultures of all the nations and ethnicities inhabiting in our country are respected and all the necessary conditions are created for their prosperity.

If in 1992 there have been 10 national cultural center of other nations and ethnicities, their number now reaches to 137.

The fact that Baynalminal International Cultural Center of Uzbekistan is helping these cultural centers to conduct their activities practically is worthy of special attention.

The Center is fulfilling cultural and social aspects of our lives through conducting vivid events throughout our country and strengthening friendship and tolerance among the representatives of different nations and ethnicities living in Uzbekistan.

All these factors prove that a unique system of non-governmental organizations has been developed in the domain of inter-ethnic relations of our country. The versatile activities of these organizations are assisting to maintain peaceful and prosperous life in our country, resolve significant cultural and spiritual tasks, and develop cooperation with foreign countries.

The significance of these national-cultural centers in maintaining socio-political stability of our country is incomparable. There are 3 main tasks that national-cultural centers help to achieve:

1. Raising the language, culture, traditions, rituals and customs of each nation, reviving connection and relations with historical homeland, encouraging the manifestation of feelings of national identity.

2. Considering independent Uzbekistan as true homeland and serving our country with true devotion.

3. Living cooperatively in the Homeland, learning Its culture, lifestyle and language, living in peace and harmony with the indigenous people of the country.

Activities of coordination councils led by regional deputy Khokims in places of public councils under Baynalminal International Cultural Center play a significant role in the development of national-cultural centers’ activities in all the areas of our country, further strengthening united, harmonious, peaceful and prosperous life of our nation.

Nowadays, there are more than 130 nations and ethnicities living in our country united as memebers of one family. They are laboring selflessly together in all fileds and indutries for the prosperity of our common home — Uzbekistan, and contributing significantly to the establishment of a country which is based on developed market economy and strong civil society. [4, p. 19]

Our Constitution and laws guarantee equal rights and freedom to all citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan regardless of ethnicity, language and religion. All the conditions for preserving and further developing their own national culture, traditions and customs have been created. There are religious organizations belonging to 16 confessions freely carrying out activities in our country. There are 7 languages being taught in state educational intuitions. National TV Company of Uzbekistan runs programs in 12 languages, while newspapers and journals publish in other more foreign languages.

In the years of independence, at the initiative of the Baynalminal international cultural center a festival under the slogan «Uzbekistan — our common home» is being held. [5, p. 59]

For instance, in 2016, more than 700 scientific-practical and cultural-educational events had been conducted in cooperation with national-cultural centers. More than 40 thousand representatives of various nations had actively participated in the 6th annual festival of friendship and culture under slogan «Uzbekistan — our common home».

Foundations for such unity and harmony had been laid by the First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov and this humane policy is being consistently continued with passion. The facts that our country has been situated at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road mutually connecting the East and the West and embraced the most suitable characteristics of cultural and spiritual heritage of different nations and ethnicities are important factors to the tolerance, the hospitality and the kindness that are innate to our nation. [6, p. 43]

Our President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has started a new period of reformations aimed on a dialogue with the people of our nation consisting different ethnicities, listening to their needs and solving their issues. During his speech at the joint meeting of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis on December 14, 2016, the leader of our nation has stated, «I consider taking great care of and strengthening the environment of unity, mutual respect and kindness among nations and citizens of our country as my highest priority».

Inter-ethnic peace and unity in our country is a great treausre of our nation and a foundation for our prosperous life. Almost all of us live with the representatives of different nations as neighbours. We wholeheartedly cheer for our national sportsmen and artists who are from different ethnicities during international sports competitions or art festivals beacuse they are our family who go to the arenas in order to defend the pride of our Homeland. Navruz, Independance Day or other festivals and holidays are celebrated in our country with the represnetatives of all natons and ethnicites as one family.

In the days of Independence, more than hundred activists of Baynalminal international cultural center and other national-cultural centers have achieved honorary titles, and been awarded with medals. It is worth noting that 14 people who are representatives of various ethnicites have been awarded such a great title as the Hero of Uzbekistan.

On the 25th anniversary of Baynalminal international cultural center, a group of activists from national-cultural centers have been awarded by President Sh. Mirziyoyev for the big services in strengthening inter-ethnic friendship and unity in our country, preserving the environment of mutual cooperation and kindness among the representatives of different nations and ethnicities in our society, educating the young generation on patriotism, reverence for national and universal values and developing the activities of national-cultural centers.

On January, 2017, the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Baynalminal international cultural center has been widely celebrated. In honor of this festival, great events have been organized such as a photography, arts and painting exhibition depicting the experience of our country on inter-ethnic unity and life of our people who live in peace and harmony, scientific-practical conference on the topic of «Independence of Uzbekistan — a new era in the development of international relations», a concert with the winners of the festival «Uzbekistan — our common home». Moreover, a documentary named «Culture of tolerance in Uzbekistan» is being produced, a book called «Uzbekistan — a country of peace and unity» and a special issue of «In one family» journal is being published.

On February 7, 2017, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On action strategy on further developing of the Republic of Uzbekistan» for 2017–2021 has been signed. The fifth priority direction of the Decree states «Priority areas in the field of security, inter-ethnic harmony and religious tolerance, as well as the implementation of balanced, mutually beneficial and constructive foreign policy» and it implies developing the concepts of priority directions in scope of international relations policy and the governmental policy in the domain of religion. [7, p. 1]

To conclude, only in a country where human rights and interests maintained can a member of any nation live in liberty, achieve his dreams and goals, and be happy. Today’s environment of mutual friendship, unity and tolerance in our country is once again proving the humanity this ancient rule.


  1. Каримов И. А. (1997). Ўзбекистон ХХI аср бўсагағасида: хавфсизликка таҳдид, барқарорлик шартлари ва тараққиёт кафолатлари. Т.: Ўзбекистон, 1997.
  2. Каримов И. А. (2011). Ўзбекистон мустақилликка эришиш остонасида. — Т.: Ўзбекистон, 2011.
  3. Хонназаров Қ. (1998). Мустақиллик ва ёшларни байналмилал руҳда тарбиялаш. — Тошкент, 1998.
  4. Муртазаева Р. Ҳ. (2007). Ўзбекистонда миллатлараро муносабатлар ва бағрикенглик. — Тошкент, 2007.
  5. Ата-Мирзаев О., Гентшке В., Муртазаева Р (1998). Узбекистан многонатсионалний: историко-демографический аспеcт. Т.: Узбекистан, 1998.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Узбекистан.

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