System-target approach in the development of the professional competence of English language teachers | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №24 (158) июнь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 21.06.2017

Статья просмотрена: 34 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Мамадаюпова, В. Ш. System-target approach in the development of the professional competence of English language teachers / В. Ш. Мамадаюпова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 24 (158). — С. 420-422. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article includes the system-target approach at the stage of the curriculum formation and realization of the professional orientation courses of methodology and technology of teaching a foreign language in the pedagogical university. The role of special psychological-pedagogical courses and seminars in practical methods of teaching English in the professional competence in the students development, as well as the realization of a professional orientation courses «Practice speaking and writing» at an advanced stage of training.

The introduction of a multi-level system brings the sphere of higher education closer to world standards; through the recognition of educational diplomas in other states create conditions for the integration of Uzbekistan into the world educational space. However, the isolation in the educational process requires separate and distinct reflection levels of both independent of completed cycles plaguing specific educational purposes. Understood as completed stages (levels), these system components are characterized at the same time by a direct systemic relationship between themselves, expressed in content, unified forms of control over the knowledge, skills and abilities, and some other aspects. Consequently, the requirement of a multi-level structure of higher education further emphasizes the importance of the systematic nature in the training content, the need to clearly define the goals and objectives of teaching students at each stage of vocational training, as well as scientific and methodological support for the solution of these tasks.

As a requirement of time, a multilevel system of professional education in pedagogical university is a means of humanizing the educational content, as it builds the amount of abilities, capabilities, desires of each individual student and at the same time solves the problem of a global nature — improving the vocational training of a particular specialty as a whole.

However, for the introduction of a multi-level system not to be a formal act of dividing a single process into stages in accordance with the years of training (which, unfortunately, takes place in some universities). This is a serious restructuring of the educational process, its content, forms of instruction, as well as reviewing the very logic of organization. The content of training, which understood by the student, should actualize the ideas of the systemic and fundamental nature of education. In our opinion, these very important aspects of multilevel education fulfill a system-forming function, integrating other possibilities and features of a multi-level system of professional higher education. For example, the possibility of multidisciplinary interdisciplinary instruction as a characteristic feature of multilevel vocational education is based on the fundamental nature of education, since only thorough, well-organized knowledge can become the basis for their creative application in obtaining several contiguous profiles in vocational education. For a foreign language teacher, this idea can be expressed in acquiring a dual specialty — qualifications «teacher of two foreign languages», «teacher of Uzbek (native) and foreign languages», «teacher of Russian and foreign languages», etc., the need for what already has developed in the conditions of existence of a modern high school in the republic.

Significant reserves for improving the quality of vocational training in the framework of a multilevel professional training system are concluded in the implementation of the system-target approach used in drawing up curricula that emanate from the ultimate goal of forming professional competence, the training of a highly qualified specialist-a foreign language teacher. Correctly drawn up curriculum takes into account systemic relations between the content of interrelated educational disciplines allows to strengthen the professional orientation of teaching a foreign language, to objectify and actualize the links of methodological and psychological-pedagogical courses.

In practice, the work of universities that provide training for specialists in various specialties, has accumulated considerable experience in the creation of curriculum on which we relied in our study. Consequently, the problem of the theory and practice of curriculum development is relevant because the conditions for vocational training are constantly changing.

Undoubtedly, when preparing curricula, it is necessary to take into account the current state of the general education school and the actual qualitative level of teaching foreign languages in it, regional features and the national specifics of the education system as a whole. In the structure of the curriculum, in the logical follow-up of the academic disciplines it defines, and also in their content, the idea of a professional orientation must be realized in a special way. The essential characteristic of the professional orientation in the training of teachers of a foreign language, in our opinion, should have a twofold focus:

1) improvement of communicative competence (this includes all aspects of teaching related to the practical mastery of a foreign language). Improving the practical knowledge of a foreign language in all types of speech activity, expanding the cultural knowledge about the country and people’s mentality who are the bearer of the language. Improving the culture of English speech of various methods in teaching foreign languages, improving teaching skills, based not only on linguodidactic, but also on the complex of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills.

The placement of educational disciplines in the foreign language curriculum of university training

2) Increasing the level of knowledge of lingo didactical knowledge can cause a wrong impression of teacher’s isolation, because each of these scientific directions has its own stratification level, its object of study and methods of research. That is why the links existing between general professional and special disciplines remain in the shadow. Meanwhile, in the science of recent decades, the tendencies towards the integration of various scientific branches are affirmed, which is objectively confirmed by real reality.

While drawing up the curricula, a number of organizational principles were taken as a basis:

– Normative nature of disciplines;

– The uniformity of the distribution of academic disciplines or the academic load of students for semesters;

– Continuity and consistency in the study of disciplines;

– Interdisciplinary connection and integration of the disciplines;

– taking into account the different types of occupations, individual and independent work;

– Combination of theoretical and practical training of specialists;

– Application of variation forms of control.

Approving the system-target approach in the preparation of foreign language teachers in the preparation of curricula for various levels of vocational education, we proceeded as following: the teaching of all special and general professional disciplines should be professionally directed, contribute to the improvement of practical knowledge of English, to increase the culture of English speech in future teachers. Accordingly, the connection of special (linguistic) and general professional disciplines should become an integral characteristic of the process of vocational training of teachers of foreign languages, which ensures the professional competence of foreign language’s graduates.

Since the methodological and psychological-pedagogical preparation of students is a condition for the formation of their professional competence, we planned to read the courses of six interrelated disciplines on the methodology and technology of teaching foreign languages, pedagogy and psychology. These are the following disciplines:

1) General methodology of teaching foreign languages in secondary school.

2) Methods of teaching English in secondary school.

3) Special seminar on practical methods of teaching English in secondary school.

4) Topical issues of methodology and technology for teaching foreign languages.

5) The basics of pedagogical mastery of a foreign language teacher.

6) Psychology of teaching foreign languages in school.

Along with these disciplines, the course «The Practice of Oral and Written Speech of the English Language», which is directly designed for the preparation of an English teacher, should have a clearly expressed professional orientation.

Fundamentality of foreign language education at language faculties can be realized the subject in the conceptuality of each general professional disciplines and special cycles. In the conceptual coverage of the content of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and linguistic courses, the principle of systemic and professional orientation acquires an in-depth methodological interpretation.

In its specific features, all the disciplines taught at the language faculty can be divided into linguodidactic, psycho-pedagogical and special disciplines. The thesis describes in detail the content, structure, characteristics and methodology of teaching each of these groups of disciplines in conditions of experimental and experimental training.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): XXXVIII.

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