Translation of stylistic devices in literary works | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Отажанова, Л. О. Translation of stylistic devices in literary works / Л. О. Отажанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 24.2 (158.2). — С. 42-43. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.10.2024).

It is not secret that after the Independence the relations with foreign countries have been widely established. A number of young specialists have been sent to learn the advanced experience of developed countries. In this case foreign languages play an important role. First of all our President realized it very well. For example, his speech in the 9 session of OliyMajlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan where he said: “Nowadays our government is paying great attention to learning and teaching foreign languages. Of course, it is not in vain. It is important to appreciate the value of knowing languages thoroughly for our people who are building their great future in collaboration and in solidarity with foreign partners; for the country which is trying to occupy its deserving position in the world co-operation“(Karimov 1, 15).

Translating literary works is, perhaps, always more difficult than translating other types of text because literary works have specific values called the aesthetic and expressive values.

In the process of translation translator pays attention not only to express meaning, but also he tries to express the images emotionally.

As we know, similes have formal elements in their structure: connective words such as like, as, such as, as if, seem. Here, some examples of similes are taken from the novel. In the translation similes coincide with the following equivalents such as, “built like a castle’s battled wall”, “какгрозныйзамокбоевойand гўёқалъа, ёветмасқўрғон”.

  1. “It is the form the eye, the word,

The bearing of that stranger lord,

His stature, manly bold, and tall,

Built like a castle’s battled wall.”(Ф.Купер1,58).

“Лицо таинственного лорда,

Его манеры, облок гордый

Его осинка и движение

Все вызывало восхищение;

Он был высокий и прямой

Как грозный замок боевой (Ф.Купер2,34).


Ишораси, мағруркелбати,


Бари лолқолдирародамни;

Бўйдорэди, адлэдиқомат,


Гўёқалъа, ёветмасқўрғон.”(Ф.Купер 3,41).

  1. “Hunted like a beast of the forest!”(Ф.Купер1,125).

“Травят, как дикого зверя!” (Ф.Купер2, 84)

Худдиваҳшийҳайвондайовлашяпти!”(Ф.Купер 3,121).

For example,


“O, wo, O woful, wofulwoful day!

Most lamentable day; moat woful day

That ever, ever, I did yet behold!

O day! O day! O day! O hateful day!

Never was seen so black a day as this;

O woful day! O woful day!”(Ф.Купер1,143).

“О горе! Горький, горький, горький день!

Плачевный, самый горький деньиз всех,

Какие приходилось видеть мне

Проклятый, страшный, ненавистный день!

Нет, мир не знал таких ужасных дней

О горький день! О горький день!” (Ф.Купер2,98).


Энгбадбахткунбўлди шу бугун!


Энграсвокун бўлди шу бугун!

Лаънати, даҳшатли, нафратибир кун!

Йўқбундайжирканч кун билмаганочун

Оҳқора кун! Қоп-қорабу кун!”(Ф.Купер 3,143).

With the help of “Most lamentable day”, “Плачевный, самыйгорькийденьизвсех” and “Энгбадбахткун” author and translator expressesthe exaggeration.

For greater objectivity of the analysis three fragments have been chosen from texts of the original and translation of the novel. Between corresponding English, Russian and Uzbek offers comparison owing to what numerous discrepancies have been revealed has been made.

Some of them are admissible within the limits of art translation. The majority of discrepancies does not deform sense of the original, but does translation hardly by more free, than it would be possible to make. Very often small fragments of the text are exposed to following transformations: the word order, borders of offers and distribution attributes in a fragment varies, and the reasons of similar changes are not clear — the sense can be transferred and without such strong rephrasing. I.e. the translator tends to lower level of equivalence there where it is absolutely not obligatory. Probably, it speaks desire to make translation by more art, but in opinion of the author of this work translation would not lose the figurativeness without these changes. On the contrary, in opinion of the author, translation in some places concedes on figurativeness to the original, and it occurs because of propensity of the translator to liberties. Any deviation from the text of the original, not proved by objective necessity, is undesirable, because postpones translation from the author's text. Certainly, in this question the great role is played with a subjective sight of translation, both translator and the author can quite not coincide, but considering quantity of cases of such discrepancy, the author nevertheless will dare to consider the point of view of more objective.

It is necessary to tell, that the translator with great respect concerns to translational activity and by the experience knows, is how much uneasy there is a work of the translator. Therefore some criticism which is present at this work is directed not against the given concrete translation and used with the unique purpose to reveal translational difficulties and if it is possible, it is a facilitated work to other translators.


  1. Karimov I. A. Ўзбекистониқтисодийислоҳотларничуқурлаштиришйўлида.-Тошкент: Ўзбекистон, 1995.-15–88б.
  2. Ф.Купер. TheSpy. «Прогресс», 1975.
  3. Ф.Купер. Шпион. Перевод с английского Э.Бер, Е. Шишмаревой, Минск «Юнацтва»,1991.
  4. Ф.Купер. Жосус. «Шарқ»,1995.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): день, Купер.

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