Problems of the success of training | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №27 (161) июль 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 07.07.2017

Статья просмотрена: 20 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Каюмова, Ш. Т. Problems of the success of training / Ш. Т. Каюмова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 27 (161). — С. 128-130. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The practice of the school has long been proven that every schoolchild who does not have any organic defects can absorb the knowledge in the scope of the school curriculum, however, in all cases it is not possible to achieve the required level of mastery and individual students have difficulty learning the teaching material.

The problem of academic achievement is very complex, its research involves many different approaches, but they all cluster around two main aspects of the problem:

1) how the teacher teaches;

2) how the schoolboy learns and how this development takes place.

Specialists of different branches of pedagogical science paid primary attention to one or the other side of this problem. So, didacts the main object of study are the pedagogical conditions, the peculiarities of the educational process, which contribute to the overcoming of poor progress. Psychologists direct attention to the study of the personality characteristics of underachieving students, manifested in the process of learning, to identify the specific nature of the process of their learning activities. On the question — what are the typical combinations of features of schoolchildren, determining the nature of underachievement — are the answers to psychological research.

The didactic basis for such studies is contained in the work of A.M Helmont. In this work, a differentiated analysis of the underachievement of schoolchildren and their causes is given. One of the criteria that A. M. Gelmont laid in the basis of differentiation of underachievement is psychological in nature — this is the degree of ease (or difficulty) in overcoming the negative phenomenon. The main reasons are those that depend on the student:

1) poor preparedness and significant gaps in knowledge;

2) a negative attitude toward learning;

3) lack of a habit of organized work, insufficient level of general development.

A. Helmont points out how the reasons depending on the teacher and the student are closely interrelated, how effective is the pedagogical approach that relies on the knowledge of the individual characteristics of the pupils and how the lack of this approach leads to the formation of new negative qualities in the learning process that further hamper the learning process. Long-term unsuccessfulness causes a schoolchild's moral and psychological trauma, generates unbelief in their strength.

V.I Semohvalova singles out three indicators on the basis of which differences in the behavior of children and the characteristics of their personality can be considered:

1) attitude towards the teaching;

2) organization of educational work;

3) mastering knowledge and skills.

These indicators can be differently manifested in children with the same success, because there is no unequivocal connection between the degree of success in teaching and the attitude toward learning. Characterizing groups of children with the same success can be identified any one group of traits, which determines everything else. This situation develops in one of the works of A. S. Slavina, where the author describes in detail the features of the mental activity of underachieving children, called «intellectual passivity». This «passivity» manifests itself in the unwillingness to think, in an effort to avoid any mental effort. It is found in schoolchildren in the implementation of educational activities.

His research A. A. Budarknyi uses this to justify the need to introduce differentiated forms of training in the lesson. Studying the research of psychologists, he observed how students of one class perceive and assimilate the lesson material. By dividing the students into groups, A. A. Budarnyi relies on such psychological features:

1) Learnability, manifested in varying degrees of ease and speed of learning;

2) Operability.

A. A. Budarny believes that reduced learning ability is compensated by high working capacity and, on the contrary, high learning ability is ineffective in combination with low working capacity.

In his works M.N Volokitin relies on the attitude of students to study. She believes that students with a highly developed sense of student duty compensate by diligence in the difficulty of teaching. Students who formally refer to the training sessions are convinced of the inability to resolve their problems. The works of N. A. Menchinskaya and Z. I. Kalmykova showed that students do not know the rational methods of memorizing educational material and do not know how to think that they are not trained in these skills. The concept of «learning» was used by B.G Ananiev, treating this term as a child's receptivity to learning. The difference in learning ability is manifested in schoolchildren quite widely with the assimilation of various subjects and in different types of activity, and is also characterized by relative stability.

G. A. Antonova in her studies came to the conclusion that the relative stability of the «style» of mental work, manifested in schoolchildren in the process of solving various teaching problems, indicates that they have formed to a greater or lesser extent the quality or Property of the mind. But this does not mean that children who show reduced learning ability are doomed to permanent failures in teaching.

This indicates that they have formed some negative qualities of the mind, which manifest themselves when demands are made for independent mental activity. Therefore, long-term special work is aimed not only at enriching children with knowledge, skills and skills, but, first of all, changing the qualities of their thinking activity, changing their approach to the process of mastering knowledge and applying them to solve new problems. Thus, learning, i.e. The ability to learn, is an individual, relatively stable property of the individual. High learning ability promotes more intensive mental development. However, with a high mental development, a relatively lower learning ability can be combined, which is compensated by a large work capacity. These conclusions are noted in the works of A. A. Budarnyi and N.S Leites.

The notion of «zone of proximal development» introduced by L.S Vygotsky, which means the mental abilities of students realized in cooperation with adults, with their help, retains its significance.

In studies on the psychology of learning, aimed at analyzing the features of learning ability, two tasks are combined:

1) finding out how, in what ways schoolchildren themselves «extract» new knowledge;

2) the establishment of types of assistance, which are necessary to ensure that the student can successfully cope with the task.

In other words, the learning process is mediated individually by the student's psychological abilities, and also because of what and how the pupil is taught.

N. S. Leythis introduced the notion of «psychological components of assimilation», by which he understood the associated polyhedral aspects of the psyche of students, without activation and corresponding orientation of which learning does not reach the goal. Such components include:

1) the positive attitude of students towards learning;

2) the processes of direct sensory acquaintance with the material;

3) the process of thinking as a process of active processing of the received material;

4) the process of storing and storing received and processed information.

Many psychologists, analyzing the learning process, note that it is an insufficiently controlled process. One of the possible ways to make learning a controlled process is the special organization of the process of assimilation as a process of the given. The most developed in this direction is the system of training, based on the theory of step-by-step formation of intellectual actions of P.Ya.Halperin. According to this theory, the processes of internalization of actions are taking place — the gradual transformation of external actions into internal, mental. Accordingly, the training process is built. The search for other opportunities to manage the learning process is associated with the development of the psychological foundations of programmed instruction (LN Landa, etc.). Programmed learning involves the organization of training, when the student cannot make the next «step» in mastering, not mastering the previous ones. The student always gives information about how he learns the material. Feedback operates all the time and allows you to adjust the process in accordance with the individual characteristics of learning, ensuring the activity of each student. Each student is taught at the pace, rhythm, and style that is optimal for him. V.V Davydov considers a theoretical need for and motivation for the student's educational activity to be a theoretical attitude to reality and the corresponding ways of orientation. Put an academic task before the schoolchild — this means introducing it into a situation that requires an orientation towards a meaningfully general way of solving it in all possible particular and specific conditions. One of the most important components of learning activity is a system of special actions to solve problems. He singles out the following training activities, which, depending on the specific conditions for their implementation, correspond to the operations:

1) transformation of the situation to reveal the general relation of the system under consideration;

2) simulation of the distinguished relationship in graphic and sign form;

3) transformation of the relationship model to study its properties in a «pure form»;

4) highlighting and constructing a series of particular practical

Tasks, given birth in a common way;

5) monitoring the implementation of previous actions;

6) an assessment of the mastery of the general method as a result of the solution of this learning task.

The formation of a full-fledged educational activity for junior schoolchildren can occur only on the basis of a certain principle of material deployment adequate to a meaningful generalization that is determined by the theoretical forms of social consciousness and the requirements of spiritual production. At present, this is feasible only in specially organized experimental conditions.


  1. «Questions of general child psychology» / ed. B. G. Anan'eva, M., 1954.
  2. «Questions of warning of underachievement of schoolchildren» // Sb. Articles ed. Yu.K. Babansky, Rostov-on-Don, 1972
  3. Vygotsky, L.S. «Problems of Learning and Mental Development» // Selected Studies. M., 1956.

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