The role of information and computer technologies in self-education | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Боранбаева, А. Р. The role of information and computer technologies in self-education / А. Р. Боранбаева, К. М. Беркимбаев, Г. П. Мейрбекова, К. М. Арымбаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 34 (168). — С. 87-90. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The article deals with the nessesity of formation of the informational society and educational problems causing difficulty in many countries in making new steps for transition to civilization. The role of information and computer technology as realities of the modern world in education removal is defined. It also defines classes of informational computer technologies, the main methodical functions and motives.

Keywords: informational society, education, self-education, knowledge, educational level, continuous educations

В статье показана объективная необходимость формирования информационного общества и охарактеризованы проблемы в сфере образования, осложняющие многим странам переход к новым ступеням цивилизационного развития. Раскрыта роль информационно-компьютерных технология как реальности современного мира в выведении образования. А также определены классы информационно- компьютерного технологии, основные методические функции и мотивы.

Ключевые слова: информационное общество, образование, самообразование, знания, уровень образования, непрерывное образования

In the modern world the qualitive education of Kazakhstan citizens is the most important strategic priority of the state. It must correspond to the most advanced level of world education and its educational standards. This task was set by the Head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev for a domestic educational system [1].

Educational system of the country intensified some affairs in integrating into the world educational space, doing the maximum approach of the activity to face the needs of international standards and requirements exposed in the conditions of globalization, the growing competition in recent years.

Education is recognized as one of the most important priorities of long-term Strategy «Kazakhstan — 2030".

Improvement of an educational system plays an important role in achievement of this purpose. The tasks set for educational system is formulated as following: «cardinal modernization of educational system, significant and steady increase in investments into education, improvement of its quality and entering to the European level».

Within this program new national vision of an educational system is offered: «By 2020 Kazakhstan — the educated country, clever economy and highly skilled labor» [2].

One of strategically important purposes in development of our country is human development in which key indicator is educational level. National economy is characterized by that is the economy relying on knowledge and that is part of information society.

Informational society is the society in which information is the most important resource and information processes and streams are the focal points.

Therefore, such society needs the working staff prepared for implementation of the activity in the conditions of informatization of all processes including educations. Educational institutions of all levels have to be focused on the solution of problems of educational informatization.

The concept «informational computer technology» of education is a set of methods and means of pedagogical technologies on the basis of the personal orientation and computer technology of training used according to regularities of educational process.

The following classes of information computer technologies are:

– the global informational computer technology including models, methods and means of formation and use of informational resource in society;

– the basic informational computer technology which is guided by a certain scope (production, scientific researches, design, training);

– the concrete informational computer technologies setting data processing in real tasks of the user [3].

Effective use of means of informational and communicational technologies is related to the formation of IT competence of all participants of educational process. In this regard IT competence requires to use in practical activities the acquired knowledge, skills in the field of information and communication technologies for access to information: processings, informational transfers, storages of information. It gives the chance to define IT competence of the specialist statistician.

It is necessary to understand the ability of using practical statistical activities as IT competence of the specialist is statistician of the acquired knowledge, skills in the field of main types of the information and communication technologies applied in statistics to access to statistical information: collecting, processing and distribution of statistical information.

Thus, formation of the IT competence of the specialist statistician which is basic for professional competence becomes a necessary basis of training future specialists’ statisticians [4].

Information technology — set concrete technical and software, and also working methods by means of which various operations on information processing in all spheres of human activity are carried out (social, cultural, legal, educational, scientific, production, administrative, financial, commercial, defensive, etc.).

Their preliminary classification is necessary for the correct understanding, estimation, competent use of information technologies in various spheres of life of society.

As a rule, there are following classification signs of information technologies:

1) destination and to nature of using (providing, functional);

2) the user interface (package, dialogue, network);

3) way of the organizations of network interaction (local, distributed, multilevel);

4) the principle of construction (functionally focused, object focused);

5) extent of coverage of management problems (technology of data processing, technology of management, technology of automation of office, technology of supporting decision-making, technology of expert systems);

6) nature of participation of technical means in dialogue with the user (directory, information advising);

7) way of production management technology (decentralized, centralized, hierarchical, centralized dispersed) [5].

New information technologies are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, new approach to training process.

Achievement of the listed purposes is possible by the application of information and communicative technologies, in particular, computer presentations in training in higher education institution.

Using computer presentations on in classes enables:

– to increase motivation of students;

– to use a large amount of illustrative material;

– to intensify occupation, having excluded time for writing on a board;

– to involve students in independent process of training.

The computer as a supportive application has a number of advantages: in it the video audio information, text information, possibility of record of own voice and further self-correction, a pronunciation is combined.

The main methodical functions realized by means of the computer are described as following: the informative — possibility of storage and processing large volume of information;

the training — using computer for training purpose of strong skills formation;

the controlling — corrective — application of computer presentations for the current and total control of results of educational activity; the communicative — communication on foreign chats is possible; the organizational stimulating.

Information and computer technologies attract the novelty and are the stimulating factor in providing performance of the following operations: a) acceptance and recognition answer of the trainee; c) analysis and definition of the correct answer; c) storing of result and message on it pupil.

Now teleconferences and videoconferences also actively introduce in the program of student teaching of students, in practice of professional development of teachers. This type of innovative informative technologies allows:

– create networks of distance learning and professional development of teachers;

– quickly to exchange information, ideas, plans, broadening the horizons, increasing the cultural level;

– form communicative skills, culture of communication at partners, is reasoned to prove the point of view, to listen and respect opinion of the partner;

– seize skill self-education with use of information and communication technologies; [2010–4].

Information and computer technologies include technologies of text processing, technology of work with databases, multimedia of technology, technology of recognition of symbols, telecommunication technologies, technologies of information security, technology of development of the software, technology of artificial intelligence, etc.) and functional (office technologies, financial technologies, information technologies in education, in the industries, corporate information technologies, information technologies of the automated design, etc.)

Big flexibility on environment, transition on «education throughout all life» is possible at creation only of the innovative environment of higher education institution in which modern methods and technologies of training of development of ability of independent thinking and positively influence quality of the acquired knowledge and abilities.

Information and computer technologies allow to individualize training, to exercise its control and self-checking; to model the studied phenomena and processes, to clearly demonstrate their development in the temporary and spatial movement.

Information and computer technologies optimize process of studying of any educational discipline, first of all in self-education, in self-educational activity and independent preparation in learning of foreign languages, profound studying of professional knowledge, formation of competences, performance of educational research tasks etc.

The classical theory of information society is based on such provisions as a source of a new stage of social development is knowledge, the information processed and distributed by means of information technologies; the escalating role is played by the professions connected with a high saturation knowledge and information.

Use of information technologies will allow to involve training in active work and to cause in them aspiration to knowledge acquisition, self-education and improvement of professionalism.

Ability to self-education is defined by psychological and intellectual indicators of each certain teacher, this ability is developed in the course of independent activity in information search, works with sources of information, analysis and introspection, monitoring of the activity and activity of colleagues, etc.

Let's define the components of this requirement, motives inducing the teacher to self-education:

– Daily work with information. Preparing lectures (to a lesson, performance, PTA meeting, a class hour, all-school action, the Olympic Games, etc.) there is a need of searching and the analysing new information

– Desire of creativity. The teacher — a profession creative. The creative person will not be able to work according to the same pourochny plan or the scenario from year to year, to read the same papers. There has to be a desire of the bigger. Work has to be interesting and give pleasure.

– Prompt growth of modern science. During an era of cars it is more useless to use a cart.

– The changes happening in life of society. These changes, first of all, are reflected in students, form their outlook, and respectively, very often, form an image of the teacher, as «unmodern person».

– Public opinion. To the teacher it is not indifferent, consider him «good» or «bad». It is a shame to be the bad teacher and it is offensive.

– Interest. To study just interestingly. How the person who daily learns, will constantly not study? Does he have the right to teach then?

The teacher independently gets knowledge from various sources, uses this knowledge in professional activity, development of the personality and own activity.

However, unfortunately, how abilities of the teacher to self-education were high, not always this process is realized in practice.

The reasons which are called most often by students future teachers, this lack of time, shortage of sources of information, absence of incentives, etc. It only manifestation of inertness of thinking and laziness of mind as self-improvement has to be the integral need of each teacher.

Thus, even to the professional expert, it is necessary to carry out constantly self-education in the field of programming. However various programming, environments of production of the software and technology are not equally widespread on production at various enterprises.

The key position of knowledge and self-education in economic development of information society led to that there was a washing out of borders between professional life and the period of formal and informal education, the ratio of such spheres of public life as education and economy changed; knowledge gained value of fixed capital, fundamental social factor of social and economic development of any country.

In an education system from a position of formation of information society as a result of introduction of new information technologies practical development of informal education will be continued.

The existing closed educational environment will be replacement with the open educational environment consisting of network knowledge:

– there will be a deep individualization of process of training on the basis of the programs considering interests of opportunity trained and teachers;

– self-education and self-training will be approved as the leading forms of education.

Development and distribution of information and computer technologies in self-education and training will significantly expand possibilities of the new knowledge which is trained in acquisition, self-education and establishment of contacts with other people.

Functions of the teacher will be limited to consultation and assistance in the decision and abilities; there will be an orientation of process of training to creative activity of pupils in the course of assimilation of socially valuable content of education; the major place in the formed educational systems of information societies will be taken by «education during all life» [7].

Thus, application of new information and computer technologies in an education system and self-education forms motivation and interests, develops mental abilities, promotes development of a multilingualism and interest in studying of several foreign languages, improves skills and abilities trained, promotes mobility of students and the faculty of universities and creates possibilities of introduction of competitiveness between higher education institutions.


  1. A state program of a development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011–2020, — Astana, Akorda, of December 7, 2010.
  2. A state program of a development of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016–2019, — Astana, Akorda, of March 1, 2016 No. 205
  3. Stepanov O. S. scientific and pedagogical bases of application of new information technologies in vocational training of students of economics departments. Diss. Kand. Ped. sciences. 13.00.08. Stavropol state university. Stavropol 2000, 218p.
  4. Kalinovsky Yu.I. Development of social and professional mobility of an andragog in the context of sociocultural educational policy of the region Thesis of the Doctor of pedagogical sciences. S.Pb.2001
  5. Information technologies [Text]: studies. a grant / under the editorship of I. A. Konopleva. — M.: Shopping Mall Velbi, Publishing house Prospectus, 2007. — 304 pages.
  6. Informatics [Text]: textbook. — 3rd revised edition/under the direction of N. V. Makarova. — М.: Finansy and statistics, 2001. — 768 p
  7. Masoud I. Informatsional society as a post-industrial society M., 1997. — 33p
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): PTA, информационное общество.

Ключевые слова

education, self-education, knowledge, informational society, educational level, continuous educations

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